In Progress
6.Imagining and Forgetting: The Mind-Body Connection in Early Modern France (1530-1750) Project funded by a grant from the American Philosophical Society and by a full-year faculty fellowship from the National Endowment for the Humanities
In Print
5. Henriette-Julie de Castelnau comtesse de Murat. Les Lutins du Kernosy. Critical Edition by Allison Stedman and Perry Gethner. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2024.
4. Henriette-Julie de Castelnau comtesse de Murat. The Sprites of Kernosy Castle. Edited and Translated by Allison Stedman and Perry Gethner. Toronto: Iter Press, 2024. (Distributed by University of Chicago Press)
3. Henriette-Julie de Castelnau comtesse de Murat. Voyage de campagne. Critical Edition by Allison Stedman. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2014.
2. Rococo Fiction in France, 1600-1715: Seditious Frivolity. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell UP, hardcover 2013, paperback 2014. Winner “Outstanding Academic Title 2013” by Choice Book Awards.
1. A Trip to the Country: by Henriette-Julie de Castelnau, Comtesse de Murat. Intro. Allison Stedman, Ed. and Trans. Perry Gethner and Allison Stedman. Detroit MI: Wayne State University Press, 2011.
- Book Chapter:
“Stigmata and the Mind-Body Connection in Seventeenth-Century France,” in Body Marking in the Early Modern Period, Eds. Katherine Dauge-Roth and Peter Erikson. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
- Journal Article:
“L’oeuvre collective et la transformation de la sphère publique en France pendant la deuxième moitié du 17ème siècle.” Cornucopia, publication expected 2017-18.
- Reference Article:
“The Amours of Bonne Sforza, Queen of Polonia.” Co-authored with Eileen Jakeway. In The Cambridge Guide to the Eighteenth-Century Novel, 1660-1820. Ed. April London. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, publication expected 2017-18.
- Reference Article:
“Jean de Préchac’s The Chaste Seraglian; or, Yolanda of Sicily.” Co-authored with Eileen Jakeway. In The Cambridge Guide to the Eighteenth-Century Novel, 1660-1820. Ed. April London. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, publication expected 2017-18.
- Reference Article:
“Jean de Préchac’s The English Princess.” Co-authored with Eileen Jakeway. In The Cambridge Guide to the Eighteenth-Century Novel, 1660-1820. Ed. April London. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, publication expected 2017-18.
- Book Chapter:
“Perspectives on the Civilizing Process: Teaching French and Italian Fairy Tales in Translation.” In Teaching Fairy Tales. Ed. Nancy L. Canepa. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press, forthcoming 2017.
In Print
- Journal Article:
“Prospettive sul processo di civilizzazione.” Line@editoriale [En ligne], N° 008 – 2016, Varia, mis à jour le : 16/09/2017, URL :
- Book Chapter:
“Secret History in Pre-Revolutionary France.” In Secret History in the Long Eighteenth Century. Ed. Rachel Carnell and Rebecca Bullard (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2017) 205-15.
- Reference Article:
“Charles Perrault’s Histoires et contes du temps passé [Stories and Tales from Times Past].” The Literary Encyclopedia. Ed. Robert Clark and Cristina Sandru. WEB, 2015.
- Reference Article:
“Marie-Catherine le Jumel de Barneville, comtesse d’Aulnoy.” The Literary Encyclopedia. Ed. Robert Clark and Cristina Sandru. WEB, 2015.
- Journal article:
“Lafayette Rewrites History, Murat Rewrites Lafayette: the Novel and the Transfiguration of the Social Sphere in Old-Regime France.” Cahiers du dix-septième: An Interdisciplinary Journal XIV (2012) 1-21.
- Book Chapter:
“ ‘The Savage’ by Henriette-Julie de Castelnau, comtesse de Murat,” trans. Allison Stedman, in Marvelous Transformations: An Anthology of Tales and New Critical Perspectives, Ed. Christine Jones and Jennifer Shacker (Ontario: Broadview, 2012) 201-18.
- Book Chapter:
“Jean Racine, Marie-Jeanne Lhéritier de Villandon, and Charles Perrault: A Revised Triumvirate,” in Options for Teaching 17th and 18th-Century French Women Writers. (New York: Modern Languages Association of America, 2011) 101-8.
- Journal Article:
“Prolepic Subversion: Longing for the Middle Ages in the Fin-de-siècle French Fairy Tale.” The Romanic Review 99:2 (2008) 369-86.
- Journal Article:
“Teaching the Interdisciplinary Seventeenth-Century to Undergraduates: A Literary Historian’s Perspective,” Cahiers du dix-septième: An Interdisciplinary Journal XI: 1 (2006) 103-122.
- Reference Article:
“Marie-Jeanne Lhéritier de Villandon,” Dictionnaire des femmes de l’Ancienne France (Paris: SIEFAR, 2006) Translated into French by Séverine Geneieys-Kirk and republished in the same Encyclopedia in 2008.
- Journal Article:
“D’Aulnoy’s Histoire d’Hypolite, comte de Duglas (1690): a Fairy-Tale Manifesto,” Marvels & Tales: Journal of Fairy-Tale Studies 19:1 (2005) 32-53.
- Book Chapter:
“Sacred Writings, Secular Identities: D’Aulnoy’s Manipulation of the Psalm-Paraphrase Tradition,”Intersections. Ed. Faith E. Beasley and Kathleen Wine (Tubingen: Gunter Narr, 2005) 347-356. Reprinted online in Literature Criticism from 1400-1800 (Detroit: Thompson Gale, 2014).
- Journal Article:
“Charmed Eloquence: L’héritier’s Representation of Female Literary Creativity In Late Seventeenth-Century France,” Cahiers du dix-septième: An Interdisciplinary Journal IX:2 (2004) 107-115.
- Reference Article:
“Marie-Catherine Le Jumel de Barneville, Comtesse d’Aulnoy,” Dictionary of Literary Biography: Seventeenth-Century French Literature, Ed. Françoise Jaoüen. (Detroit: Thompson Gale, 2003).
- Journal Article:
“A Gallery of Authors: The Politics of Innovation and Subversion in Montpensier’s Divers Portraits (1659).” Genre 33 (Summer, 2000) 129-49.
In Print
9. Review of Témoigner des miracles au siècle des Lumières: Récits et discours de Saint-Médard by Michèle Bokobza Kahan. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2015. H-France Review 16:265 (November 2016) 1-3.
8. Review of Method and Variation: Narrative in Early Modern French Thought. Ed. Emma Gilby and Paul White. Oxford: Legenda, 2013. French Studies 68:4 (October 2014) 542-543.
7. Review of Licensing Loyalty. Printers, Patrons and the State in Early Modern France by Jane McLeod (University Park, PA: Penn State UP, 2010) The French Review 85:6 (May 2012) 1183.
6. Review of State and Society in Eighteenth-Century France: A Study of Political Power and Social Revolution in Languedoc, by Stephen Miller (Washington D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2008). The French Review. 83.4 (March 2010) 889-90.
5. Review of Vaux and Versailles: The Appropriations, Erasures and Accidents that Made Modern France, by Claire Goldstein (Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania Press, 2008). The French Review 82.4 (March 2009) 898-9.
4. Review of Dramaturgie de la tragédie en musique (1673-1764), by Laura Naudeix (Paris: Honoré Champion, 2004). The French Review 80.6 (October 2007) 24-5.
3. Review of Salonnières, Furies and Fairies: The Politics of Gender and Cultural Change in Absolutist France, by Anne E. Duggan (Newark, DE: University of Delaware Press, 2005). Marvels & Tales: Journal of Fairy-Tale Studies 20:2 (2006) 270-2.
2. Review of Nobility Reimagined. The Patriotic Nation in Eighteenth-Century France, by Jay M. Smith (Ithaca: Cornell UP, 2005) The French Review 79:6 (May 2006) 87-8.
1. Review of Poésie, musique et sociabilité au XVIIè siècle: Les livres d’airs de différents auteurs publiés chez Ballard de 1658 à 1694, by Anne-Madeleine Goulet (Paris: Champion, 2004). The French Review 79:1 (October 2005) 182-3.