My expertise is atmospheric physics and chemistry, and I link my expertise to diverse topics through Earth system data analysis. I try to keep my ResearchGate profile, ORCID profile, and Publons/ResearcherID profile up to date, but I also regularly update my publications page.
At sub-regional scales, I study air quality through monitoring with both low-cost sensors and regulatory sensors, and how this intersects with community and citizen science, and even advocacy. I work with students on both research projects and classroom projects to learn more about how air quality and air pollution can not only be understood, but communicated effectively.
At large scales, I used varying methods to study how fire, climate, lightning, and human activities are connected and changing. I worked with colleagues on research related to the interactions of geological processes with moisture and temperature, and I worked with students in my research group on a number of different air quality and climate research projects.
The thread connecting my expertise and these different projects is the Earth system and data analysis.