As Educators one of our major goals is the sharing of information with students and other educators. Do you have an idea, technique, or presentation that you feel would be of interest to other educators? Consider submitting these information gifts for posting on the CANTOP web page.
NOTE: This section of the CANTOP site is currently under development. Check back for changes. Thank you for your patience.
Examples of Information Gifts:
- course assignments
- rubrics
- classroom demonstrations
- lists of useful websites
- favorite articles
- sample student projects
- stories of lessons learned
- anything else you have found relevant to educating psychology students.
All gifts accepted from faculty, staff, and graduate students interested in the teaching of psychology.
Submission information:
- Please format as a .pdf file. You may save both Power Point and Word documents in .pdf format. Using the .pdf format will allow anyone to open and view the information.
- Include a short 25-75 word description of your gift in your email to help viewers determine if your gift would be of interest to them.
- Include your contact information should the reader of your gift desire additional information
- Send your gift to the CANTOP conference director for inclusion in this year’s conference information.
- August 2012 Conference Director is:
Kim Buch
Please submit your Information gifts by TBA
Sample gift description to be included in the email
Title: Using Angry Birds to understand motivation theories.
Short Description:This group project is being used in introductory psychology. In this activity student groups are asked to use the theories of motivation to explain the popularity of Angry Birds.
Teaching Resources Available online
Society for the Teaching of Psychology (APA Division 2)
Teaching Tips from the Association for Psychological Science
Teaching Resources in Psychology