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Diana M Rowan
2012-2016. (Principal Investigator) U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Minority AIDS Research Initiative (MARI), ($1,070,000). Accessing young Black men who have sex with men for HIV prevention through social networking.
Selected Peer Reviewed and Invited Presentations
Inclusion of HIV/AIDS related coursework in CSWE accredited social work programs, May 2008. National Conference on Social Work and HIV/AIDS, Washington, D.C. (peer-reviewed oral presentation)
Social work student perceptions/experiences of the HIV/AIDS pandemic: A comparison between students in U.S. and sub-Saharan Africa (Botswana and Malawi). May 2009. National Conference on Social Work and HIV/AIDS, New Orleans, LA. (peer-reviewed oral presentation)
Empowering African HIV/AIDS orphans through teaching them vocational trades. May 2009. National Conference on Social Work and HIV/AIDS, New Orleans, LA. (peer-reviewed oral presentation)
The Faces of AIDS. November 2009. The Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, San Antonio, TX. (peer-reviewed oral presentation/workshop)
“Doing More with Less”: Burnout Prevention Strategies for HIV Service Providers in Recessionary Times. May 2010. National Conference on Social Work and HIV/AIDS. Denver, CO. (peer-reviewed oral presentation)
The Face of AIDS: An MSW student art therapy project. June 2010. 2010 Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development, Hong Kong, China. (International) (peer-reviewed oral presentation)
Responding to social work student perceptions of HIV/AIDS across cultures: A pedagogical approach to opening dialogue across cultures. June 2010. 2010 Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development, Hong Kong, China. (International) (peer-reviewed oral presentation)
The reality-based helping triad: A model for teaching and learning interviewing skills. October 2010. Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Portland, OR. (peer-reviewed oral presentation)
HIV prevention and care with members of the house/ball community. May 2011. National Conference on Social Work and HIV/AIDS. Atlanta, GA. (peer-reviewed poster)
Accessing the House/Ball community for HIV prevention and education: A method for reaching a high-risk sub-set of MSM (men who have sex with men). July 2011. International AIDS Society Conference, Rome, Italy. (International) (peer-reviewed poster)
Reactions of students and faculty to socio-cultural and political differences in studies abroad and international internships. October 2011. Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Atlanta, GA. (Invited panel presentation; one of 6 panelists)
The use of web-based social networking to reach young men who have sex with men of color for HIV prevention. May 2012. National Conference on Social Work and HIV/AIDS. Miami, FL. (peer-reviewed poster)
The 6 Continents Project: Linking social work classrooms around the world through asynchronous video. July 2012. 2012 World Conference on Social Work and Social Development, Stockholm, Sweden. (International)(Peer-reviewed oral presentation)
Sharing video across continents to teach students cultural competence. Phi Beta Delta Honor Society for International Scholars (international conference) April 2013. Charlotte, NC (Peer-reviewed oral presentation)
Re-thinking HIV: The sustained social work response. May 2013. National Conference on Social Work and HIV/AIDS. Chicago, Il. (Invited keynote presentation)
Legends, Statements, and Stars: Cultural competence in working with youth involved in house ball culture. October 2013. 1st Annual Queer Youth Conference, Charlotte, NC (peer-reviewed workshop)
Globalization of social work: Implications for CSWE accreditation, teaching, scholarship and service. November 2013. Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Dallas, TX. (peer-reviewed panel presentation, lead presenter)
MARI update – Accessing young Black MSM for HIV prevention through social networking. November 2013. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Exposition, Boston, MA. (oral presentation)
When shade turns violent. January 2014. National African American MSM Leadership Conference. Orlando, FL. (oral presentation)
FUBU for real: An intervention designed for and by Black gay/bi men and transgender women . January 2014. National African American MSM Leadership Conference. Orlando, FL. (oral presentation)
Rowan, D., Johnson, D. & Randall, E.M. Creating “Statusboiz/Statusgurlz”: Lessons learned in designing a new online HIV prevention intervention. May 2014. National Conference on Social Work and HIV/AIDS. Denver, CO. (peer –reviewed poster)
Rowan, D., Johnson, D. & Aaliyah Revlon, Legendary Mother of the House of Unbothered. Reaching the queens. May 2014. National Conference on Social Work and HIV/AIDS. Denver, CO. (peer reviewed workshop)
Johnson, D. & Rowan, D. FUBU for real: Who knows best? May 2014. National Conference on Social Work and HIV/AIDS. Denver, CO. (peer reviewed workshop)
Rowan, D. & Johnson, D. (October 17, 2014). Reflections of the new masculine: The “dual identity” of Black gay males. Carolina Conference on Queer Youth. UNC Charlotte. (peer reviewed presentation)
Rowan, D., Johnson, D. & Shears, J. (November 17, 2014). Utilizing a participant-driven approach to design and implement an online HIV prevention intervention for young Black MSM and Black transwomen. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA. (peer reviewed presentation)
Rowan, D. HIV and Black America: Addressing challenges through advocacy. (July 15, 2015). The Black AIDS Institute, Black Treatment Advocates Network. Charlotte, NC (Invited presentation)
Rowan, D. Unique vulnerabilities of collegiate and professional athletes: How can social workers respond? (October 16, 2015.) Social Work in Sports 2015: The Time Has Come. Denver, CO (peer-reviewed oral presentation)
Rowan, D., Shears, J., Johnson, D.,& Junious, E. (December 7, 2015). Lubricant use during anal sex by young Black MSM & transgender WSM in North & South Carolina. National HIV Prevention Conference. Atlanta, GA. (peer-reviewed poster presentation)
Rowan, D. Johnson, D., & Harris, D. (December 8, 2015). Finding a new safe place for the “T” in LGB(T). National HIV Prevention Conference. Atlanta, GA. (peer-reviewed poster presentation)
Rowan, D. Johnson, D., Harris, D., Gibbs, M., & Covington, G. (December 8, 2015). Off the radar: Why prevention of HIV is a secondary concern of Black MSM & Transgender women. National HIV Prevention Conference. Atlanta, GA. (peer-reviewed poster presentation)