Dr. Danillo Augusto, Principal Investigator
Email: danillo.augusto@charlotte.edu

Dr. Verónica Calonga Solís, Post-Doctoral Researcher
Verónica Calonga Solís obtained her bachelor’s degree in Genetics at the National University of Misiones in Argentina. She finished her master’s and doctoral studies in Genetics at the Federal University of Paraná in Brazil; and afterwards, she held a postdoctoral position at the University of Lübeck in Germany.
Throughout her career she investigated the genetic diversity of human populations, and the genetic causes underlying multifactorial and monogenic diseases. At Augusto Lab, she is continuing her research on the molecular bases of complex diseases and phenotypes, and on human population genetics. She has experience in Immunogenetics, Population Genetics, Molecular Genetics and Bioinformatics.
Email: vcalonga@charlotte.edu

Dr. Ticiana Farias, Post-Doctoral Researcher
Ticiana obtained her bachelor’s degree in Biology Sciences and Master’s degree in Cell and Developmental Biology at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Florianópolis, Brazil). She obtained her PhD in Genetics at the Universidade do Paraná (Curitiba, Brazil), with an internship at Universität zu Lübeck, Germany. Previously, she was a post-doctoral fellow at the Fiocruz Parana Institute, and the University of Colorado (Aurora, USA).
She has focused on researching polymorphisms and differential expression levels of leukocyte receptors complex (LRC) region and HLA genes in human populations and complex diseases susceptibility, such as autoimmunity, cancer, and infectious diseases. In addition, she has developed research with focus on variability of non-RNA coding (miRNA, lncRNA) genes in complex diseases.
Email: Ticiana.farias@charlotte.edu

Dr. Ivan Rodrigo Wolf, Post-Doctoral Researcher
Ivan is a Bioinformatician with a Bachelor’s degree in Biology and PhD in Biotechnology at State University of São Paulo, Brazil. He has experience in the use and development of bioinformatics tools to better understands biological systems and complex phenotypes. His research interests include Genomics, RNA-Seq, and Pattern Recognition using Machine learning.
Email: iwolf@charlotte.edu

Jonathan Beaumont, Ph.D. Student
Jonathan received his Bachelor’s Degree in Biology from Charlotte in 2023 and started his Ph.D. shortly thereafter. He has experience in both molecular biology and bioinformatics and seeks to integrate both in his research. His interests center on bioinformatics, genomics, and immunology, with a focus on the NKC and HLA regions of the genome. In his free time, he enjoys spending time outside, reading, cars, and trying new restaurants and food.
Email: jbeaumo1@charlotte.edu

Javier Avalos Núñez, Ph.D. Student
Javier received his Bachelor’s Degree in biology with a minor in biotechnology, and a concentration in microbiology from Charlotte. He began his PhD journey in Dr. Augusto’s lab in 2023 due to his interests in genomics, immunology, and molecular biology. He’s particularly interested in NK cell biology, and how these cells are activated and regulated through their receptome, especially in the context of complex autoimmune diseases like Pemphigus foliaceus. Javier’s research project involves the sequencing of genomic regions encoding NK cell receptors, and the application of cellular and molecular biology techniques to functionally validate novel associations between variants and interesting aspects of disease mechanism and NK cell biology. In his free time, he enjoys reading, playing video games, and watching TV.
Email: javalosn@charlotte.edu

April N Harris, BS, CG, MB (ASCP)
April received her bachelor’s degree in biology with a minor in chemistry from Winston-Salem State University. She is ASCP Board Certified in both Molecular Biology and Cytogenetics. She has clinical experience with chromosome analysis and FISH microscopy of rare and complex genetic anomalies. She currently works full time at
UNCC as a sequencing specialist in the Bioinformatics and Genomics research department. There she aids professors and students in various sequencing projects, one of which is the surveillance of the SARS-CoV-2 virus from wastewater. During the height of the pandemic, she worked in UNCC’s COVID lab performing all the RNA
extractions and PCR tests for students and faculty affected by the virus. Her goal is to become a genetic counselor, where she will help doctors, patients and researchers understand and explore genetic risk factors and outcomes.
Email: aharr206@charlotte.edu

Aniqa Azam, Undergraduate Researcher
Aniqa recently obtained dual Bachelor of Science degrees in Biology and Health Systems Management from UNCC. Throughout her undergraduate journey, she had the privilege of delving into captivating fields such as genetics, immunology, and molecular biology, which ignited a profound passion within her. Currently, she is taking a gap year, where her primary objective is to gather invaluable research and clinical experience before she applies to medical school in the upcoming cycle.
Email: aazam@charlotte.edu

Nishi Patel, Undergraduate Researcher
Nishi is am a senior majoring in Biology and Health Systems Management. After graduating, she plans to take a gap year to further her knowledge of genetics by continuing to work in the lab and to gain more clinical experience before applying to medical school. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with friends and family, watching movies and TV shows, and listening to music.
Email: npate165@charlotte.edu

Raquel Moore, Undergraduate Researcher
Raquel is a recent graduate of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte with a B.S. in Biology. She grew up in Charlotte, NC, and enjoys exploring the greenways and gardening. Her passions for the health sciences and community service has inspired her gap year where she plans to volunteer and gain valuable clinical and research experience.
Email: rmoor117@charlotte.edu

Savannah Poston, Undergraduate Researcher
Savannah is a senior majoring in Biology and Chemistry. She is interested in Genetics and Molecular Biology. After she graduates, she plans to get her Masters Degree and and then pursue a Ph.D.
Email: sposton5@charlotte.edu

Jordan Ware, Undergraduate Researcher
Jordan is a senior biology major with a sociology minor. She enjoys learning all about how humans work both biologically and socially. She hopes to continue her studies in the medical field where she can learn how to help others and pursue unique research that betters people health.
Email: jware12@charlotte.edu