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Jae Hoon Lim
Jae Hoon Lim is an Associate Professor of Research Methods at the University of North Carolina Charlotte, and teaches introductory and advanced qualitative research courses in the College of Education. She received her Ph.D. degree in Elementary Education with a certificate of Interdisciplinary Qualitative Studies from the University of Georgia.
Dr. Lim’s research explores the intersection of gender, race, and class in STEM education and highlights the dialogical process of identity construction across various groups of underrepresented minorities in STEM fields. She has served as a co-PI and qualitative evaluator for two federal grants including a 1.6 million grant from the National Science Foundation. Her research has been published in many scholarly journals including Journal of Educational Psychology, Equity and Excellence in Education, and Race, Ethnicity, and Education. She is a contributing author to several books published by Oxford University Press, University of California Press, and Springer.
Dr. Lim also has an extensive record of research on Korean transnational students, and has led multiple international and comparative educational research projects related to the topic. She served as President of Korean American Researcher’s Association in 2013-2014, and is currently leading a special issue of KAERA Research Forum on transnational Korean students. Based on her methodological expertise, she has been involved in several qualitative research projects as an external consultant or collaborating researcher.
Area(s) of Interest and Research:
- Equity issues in STEM education
- Qualitative research methods
- Transnational Asian students and their families
Evaluation Research on NSF 08-569 Program to Increase STEM BS Degrees (Funded by National Science Foundation, 2009-2015)
This mixed-method evaluation research is to explore contextual and individual factors that influence the overall educational experiences of freshmen students in College of Enginnering as well as to examine the impact of those factors upon the program’s retention rates. This study is to support and evaluate a project, NSF 08-569 Program to Increase STEM BS Degrees, funded by the National Science Foundation.
Engaging Military Veterans to Increase STEM Enrollment and Degrees Awarded (Funded by Office of Naval Research, 2014-2017)
This evaluation research is to examine internal and external factors that supported student veterans’ decision to pursue an engineering degree, personal and academic challenges during their transition period and subsequent years, and ways that the engineering department and university can better support student veterans. This study is to support and evaluate a project, Engaging Military Veterans to Increase STEM Enrollment and Degrees Awarded, funded by the Office of Naval Research.
Korean Transnational Students’ Curriculum Meaning-making and Appropriation of Academic Identity in the American Schooling Context
This mixed-method study explores the educational experiences of 63 Korean transnational/immigrant students, focusing on their curriculum meaning-making and newly emerging academic identities in American schooling contexts.
Educators’ Perceptions of Global Education and Global Citizenship
This study explores the concepts of “global education” and “global citizenship” expressed by ten educators who participated in a six month long global studies program including a nine day cultural immersion trip to Asia. The focus of analysis is given to the impact of their cultural immersion experience and if the experience helped reconsider the educators’ initial ideas of “global education/global citizenship” and prompted a new horizon through critical self-reflection and thought process.