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Tonya Bates
M.S., Biology, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 2001
B.S., Biology, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 1997
B.A., Psychology, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 1997
Courses Taught
- Principles of Biology I (Biology 1110)
- Principles of Biology II (Biology 1115)
- Fundamentals of Microbiology (Biology 2259)
- C.M. Olson, T.C. Bates, H. Izadi, J.D. Radolf, S.A. Huber, J.E. Boyson, J. Anguita. 2009 Local productions of interferon gamma by invariant natural killer cells modulates acute Lyme carditis. The Journal of Immunology. 182. 3728-34.
- I.J. Juncadella, R. Garg, T.C. Bates, E.R. Olivera and J. Anguita. 2008. The Ixodes scapularis salivary protein, Salp15, prevents the association of HIV-1 gp120 and CD4. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 367:41-6.
- H. Izadi, A.T. Motameni, T.C. Bates, E.R. Olivera, V. Villar-Suarez, I. Joshi, B.A. Osborne, R.J. Davis and J. Anguita. 2007. C-Jun N-terminal kinase is required for TLR 1 gene transcription in macrophages. Infection and Immunity 75: 5027-34.
- C.M. Olson Jr., M.N. Hedrick, H. Izadi, T.C. Bates, E.R. Olivera and J. Anguita. 2007. p38 mitogen-activates protein kinase controls NF-kB transcriptional activation and tumor necrosis factor alpha production through RelA phosphorylation mediated by mitogen-and stress activated protein kinase 1 in response to Borrelia burgdorferi antigens. Infection and Immunity 75:270-7.
- M.N. Hedrick, C.M. Olson Jr., D. Conze, T.C. Bates, M. Rincon and J. Anguita. 2006. Control of Borrelia burgdorferi-specific CD4+T cell effector function by interleukin-12- and T-cell receptor-induced p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase activity. Infection and Immunity 74:5713-7.
- T.C. Bates, A.T. Motameni, I.J. Juncadella, C. Petty, M.N. Hedrick and J. Anguita. 2005. Distinct bacterial dissemination and disease outcome in mice subcutaneously infected with Borrelia burgdorferi in the midline of the back and the footpad. FEMS Immunology & Medical Microbiology 45:279-84.
- S.T. Bunker, T.C. Bates and J.D. Oliver. 2004. Effects of temperature on detection of plasmid or chromosomally encoded gfp– and lux-labeled Pseudomonas fluorescens in soil. Environmental Biosafety Research 3:1-8.
- I.S. Kong, T.C. Bates, A. Huelsmann, H. Hassan, B.E. Smith and J.D. Oliver. 2004. Role of catalase and oxyR in the viable but nonculturable state of Vibrio vulnificus. FEMS Microbial Ecology 50:133-42.
- T.C. Bates and J.D. Oliver. 2004. The viable but nonculturable state of Kanagawa positive and negative strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus. The Journal of Microbiology 42: 74-9.
- B.L. Adams, T.C. Bates and J.D. Oliver. 2003. Survival of Helicobacter pylori in a natural freshwater environment. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 69:7462-6.
- A. DePaola, J.L. Nordstrom, A. Dalsgaard, A. Forslund, J.D. Oliver, T.C Bates, K.L. Bourdage and P.A. Gulig. 2003. Analysis of Vibrio vulnificus from market oysters and septicemia cases for virulence markers. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 69:4006-11.