The internship opportunities are now closed.
Is teaching the right career for you? Find out before you apply for the Noyce program. We have internship opportunities, both during the semester and summer. There are 15 internships available for upto $1000 each (for upto 80 hours).
Note that you will need to be eligible for the Noyce scholarship in one of the three cohorts starting Fall 2018, Fall 2019 or Fall 2020 to apply for these internships. For example, if you are currently a freshman in a STEM major, you will qualify for the Fall 2020 cohort, and thus you can apply for the internship. Please email Dr. Anthony Fernandes ( if you are not sure if you qualify or have any questions in general about the internships or the scholarships.
Click here to apply for the UNCC CResT Internships
This work is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1660689