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Joan Mullin
Researching CCCC and CWPA theories and best practices of teaching writing through collaborative enactment of them with colleagues, seeking to establish a free-standing writing program that serves students and models equitable governance and community knowledge-building practices. The Research Exchange (REx), an international, searchable database and publication of replicable aggregatable writing research across contexts. Creating reciprocal rather than colonial writing practices as writing research spreads “inner Circle” English internationally; questioning definitions of plagiarism and intellectual ownership; expanding “education” by accounting for human physiological processes that influence teaching, learning and communicating.
Areas of Interest:
- Rhetorics across disciplines/communication research and practice
- Somatic and embodied communication
- World English, writing, and language ownership
Selected Publications and Presentations:
2009, With C. Peterson Haviland) Who owns this text? Plagiarism, authorship, and disciplinary cultures Logan, UT: USU Press.
1998, With E. Hobson & P. Childers. ARTiculating: Teaching writing in a visual culture. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann/Boynton-Cook. Individual chapters: Alternative pedagogy: Visualizing theories of composition; Beyond visualizing a community of learners; as well as responses to co–authors’ chapters.
1994, With R. Wallace. Theory-practice in the writing center. Urbana-Champaign: NCTE. Individual chapters: Introduction; Literacy and the technology of writing: Examining our assumptions, changing our practice.
Electronic Projects
2007–present. With M. Palmquist & J. Fishman. Research exchange: A research database of writing studies. Retrieved fromhttp://wac.colostate.edu/research/ (Database collection of international writing research with periodic publication of summary, analysis and open access data.)
2012. Interview, National writing project: Blog talk radio
2008. With M. Blythman & S. Orr. Reaching a consensus: Plagiarism in non-text based media. UK Higher Education, JISC grant-funded project http://www.jiscpas.ac.uk/casestudies.php
Articales and Chapters
With A. Zenger & C. P. Haviland. Import/export work? Using cross-cultural theories to rethink Englishes, identities, and genres in writing centers. In B. Horner & K. L. Kopelson (Eds.). Reworking English in Rhetoric and Composition: Global Interrogations, Local Interventions. Carbondale, IL: SIU Press (July 2014).
2012 (winter). With Jenn Fishman. The current state of research in writing across the curriculum. The WAC journal. 23.Retrieved from http://wac.colostate.edu/journal/vol23/fishman.pdf
2010, Rhetoric: Writing, reading and producing the visual. In M. Biggs and H. Karksson, (Eds.). The Routledge companion to research in the arts. New York: Routledge.
2008, Spring. With S. Schorn, T. Turner, D. Davidson, R. Hertz, & A. Baca. Challenging our Practices; Supporting our theories: Writing mentors as change agents across discourse communities.” Across the Disciplines. Retrieved fromhttp://wac.colostate.edu/atd/fellows/mullin.cfm
2008. With M. Blythman & S. Orr. Reaching a consensus: Plagiarism in non-text based media. UK Higher Education, JISC grant-funded project http://www.jiscpas.ac.uk/casestudies.php
Journal / Series Editor
Founding Editor: International perspectives on writing series for WAC Clearinghouse and Parlor Press. With Terry Zawacki (George Mason), Magnus Gustafsson (Chalmers University, Sweden), 2012—present.
The writing center journal. With Al DeCiccio, 1996-2001.
Selected Grants:
2008: With M. Blythman & S. Orr. JISC-PAS, UK Higher Education Grant, University of Northumbria. Reaching a consensus: Plagiarism in non-text based media. (£3,000).
2004-1991: Yearly renewable, Ohio Board of Regents (OBR) peer-reviewed OBR Early English Composition Assessment Grant, totaling $571,700 over 12 years.
1998-95: Bay Area Writing Project: Toledo Area Writing Project, (total $260,000).
Courses Taught:
Graduate: The WPA: Theory and Institutional Practice; Current Writing Theory; Writing
Assessment; Writing Research and Methods; Women, Language and Writing; Writing Across Levels and Disciplines; Writing and Educational Theory; Writing Theory and Practice in the Secondary School; Writing Assignment Design; Assessment Across the Curriculum; International Writing, Englishes, and U.S. Composition Theories; History of WAC and Genre theory.
First-year Writing; Advanced Composition; Honors Readings Conference; Current Writing Theory; Women, Language and Writing.
Team Taught Art History design classes
Gothic Architecture, Romanesque, Postmodern Architecture: Frank Gehry, Modern Architecture: Frank Lloyd Wright.
Selected Peer-Reviewed Conference Presentations:
Writing Research Across: Borders Conference: 2014, “Both/And: Maintaining Local Diversity by Creating Visible, Virtual and Global Writing Networks’’ (Université Paris-Ouest Nanterre La Défense, France).
Writing Program Administrators Conference: 2014, “Rethinking Knowledge Making, Repurposing Definitions of Plagiarism: Catching Up to Our 21st-Century Practices” and “From Presentation to Publication” (U.S.).
European Association of Teachers of Academic Writing: 2013, “Crossing Plagiarism’s Borders: Working Toward Useful Global Attitudes and Practices of Authorship and Citation” (Budapest, Hungary).
International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference (a U.S. based conference): 2012, Workshop “Research methods and publication in Writing Across the Curriculum” (U.S.).
Conference on College Composition and Communication: 2011, “Challenging Monolingual Practices to Foster Multilingual Engagement” (U.S.).
Watson Conference: 2010: “Import/Export Work? Using Cross-Cultural Theories to Rethink Englishes, Identities, and Genres in Writing Centers” (U.S.).