Register for the conference by sending an email to Please include your name, institutional affiliation, and the days for which you are registering.
Registration fees are as follows:
Prepaid registration is €30 per day and €15 per day for students. Payments should be made by bank transfer to IBAN BE83731039056215 (S. Moran, KBC Bank, Eiermarkt 20, 2000 Antwerpen, Belgium, BIC: KREDBEBB). Deadline for prepayment is April 17, 2015.
On-site registration is €35 per day and €20 per day for students. On-site payments are cash only!
For administrative reasons online registration is possible only through April 15. Thereafter, attendees should plan to register onsite during the conference and pay the onsite registration fee (€35/day or €20/day for students). There is still plenty of space available for onsite registrants.
All attendees may present their conference badge at the Rubenshuis for free admission to the exhibition “Rubens Privé”:
For questions about registration or payment, please feel free to contact the organizers at