Thomas Hudson, CERMICS – École des Ponts ParisTech |
Title: Stability and motion of screw dislocations in a lattice model |
Abstract:Dislocations are defects found in crystalline solids, and their motion provides a mechanism through which such materials may plastically deform. In this talk, I will present a series of results concerning a lattice model in which configurations containing screw dislocations may be identified as local minima of a certain energy. Based upon this description, a stochastic model is then proposed for thermally-driven dislocation motion. In the limit of low temperature, a Large Deviations Principle for the evolution can be found, showing that the most probable trajectory of the system is along solutions of a generalized gradient flow. These results provide a first rigorous identification of a regime in which Discrete Dislocation Dynamics models, commonly simulated by Materials Scientists in practice, is valid. |
Wednesday May 4th, at 2:00PM Math Conference room
Categories: Spring 2022