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Maria-Carla Chiarella
Doctor of Philosophy- 2002
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
Counseling Psychology (APA Accredited)
Dissertation: Family and Peer Influences on Mexican American Adolescent Alcohol Use: Moderating Effects of School Adjustment
Advisors: Lee A. Rosén, Ph.D. & Randall C. Swaim, Ph.D.
Master of Science – 2000
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
Counseling Psychology (APA Accredited)
Thesis: Socialization Influences on Mexican American
Adolescent Alcohol Use: Moderating Effects of Cultural Identification
Advisors: Ernest L. Chavez, Ph.D. & Randall C. Swaim, Ph.D.
Bachelor of Arts – 1995
Central College, Pella, IA
Psychology & Spanish Majors
Summa Cum Laude
January to May 1994
Universidad de Granada, Granada, Spain
Spanish Language and Cultural Studies
Fluent in Spanish (Reading, Writing, Speaking)
- American Psychological Society
- Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood
- Southeastern Psychological Association
- Psi Chi, The National Honor Society of Psychology
- American Psychological Association
- American Psychological Association, Division 2 – Society for the Teaching of Psychology
- American Psychological Association, Division 17 – Counseling Psychology
- American Psychological Association, Division 35 – Society for the Psychology of Women
- American Psychological Association, Division 45 – Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues
Lecturer, Department of Psychology, University of North Carolina at Charlotte. August 2011 to Present.
Courses: Adolescent Psychology and Child Psychology
Responsibilities include all facets of course preparation and presentation.
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Central College, Pella, IA. 2010 – 2011.
Courses Taught: General Psychology, Psychological Investigations, Theories of Personality, Capstone Research in Psychology, Principles of Counseling, & Psychology of Gender
Responsibilities included all facets of course preparation and presentation.
Institutional Service: 2010 – 2011.
Appointed Member, Vice President of Academic Affairs Search Committee (contributed to prospectus, reviewed candidate files, conducted phone and face-to-face interviews with candidates, extended offer of employment)
Appointed Member, Institutional Review Board (reviewed all human and animal research)
Faculty Advisor, Psi Chi (The International Honor Society in Psychology) & Psychology Club (organized and attended meetings; supervised service projects; managed fundraising; coordinated induction ceremonies).
Advisor to fourteen students (freshmen and sophomores; majors and non-majors).
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Wingate University, Wingate, NC. 2007 – 2010.
Courses Taught: Child Psychology, Adolescent Psychology, Adulthood & Aging, History & Systems of Psychology, Personality, Gender Identity Development, & General Psychology; Wingate 101 Seminar
Responsibilities included all facets of course preparation and presentation. Supervised students participating in Honors Research, Internships, Service-learning, and Directed Studies.
Institutional Recognition: 2007 – 2010.
Promoted to Associate Professor, Spring 2010
Awarded Wingate University Spirit Award – for “Campus Involvement, Consistent Student Support, Commitment to Student Success, and Dedication to the University Mission,” May 2009.
Awarded Wingate University Summer Research Grant, Summer 2009. (supervised psychology major, Makenna Davis, conducted literature review, created measures, collected and analyzed data, and produced APA-Style report, power point presentation, and conference posters)
Selected to teach W’International Seminar, “Cross-Cultural Psychology,” and lead study abroad to Chile, Spring 2010.
Institutional Service: 2007 – 2010.
Faculty Leader, Cross Cultural Psychology in Chile – Santiago, Puerto Varas (Lake District), & Ancud (Island of Chiloe), Chile. May 9 –18, 2010. (taught a semester-long course, assumed all facets of course preparation and presentation, and developed a detailed itinerary for travel throughout Chile)
Faculty Advisor, Sigma Sigma Sigma, National Women’s Sorority/National Panhellenic Conference Member (assisted in chapter governance, and identified educational, cultural, and developmental resources). Fall 2009-2010.
Psychology Department Faculty Liaison, Office of Admission (met, emailed, called prospective
students). Fall 2009-2010.
Appointed Member, Curriculum Reform Committee (assisted in over-seeing implementation of new
core, revised Bachelors of Liberal Studies (adult education degree), established Writing Across the Curriculum Program). Fall 2009-2010.
Faculty Co-leader, Spanish 1103 – Beginning Spanish and Language Immersion – Forester International Institute, San Jose, Costa Rica. May 9 – 23, 2009. (co-supervised student cultural excursions and managed language immersion course grades)
Appointed Member, International Studies Committee (took minutes, evaluated and selected proposals of faculty-led study abroad seminars, reviewed and selected student applicants for study abroad)
Appointed Member, International Studies Task Force (Spring 2008) (determined allocation of funds to create grants for student and faculty study abroad)
Appointed Member, Library and Instructional Services Committee (reviewed and revised items for library policy manual)
Program Coordinator, Women’s Studies Interdisciplinary Program (coordinated courses and initiatives in gender and women’s issues across majors). Fall 2009-Spring 2010. (Member Fall 2007 to Spring 2009.)
Faculty Advisor, Psi Chi (The National Honor Society in Psychology) & Psychology Club (organized and attended meetings; supervised service projects; coordinated Psi Chi induction ceremonies). Spring 2008-2010.
Advisor to forty-three students (freshmen through seniors; majors and non-majors). Fall 2008-2010.
Lecturer, Department of Psychology, University of North Carolina at Charlotte. August 2006 to August 2007.
Courses Taught: Adolescent Psychology, Child Psychology, Senior Seminar in Gender Identity Development, General Psychology
Responsibilities included all facets of course preparation and presentation.
Institutional Service: 2006 – 2007.
Faculty Leader, Understanding British Culture – Kingston University, Kingston-Upon-Thames, UK. June 26 – July 28, 2007. (recruited undergraduate students, coordinated trip, and taught Cross-Cultural Psychology: Experiences & Research)
Advisor, Psychology Advising for Student Success (PASS) Center (assigned and advised 200
undergraduate students – psychology majors and minors –each semester)
Appointed Member, Diversity Committee, Department of Psychology (created departmental strategic plan for the recruitment and retention of diverse faculty and students)
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Central College, Pella, IA. 2003 – 2006.
Courses Taught: General Psychology, Psychological Investigations, Theories of Personality, Capstone Research in Psychology, Principles of Counseling, Multi Cultural Issues in Psychology, & Psychology of Women
Responsibilities included all facets of course preparation and presentation. Supervised students participating in independent studies, internships, and service-learning modules.
Institutional Service: 2003 – 2006.
Elected Faculty Representative to Board of Trustees – Academic Affairs Subgroup
Chair, Institutional Review Board (reviewed all human and animal research)
Member, Assessment Committee (reviewed departmental operational plans)
Appointed Member, Core Renewal Group (revised the College’s core curriculum)
Member, Course Evaluation Task Force (recreated forms for course evaluations)
Advisor to twenty-seven students (freshmen through seniors; majors and non-majors)
Granted a course-release (2005-2006) to assist the Assistant VP of Academic Affairs to create a Comprehensive Academic Assessment Plan for the College.
Visiting Instructor, Department of Psychology, Central College, Pella, IA. Spring 2001.
Courses Taught: General Psychology, Child & Adolescent Development, Psychopathology, & Multi Cultural Issues in Psychology
Responsibilities included all facets of course preparation and presentation. Attended department and all-faculty meetings. Participated in the college’s Diversity Task Force and consulted with the director of Multi-Cultural Student Services.
Co-Instructor, Department of Psychology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.
Spring 2000 Course Taught: Multi Cultural Issues in Psychology
Summer 1999 Course Taught: Child Exceptionality and Psychopathology
Summer 1998 Course Taught: Psychological Perspectives on the Female Experience
Responsibilities included all facets of course preparation and presentation.
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Psychology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. Fall 2000.
Course: PY228, Human Sexuality
Responsibilities include assisting in the presentation of lectures, test construction, and assignment of grades. Held office hours to provide students with additional academic support.