Speaker: Dr. Linquan Bai (Department of Systems Engineering & Engineering Management, UNC Charlotte)
Date/Time/Place: 2:00–3:00pm, March 27 (Friday), Fretwell 315.
Title: Transition to Risk Driven Power Grid Operation and Management
Abstract: Affordable and reliable electricity is fundamental to society. Today’s power grid is facing more risks than ever from uncertain renewable power generation, more frequent severe weather events, and cyber-attacks. Integrating emerging technologies such as renewable energy, energy storage, and electric vehicles, the management system of the power grid should evolve to a risk-driven paradigm to effectively manage, hedge and mitigate the system risks. The transition of the power grid management system necessitate advanced risk-theory to analyze probability and uncertainty quantification of renewable generation and vulnerability in power grid topology, optimization approaches for risk-averse optimal power grid scheduling, machine learning for cyberattack detection, etc. I will present the challenges today’s power grid is facing and applications of these new theories and methodologies in addressing the challenges.