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Extra Credit opportunities
UNC Charlotte International Festival
For extra credit bring me a ticket, handout, something you bought, etc., from the event to prove your attendance.
The 2016 UNC Charlotte International Festival will be held on Saturday, September 24th, 2016. This will mark the 41st year anniversary of this campus tradition.The International Festival is centered around booths arranged in colorful marketplace style representing the cultures of over 50 nations. The booths are staffed by UNC Charlotte international students and members of Charlotte’s international community and feature art, crafts and costumes from each participating country. Many booths offer international food for sale.
Throughout the day the music and dance of a variety of nations will be presented on indoor and outdoor stages. In addition, the International Festival, which is family-oriented, offers a number of elements such as mimes and face painting designed especially for children.
In addition to the hallmark elements, the International Festival includes an international games zone for attendees of all ages to participate in and learn about the cultural significance of various games. Participants can learn the rules of bocce, play a game of life-sized chess, or join in a soccer match.
Founded in 1975, the International Festival continues to recognize the region’s growing diversity. Attendance at the International Festival in previous years has been estimated at over 20,000.
The International Festival is made possible with support from several campus and community partners including Chartwell’s College and University Dining Services, Cone University Center, the Office of Business Affairs, the Office of International Programs, and Student Union Activities & Recreation.For more information, contact the Office of International Programs at UNC Charlotte at 704‑687‑7755 or send us a message
- You may receive extra credit by submitting to the professor any maximes or maxime-like statements you identify in the film “Brotherhood of the Wolf.” Students submitting identical statements will not receive any credit. Remember that extra credit will only help if you have a borderline grade.
- You may watch the film “Gothika” and write a one-paragraph comparison of how the film and the 19th-century short story “Le Horla” account for the supernatural. Discuss how the 2 works present quite different explanations of the origins of the supernatural, i.e., of why their respective supernatural entities came into existence, and how these explanations reflect preoccupations of the time-periods in which they were written.