First year of the lab comes to a close!

Categories: Updates

Almost all lab members got together to enjoy lunch at the close of the fall semester and celebrate the first year of the Carter Lab. We toasted to Alison’s B.Sc. graduation and Ruth’s M.Sc. graduation – both are continuing in the lab next semester as M.Sc. and Ph.D. students, respectively. Though Tim couldn’t make it, he was still there in spirit (and photoshop).

Bhuwan, Dallas, and Alison present at the departmental research symposium

Categories: Updates

The Carter Lab showed up in full force for our first Biological Sciences Research Symposium with 3 students presenting small-format posters focused on the methods for their projects. Bhuwan and Dallas both got perfect scores from their science communication judges!

Aylha Pferschy Joins the Lab!

Categories: Updates

A new undergraduate researcher has joined the lab – Aylha Pferschy. She is a senior in biological sciences and will be working on basic culturing and phenotyping of a novel bacterial-fungal symbiosis as part of a collaboration with USDA ARS.

The Carter Lab attends NC ASM Chapter Meeting

Categories: Conferences

Alison Moore (undergraduate student), Lauren Carneal (technician), Dr. Carter, and Bhuwan Abbot (graduate student) attended the North Carolina American Society for Microbiology Chapter meeting in Durham, NC in November. Dr. Carter presented a talk in the Host-Microbe Interactions session on our new Btl protein preprint.