Invited Presentations
2025, February
Plenary Presentation: Taking (language) teacher emotions seriously: What research on emotions and emotion labor can help us understand about teaching, power, and social discourses, 31st Annual Graduate Linguistics, Applied Linguistics & TESOL Symposium, Arizona State University.
2024, April
Virtual Keynote Presentation: “What research on language teacher emotions can teach us: Learning from experienced teachers’ accounts of emotional challenges, rewards and management strategies,” II International Scientific Conference (Neo)philological education – Research trends and didactic applications, University of Bialystok, Poland.
2023, March
Discussant for Colloquium Bridging linguistic and emotional repertoires: Engaging emotions to positively support new conceptions of language teaching, AAAL 2023, Portland, Oregon.
2023, March
Discussant for Colloquium The emotional impact of English medium instruction (EMI) in higher education, AAAL 2023, Portland, Oregon.
2022, October
Webinar directed to young scholars in China on creating Brief Reports submissions to TESOL Quarterly (with Xun Yan), sponsored by Wiley and Capital Normal University (China).
2021, July
Organizer/Participant in AAAL-sponsored webinar on “Collaborating and Communicating with Publics: Engagement for Social Impact.” Open to AAAL members.
2021, May
The emotional labor of language teaching: Experienced teachers’ accounts of emotional challenges, rewards and management strategies. National Research Centre for Foreign Language Education at Beijing Foreign Studies University (via Zoom).
2020, April
Interviewed by Dr. Stacey Johnson for We Teach Languages podcast.
2020, February
The emotional labor of language teaching: Experienced teachers’ accounts of emotional challenges, rewards and management strategies, Invited Plenary talk, 2020 Duke Language Symposium: Innovative Practices in Language Learning and Teaching.
2019, May
Exploring the role of agency in language learning among adult immigrants to the United States, Department of English, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany.
Exploring the Development of Research on Agency and Language Learning and Considering its “Dangerous” Potential, Department of Language and Linguistics Weekly Seminar, University of Essex, Colchester, England.
2019, April
“Everything is Dangerous”: Exploring Research on Agency and Language Learning, Center for Multilingualism in Society across the Lifespan, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway.
2018, March
Discussant for Colloquium on Intersections between practices and belief systems: Critical perspectives on discourse and ideology, American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Chicago, Illinois.
2015 April
Continuing the Conversation: Coming Together for Social Sustainability. Integrated Network for Social Sustainability Conference (INSS), UNCC, Charlotte, NC.
2014, May
Adult Immigrants’ “Theories of Agency” as Dialogical Performatives. University of Edinburgh, Linguistic Circle.
2014, April
Starting the Conversation: Social Sustainability as Discursive Object. Integrated Network for Social Sustainability Conference, UNCC, Charlotte, NC (poster and presentation).
2014, February
Adult Immigrants’ “Theories of Agency”: (Re)Constituting Self, Responsibility and Ideology in Discursive Practice, University of Arizona, Department of English.
2011, May
Investigating Emergent Identities through Analyzing Linguistic Constructs and Interactional Performance, University of Zadar, Croatia.
2011, February
Agency, Language Learning and Use, and Multilingual Spaces, Department of English, University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
2010, November
Agency in the Making: Accounts of Language Learning and Use in Multilingual Contexts, Department of Anthropology, Appalachian State University.
2010, March
Discussant for Colloquium on Taking Professional Development inside the Classroom: Enhancing ESL Training for Teachers, American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Atlanta, GA.
2009, April
Panel Participant in Voices from the Field: Professional Paths in SLA, at the Second Language Acquisition Graduate Organization, University of Iowa.
Response to Critiques of “Learning as Changing Participation”, Paper presented in the SLA Research Forum, titled Classroom Talks: Potentials and Limitations of CA as Tool for Studying Language Learning, University of Wisconsin-Madison.