German Language
all levels of basic and intermediate German Language
- GERM 1201 and 1202
- GERM 2201 and 2202
upper levels of German courses:
- Holocaust in German Literature and Film
- DDR: So war sie und wo ist sie heute?
- Jugendkultur
- Jugendliteratur
- GERM 3201: Advanced German Grammar and Composition
- GERM 3202: Advanced German Grammar and Conversation
- GERM 4410: German Internship
Translation: German-English
- TRAN 4402: Practicum in Translation I
- TRAN 4403: Practicum in Translation II
- TRAN 4404: Practicum in Translation III
- TRAN 3401: Theory of Translation
French Language and Literature
- Introduction to French Literature
- all levels of basic and intermediate French
- Translation French<->English
- basic and intermediate Spanish
Comparative Literature
- World Culture and Thought: team-taught interdisciplinary humanities course
- Comparative Literature: Great Books before 1800
- Comparative Literature: Great Books after 1800
- Russian Literature in Translation
Critical Theory
- Introduction to Critical Theory
English Composition and Literature
- English Composition For International Students
- English Composition 11
- English Graduate Seminar: “Robert Frost and T.S Eliot:”
- English Graduate Seminar: “Negations in Literature”