Piatak, J. & Sowa, J. (2024). Volunteer Management: A Strategic Approach. New York: Routledge.
Piatak, J.S. & Holt, S.B. (2021). Public Service Motivation and Public Opinion: Examining Antecedents and Attitudes. Public and Nonprofit Administration Elements Series. Cambridge University Press.
Barnow, B.S., Trutko, J.W., & Piatak, J.S. (2013). Occupational Labor Shortages: Concepts, Causes, Consequences, and Cures. Kalamazoo, MI: Upjohn.
Boyd, N. M., & Piatak, J. (2025). Testing the conceptual boundaries of public service motivation and sense of community responsibility: Prosocial actions in community and political engagement. Public Management Review, 1-21.
Piatak, J. & Jensen, C. (2024). Public values and sector service delivery preferences: Public preferences on contracting from simple to complex human services. Public Administration Review, 84(5), 948-965.
Holt, S. & Piatak, J. (2023). Job Sector or PSM? Examining the relative effects of sector and public service motivation on prosocial behavior. Public Management Review.
Jensen, C. & Piatak, J. (2023). Public Service Motivation and Trust in Government: An Examination across the Federal, State, and Local Levels in the United States. The American Review of Public Administration.
Mohr, Z., Olivares, A.*, & Piatak, J. (2023). Are Public Spaces Welcoming to All? A Conjoint Experiment on Cultural Representation and Inclusionary Practices in Museums. Public Administration.
Piatak, J. & Carman, J. (2023). Unpacking the Volunteer Experience: The Influence of Volunteer Management on Retention and Promotion of the Organization. Journal of Public and Nonprofit Affairs, 9(3), 278-296. (Lead Article)
Mohr, Z., McDonald, J., Piatak, J. & Leland, S. (2023). Is government escaping blame? the effect of contracting and victim attributes in a prisoner transportation experiment. Public Management Review.
Piatak, J. (2023). Do Sociocultural Factors Drive Civic Engagement? An Examination of Political Interest and Religious Attendance. Nonprofit Policy Forum, 14(2), 185-204.
Chattopadhyay, J. & Piatak, J. (2023). Do Opinions of Policy Target Population Deservingness Correlate to Public Service Motivation? Insights from Medicaid. American Review of Public Administration, 53(1), 3-22. (Lead Article)
Prince, W.* & Piatak, J. (2022). By the Volunteer, For the Volunteer: Volunteer Perspectives of Management Across Levels of Satisfaction. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.
Piatak, J., Mohr, Z, & Leland, S. (2022). Blame Dynamics across the Organizational Hierarchy and Sectors: How a Staffing Shortage and Ownership Shape Blame for Nursing Homes in Crisis. International Public Management Journal.
McDonald, J. & Piatak, J. (2022). Penalties for Going Against Type: How sexism shapes voters’ perceptions of candidate character. Behavioral Science & Policy, 8(2), 47–56.
Piatak, J., McDonald, J. & Mohr, Z. (2022). The Role of Gender in Government and Nonprofit Workplaces: An Experimental Analysis of Rule Compliance and Supervisor. Public Administration Review, 82(3): 556-569.
Piatak, J., Mohr, Z & McDonald, J. (2022). Rule Formalization, Gender, and Gender Congruence: Examining Prosocial Rule Breaking for Internal and External Stakeholders. International Public Management Journal, 25(4): 566-584.
Olivares, A.* & Piatak, J. (2021). Exhibiting Inclusion: An Examination of Race and Ethnicity and Museum Participation. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 33(1), 121-133.
Piatak, J.S. & Pettijohn, S.L. (2021). Government-nonprofit funding relationships in human services: Differences in cost-reimbursement and fixed-cost agreements. Journal of Strategic Contracting and Negotiation, 5(3), 131-152.
Piatak, J. & Mikkelsen, I.* (2021). Does Social Media Engagement Translate to Civic Engagement Offline? Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 50(5): 1079-1101.
Piatak, J.S. & Pettijohn, S.L. (2021). Within Source Diversification When the Going Gets Tough: Examining Alterations to Human Service Nonprofit Funding by Levels of Government. Journal of Health and Human Services Administration, 44(1): 45-66.
Leland, S., Mohr, Z & Piatak, J. (2021). Accountability in Government Contracting Arrangements: Experimental Analysis of Blame Attribution across Levels of Government. American Review of Public Administration, 51(4): 251–262.
Nelson, A.* & Piatak, J. (2021). Intersectionality, Leadership, and Inclusion: How do Racially Underrepresented Women Fare in the Federal Government? Review of Public Personnel Administration, 41(2) 294-318.
Leland, S., Chattopadhyay, J., Maestas, C. & Piatak, J. (2021). Policy Venue Preference and Trust in Government in Federal Systems. Governance, 34(2): 373-393.
Piatak, J., Sowa, J., Jacobson, W. & McGinnis, Johnson, J. (2020). Infusing Public Service Motivation (PSM) Throughout the Employment Relationship: A Review of PSM and the Human Resource Management Process. International Public Management Journal.
Piatak, J.S. & Holt, S.B. (2020). Prosocial Behaviors: A Matter of Altruism or Public Service Motivation? Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 30(3), 504-518.
Piatak, J.S. & Holt, S.B. (2020). Disentangling Altruism and Public Service Motivation: Who Exhibits Organizational Citizenship Behavior? Public Management Review, 22(7): 949-973. (Lead Article)
Maestas, C., Chattopadhyay, J., Leland, S., & Piatak, J. (2020). Fearing Food: The Influence of Risk Perception on Public Preferences for Uniform and Centralized Regulation Policy. Policy Studies Journal, 48(2), 447-468.
Piatak, J.S., Douglas, J.W., & Raudla, R. (2020). The Role Perceptions of Government Professionals: The Effects of Gender, Educational Field, and Prior Job Sector. Public Management Review, 22(10): 1515-1534.
Piatak, J., & Mohr, Z. (2019). More gender bias in academia? Examining the influence of gender and formalization on student worker rule following. Journal of Behavioral Public Administration, 2(2). (Lead Article)
Piatak, J., Dietz, N., & McKeever, B. (2019). Bridging or Deepening the Digital Divide: Influence of Household Internet Access on Formal and Informal Volunteering. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 48(2S) 123S–150S.
Review in Research to Practice of e-Volunteerism, XIX (3).
LeRoux, K., Piatak, J., Romzek, B., & Johnston, J. (2019). Informal Accountability in Children’s Service Networks: The Role of Frontline Workers. Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance, 43(3): 188-204.
2019 Mary Parker Follett Award from Human Service Organizations
Piatak, J. (2019). Weathering the Storm: The Impact of Cutbacks on Public Employees. Public Personnel Management, 48(1) 97–119.
2019 Best Article Award from Public Personnel Management
Piatak, J.S., Romzek, B.S., LeRoux, K.M., & Johnston, J.M. (2018). Managing Goal Conflict in Public Service Delivery Networks: Does Accountability Move Up and Down or Side to Side? Public Performance & Management Review, 41(1): 152-176.
Piatak, J., Mohr, Z., & Leland, S. (2017). Bureaucratic Accountability in Third-Party Governance: Experimental Evidence of Blame Attribution during Times of Budgetary Crisis. Public Administration, 95(4): 976-989.
Piatak, J.S. (2017). Sector Switching in Good Times and in Bad: Are Public Sector Employees Less Likely to Change Sectors? Public Personnel Management, 46(4): 327-341. (Lead Article)
Piatak, J.S. (2017). Understanding the Implementation of Medicaid and Medicare:
Social Construction and Historical Context. Administration & Society, 49(8), 1165-1190.
Piatak, J.S. (2016). Time Is on My Side: A Framework to Examine When Unemployed Individuals Volunteer. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 45(6): 1169-1190.
Piatak, J.S. (2016). Public Service Motivation, Prosocial Behaviours, and Career Ambitions. International Journal of Manpower, 37(5): 804-821.
Piatak, J.S. (2015). Altruism by Job Sector: Can Public Sector Employees Lead the Way in Rebuilding Social Capital? Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 25(3): 877-900.
Romzek, B.S., LeRoux, K.M., Johnston, J.M., Kempf, R., & Piatak, J.S. (2014). Informal Accountability in Multi-Sector Service Delivery Collaborations. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 24(4): 813-842. (Lead Article)
Book Chapters
Piatak, J. (Forthcoming). Digital Divide. In K. Kerns & J. Wang (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Nonprofit Management, Leadership and Governance. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Hamidullah, M., Piatak., J., & Chen, Y.* (Forthcoming). DEI and Human Resources Management. In Sabharwal, M., McCandless, S., & Viswanath, S (Eds.) Handbook on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Public Administration. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Piatak, J.S. & Holt, S.B. (2023). Disentangling Altruism and Public Service Motivation: Who Exhibits Organizational Citizenship Behavior? In Boyd, N.M. (Ed.) Public Service Motivation Beyond the Boundary of Public Management. New York: Routledge.
Piatak, J. (2022). Employee motivation across job sectors. In Stazyk, E.C. & Davis, R.S. (Eds.) Research Handbook on Motivation in Public Administration, 122-136. Northampton, MA: Elgar.
Johnson, J.M., Piatak, J.S., & Ng, E. (2017). Managing Generational Differences in Nonprofit Organizations. In Word, J.K.A. & Sowa, J.E. (Eds.), The Nonprofit Human Resource Management Handbook: From Theory to Practice. New York: Routledge.