Peer Reviewed Papers
“High Resolution Conflict Forecasting with Spatial Convolutions and Long Short-Term Memory”
International Interactions
“Few-Shot Upsampling for Protest Size Detection“
Findings of ACL-ICJNLP 2021.
with Andrew Halterman.
“Regressing Location on Text for Probabilistic Geocoding”
Proceedings of the CASE Workshop at ACL-IJCNLP 2021.
“CASE 2021 Task 2: Zero-Shot Classification of Fine-Grained Sociopolitical Events with Transformer Models”
Proceedings of the CASE Workshop at ACL-IJCNLP 2021.
“Death by political party: The relationship between COVID-19 deaths and political party affiliation in the United States”
World Medical & Health Policy.
with Jingjing Gao.
“Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Detection and Cross-Document Coreference Resolution of Militarized Interstate Disputes“
Proceedings of the Workshop on Automated Extraction of Socio-political Events from News 2020.
“Multitask Models for Supervised Protest Detection in Texts“
CLEF 2019 Working Notes.
“Automated Dictionary Generation for Political Event Coding“
Political Science Research and Methods. Pre-publication PDF
“Enemy at the Gates: Variation in Economic Growth from Civil Conflict”
Journal of Conflict Resolution: 61(10):2105-2129. Pre-publication PDF.
with Shahryar Minhas.
mmtsne: an R package for multiple maps t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding.
Technical Papers
“Network Traffic Anomaly Detection Using Recurrent Neural Networks”
Proceedings of the 2017 MSS National Symposium on Sensor & Data Fusion
Available at arXiv:1803.10769.
with Leonardo Apolonio, Antonio Trias, and Jim A. Simpson.
“Anomaly Detection in Cyber Network Data Using a Cyber Language Approach”
2018 ASA Symposium on Data Science and Statistics.
Available at arXiv:1808.10742.
with Bartley D. Richardson, Shawn E. Davis, Keegan Hines, and David Pekarek.
“Sequence Aggregation Rules for Anomaly Detection in Computer Network Traffic”
2018 ASA Symposium on Data Science and Statistics.
Available at arXiv:1805.03735.
with Bartley D. Richardson and Shawn E. Davis.
“Small-scale prediction of IEDs in Afghanistan using split-population duration regression”
Submitted to the Office of Naval Research.
with Andreas Beger and Michael D. Ward.
“Comparing GDELT and ICEWS Event Data”
Published online; available at Research Gate.
with Michael D. Ward, Andreas Beger, Josh Cutler, Matthew Dickenson, and Cassy Dorff.
“The Evolution of US Policy towards Iran’s Nuclear Program: Lessons for the Obama Administration”
UNC Asheville Journal of Undergraduate Research.
“Iran Likely to Take Accusatory Stance at CWC Review Conference”
WMD Insights (April): 39-43.
“Summary of Recent United Nations Security Council, European Union, and United States Sanctions Against Iran”
WMD Insights (April): 44-50.
with Leonard Spector.
“Algeria, Emirates Plan Nonproliferation-Friendly Nuclear Programs; Egypt Keeps Fuel Cycle Options Open, Rejects Expanded IAEA Monitoring”
WMD Insights (June): 2-7.
with Leonard Spector.