[41] Franklin, R., Delmelle, E.C., et al. (2022) Making space in Geographical Analysis. Geographical Analysis
[40] Adu,P. and E.C. Delmelle (2022) Spatial variations in exclusionary criteria from online rental advertisements. The Professional Geographer (forthcoming) Link to Project Codes (Python)
[39] Delmelle, E. C. (2021). GIScience and neighborhood change: Toward an understanding of processes of change. Transactions in GIS. (Based on Plenary Lecture at 2021 AAG)
[38] Delmelle, E.C. and I. Nilsson (2021) The language of neighborhoods: A predictive-analytical framework based on property advertisement text and mortgage lending data. Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems 88
[37] Delmelle, E.C., Nilsson, I., Adu, P. (2021) Poverty suburbanization, job accessibility, and employment outcomes. Social Inclusion 9
[36] Sukaryavichute, E., Delmelle, E.C., Hammelman, C. (2021) Opportunities and challenges for small businesses in new transit neighborhoods: Understanding impacts through in-depth interviews. Regional Science Policy and Practice
[35] Lan, Y., Delmelle, E.C., Delmelle, E. (2021) NDS: An interactive web-based system to visualize urban neighborhood dynamics in the United States. Journal of Maps
[34] Franklin, R., Houlden, V., Robinson, C., Arribas-Bel, D., Delmelle, E.C., Demsar, U., Miller, H.J., O’Sullivan, D. (2021) Who counts? Gender, Gatekeeping, and Quantitative Human Geography. Professional Geographer
[33] Nilsson, I. and Delmelle, E.C. (2020) On the link between rail transit and spatial income segregation. Applied Geography 125.
[32] Delmelle, E.C., Nilsson, I., Bryant, A. (2021) Investigating transit-induced displacement using eviction data. Housing Policy Debate
[31] Nilsson, I., Schuch, J.C., Delmelle, E.C., Canalas, K. (2020) Should I stay or should I go: A survey analysis of neighborhood change and residential mobility concerns around new transit stations in Charlotte, NC. Journal of Transport Geography 86.
[30] Nilsson, I., Delmelle, E.C. (2020) Impact of new rail transit stations on neighborhood destination choices and income segregation. Cities 102
[29] Delmelle, E.C., Nilsson, I., Schuch, J.C. (2020) Who’s moving in? A longitudinal analysis of home purchase loan borrowers in new transit neighborhoods. Geographical Analysis
[28] Delmelle, E.C. (2020) Toward a more socially impactful Geographical Analysis. Geographical Analysis
[27] Delmelle, E.C. and Nilsson, I. (2020) New Rail Transit Stations and the Out-Migration of Low-Income Residents. Urban Studies 57, 134-151.
[26] Canales, K., Nilsson, I., Delmelle, E.C. (2019) Do light rail transit stations improve employment outcomes? The case of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. Regional Science Policy and Practice
[25] Delmelle, E.C. (2019) The increasing sociospatial fragmentation of urban America. Urban Science 3, 9.
[24] Major, E., Delmelle, E.C., Delmelle, E. (2018) SNAPscapes :Using geodeomographic segmentation to classify the food access landscape. Urban Science 2, 71.
[23] Nilsson, I. and Delmelle, E.C. (2018) Transit investments and neighborhood change: On the likelihood of change. Journal of Transport Geography 66, 167-179.
[22] Casas, I. and E.C. Delmelle (2017) Tweeting about public transit – gleaning public perceptions from a social media microblog. Case Studies on Transport Policy 5, 634-642.
[21] Delmelle, E.C., Morrell, E., Sorensen, J., Bengle, T., Howarth, J. (2017) The effectiveness of Habitat for Humanity as a neighborhood stabilization program. The case of Charlotte, North Carolina. Community Development 48, 527-545.
[20] Delmelle, E.C. (2017) Differentiating pathways of neighborhood change in 50 US metropolitan areas. Environment and Planning A 49, 2402–2424. Link to resulting data
[19] Casas, I., Delmelle, E., Delmelle, E.C. (2017) Potential versus revealed access to care during a dengue fever outbreak. Journal of Transport and Health 4, 18-29.
[18] Ling, C. and Delmelle, E.C. (2016) Classifying multidimensional trajectories of neighborhood change: A self-organizing map and k-means approach. Annals of GIS 22, 173-186.
[17] Delmelle, E.C., Thill, J-C., Wang, C. (2016) Spatial dynamics of urban neighborhood quality of life. The Annals of Regional Science, 56, 687-705.
[16] Delmelle, E.C., (2016) Mapping the ‘DNA’ of urban neighborhoods: Clustering longitudinal sequences of neighborhood socioeconomic change. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 106, 36-56.
[15] Dony, C., Delmelle, E., Delmelle, E.C. (2015) Re-conceptualizing accessibility to public parks in multi-modal cities: A Variable-width Floating Catchment Area (VFCA) method. Landscape and Urban Planning 143, 90-99.
[14] Delmelle, E.C. (2015) Five decades of neighborhood classifications and their transitions: A comparison of four US cities, 1970-2010. Applied Geography 57, 1-11.
[13] Haslauer, E., Delmelle, E.C., Keul, A., Blaschke, T., Prinz, T., (2015) Comparing Subjective and Objective Quality of Life Criteria: A Case Study of Green Space and Public Transport in Vienna, Austria. Social Indicators Research 124, 911-927.
[12] Casas, I. and Delmelle, E.C. (2014) Identifying Dimensions of Exclusion from a BRT System in a Developing Country: A Content Analysis Approach. Journal of Transport Geography 39, 228-237.
[11] Delmelle, E.C., Zhou, Y., Thill, J-C. (2014) Densification without growth management? Evidence from land development and housing trends in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. Sustainability 6, 3975-3990.
[10] Delmelle, E.C. and J-C. Thill (2014) Mutual relationships in neighborhood socioeconomic change. Urban Geography 35, 1215-1237.
[9] Sagl, G., Delmelle, E.M., Delmelle, E.C. (2014) Mapping variations of collective human activity in an urban environment based on mobile phone data. Cartography and Geographic Information Science 41, 272-285.
[8] Delmelle, E.C. and J-C. Thill (2014) Neighborhood quality of life dynamics and the great recession: The case of Charlotte, North Carolina. Environment and Planning A 46, 867-884.
[7] Delmelle, E.C., Haslauer, E., Prinz, T. (2013) Social satisfaction, commuting, and neighborhoods. Journal of Transport Geography 30, 110-116.
[6] Delmelle, E.C., Thill, J-C, Furuseth, O., Ludden, T. (2013) Trajectories of multidimensional neighborhood quality of life change. Urban Studies 50, 923-941.
[5] Delmelle, E.C., Thill, J-C., Ha, B. (2012) Spatial epidemiologic analysis of relative collision risk factors among urban bicyclists and pedestrians. Transportation 39, 433-445.
[4] Delmelle, E.M. and E.C. Delmelle. (2012) Exploring spatio-temporal commuting patterns in a university environment. Transport Policy 21, 1-9.
[3] Delmelle, E.C. and I. Casas. (2012) Evaluating the spatial equity of bus rapid transit-based accessibility in a developing country: The case of Cali, Colombia. Transport Policy 20, 36-46.
[2] Delmelle, E.M., Delmelle, E.C., Casas, I., Barto, T. (2011) H.E.L.P. a GIS-based Health Exploratory AnaLysis tool for Practitioners. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy 4, 113-137.
[1] Delmelle, E.C. and Thill, J-C. (2008) Urban bicyclists: Spatial analysis of adult and youth traffic hazard intensity. Transportation Research Record 2074, 31-39.