Sex, Identity, and Literature
Spring 2016
FREN4050,090 FRAN 3003,090 ENGL4050,095 WGST4228,001 ENGL5050,096 FREN5050,090 MALS6000,009 WGST5050,095
W 5:30-8:15, COED 202
Katherine Stephenson
COED 441, No office phone
Office Hours: 1:30-2:00 TR, 4:50-5:20 TWR & by appt.
- Catalog Description
- Course Description
- COGE Goals
- Course Requirements
- Required Texts
- Grade Breakdown
- Absence Policy
- Office Hours
- Honor Code
- Students with Learning Disabilities
Catalog Description
Prerequisites: junior standing and ENGL 1102 or equivalent. Advanced studies of literature and criticism by French women writers in English translation, with a focus on women’s issues from a cross-cultural perspective. May be repeated for credit as topics vary. Course conducted in English.
Course Description
Advanced study of novels by contemporary French women writers in English translation from the perspective of feminist criticism, with a focus on women’s issues from a cross-cultural perspective. Major themes treated will be, among others, the role of the body, sexuality, language, memory, class, and national identity in (re)constructing female identity.
Course Requirements
You should devote a minimum of two hours of preparation for each class hour (see UNC Charlotte Catalog). Through your class participation you will demonstrate that you have 1) completed the day’s assigned reading(s), 2) identified and prepared your own interpretation of important elements of the text(s), and 3) reflected upon how to assess the text as an example of gendered writing, applying theories and insights gained from theoretical texts and analyses of previous readings. Only students who participate on a daily basis and throughout each class should expect a positive evaluation.
Students will have a comprehensive final essay exam. Undergraduate students will complete a research project on one of the course’s novels. Using the web page for Annie Ernaux’s A Frozen Woman as an example, students will identify and gather materials illustrative of how American culture represents gender and deals with the various situations and influences detailed in their assigned novel. Students will provide a narrative explaining how these materials can help understand American perspectives on issues discussed in the novels and provide a foundation for comparing American and French perspectives on various issues that influence each country’s gender ideologies.
Graduate students will supplement class work by reporting on secondary sources drawn from Moodle readings. They will also undertake a traditional research project resulting in a paper of at least 3500 words (=14 typed, double-spaced pages using 10 pt. or 12 pt. font, 25 lines per page, 1″ margins). The project topic, including a thesis statement and brief description of goals, must be submitted in writing by Feb. 17. A one-page abstract of the project, outline and major arguments of the paper, with an attached annotated bibliography, is due Mar. 16. A rough draft of the first 6 pages of the paper is due Apr. 13. The final paper is due May 4. Each stage of the project will be graded.
Respectful classroom behavior is expected. This includes arriving on time for class, remaining in class for the entire class period, and turning off your cell phone before entering class. Breaches of proper classroom etiquette have the following consequences: each time you disrupt class by coming in late or having an electronic device go off in class, you will be charged with a “late”; 3 lates/disruptions = 1 unexcused absence.
The use of cell phones, smart phones, or other mobile communication devices is disruptive and is therefore prohibited during class. Except in emergencies, those using such devices must leave the classroom for the remainder of the class period. Class is for learning and complete attention to classroom activities is required.
Students are permitted to use computers during class for note-taking and other class-related work only. Those using computers during class for work not related to that class must leave the classroom for the remainder of the class period. And NO TEXTING in class, or your phone will be confiscated. Class is for learning and communicating with classmates, not with people outside of class.
Required Texts
Darrieussecq, Marie. Pig Tales: A Novel of Lust and Transformation. Trans. Linda Coverdale. New York: The New Press, 1997. | ISBN 1-56584-442-4 |
Djebar, Assia. So Vast the Prison. Trans. Betsy Wing. New York: Seven Stories Press, 1999. | ISBN 1-58322-067-4 PQ3989.2.D57 V3713 1999 |
Duras, Marguerite. The Lover. Trans. Barbara Bray. Ne w York: Harper & Row, 1985. | ISBN 0-06-097521-0 PQ2607 U8245 A62613 1986b |
Ernaux, Annie. A Frozen Woman. Trans. Tanya Leslie. New York: Seven Stories Press, 1995. | ISBN 1-888-363-38X |
Germain, Sylvie. The Book of Nights. Trans. Christine Donougher. Boston: David R. Godine, 1993. London: Dedalus, 1992. | ISBN 0-87923-975-1 PQ2667 E6845 L513 1992 |
Redonnet, Marie. Rose Mellie Rose. Trans. Jordan Stump. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1994. | ISBN 0-8032-8952-9 PQ2678 E285 R67 1995 |
Satrapi, Marjane. The Complete Persepolis. Trans. Mattias Ripa and Blake Ferris. New York: Pantheon Books, 2007. PN6747.S245P4713 | ISBN 978-0-375-71483-2 |
Grade breakdown
Class grade (attendance, preparation, HW, class presentations, participation) | 50% |
Undergraduates: Research Project | 25% |
Graduates: Research Paper | 25% |
Final Exam | 25% |
All grades are based on a 10‑point scale (90 – 100 = A, etc.). Regular class attendance, participation, and homework completion can impact your grade substantially. I suggest that you pay particular attention to these areas so that they work for you rather than against you.
On Moodle2 (Course Management System): Some information, study and homework materials are on Moodle. You access our Moodle2 course from any computer on or off campus (campus computer labs are open 24/7) through an icon on the My UNC Charlotte page. This icon will take you to the Moodle2 homepage for UNC Charlotte. Or you may go directly to the Moodle2 homepage at . LOGIN using your My UNC Charlotte user name and password. This will then open the Moodle2 Access page, with a link to the My Courses homepage where all your Moodle2 courses will be listed on the left frame. If you’re accessing your campus student account for the first time, see the messages and links on the My UNC Charlotte homepage, accessed by clicking on the My UNC Charlotte link at the top right of the University homepage, or the Student Computing link at Also see Moodle2 for Students ( If you have any problems with Moodle2 not working correctly, you must contact Moodle2 Student Support, NOT the professor, by contacting the Student Computing Help Center (see ), also HelpDesk Online at Other helpful student computing links are Student Computing FAQs ( ), and Student Computing e-Learning Tools ( ).
After the first class meeting, immediately send the professor an e-mail message with the information indicated below. Use your own email account (see my email address at the top of this document). Type “[Your Name’s] FWW contact info” in the “Subject” box and type the information below, in exactly the format below:
- Name (for first name, indicate name you wish to be called by in class)
- Telephone number
- E-mail address (that you check every day)*
- Classification, major, advisor
- If you have a job, number of hours you work per week
- Number of papers you’ve written in college
Attention: You may not be able to access your Moodle2 account until 24 hours after you are officially enrolled in the class.
*The university administration encourages students to use the official university-provided e-mail address when corresponding with professors and students, to be aware of the university’s Computing Policies, and to check their university e-mail account regularly.
Absence Policy
Attendance is required. Students who miss classes usually do poorly on pop quizzes and exams. Role is taken at the beginning of each class. Late arrivals will be marked absent unless students remember to “check in” with the professor at the end of class. Absences result in a reduction of points and therefore affect final grades. After 2 unexcused absences, your class grade will drop 1/3 a letter for each unexcused absence (3 lates = 1 absence). Failure to attend at least 75% of classes (i.e., missing 4 or more classes for a class that meets once a week, for whatever reason) will result in a failing grade in the course. Absences will be excused only when student provides written confirmation of hospitalization, a doctor/ infirmary visit, an officially excused university activity, or a serious family crisis. If you are absent from class, you are responsible for contacting a classmate, finding out what we did in class and the homework assignment, and preparing this assignment. See also attendance policy in UNC Charlotte Catalog.
In accordance with University Policy #409: Religious Accommodation for Students, you may have a minimum of two excused absences each academic year for religious observances as required by your faith. It is your obligation to provide me with reasonable notice of the dates of religious observances on which you will be absent by submitting a Request for Religious Accommodation Form to me prior to the census date for enrollment. The census date for each semester (typically the tenth day of instruction) can be found in UNC Charlotte’s academic calendar. This Spring it is Jan. 25.
Office Hours
I urge all of you to make use of my office hours. Students who do so usually do better than those who do not. I can help you not only with difficulties with the course material, but also with advice on studying habits, test‑taking techniques, organizational skills, etc. Do not hesitate to ask me any questions, either pertaining to grammar or to the class in general. The only stupid question is the one never asked. I hope you have a fun and rewarding semester.
If you wish to contact me outside of class, you must do so during my office hours as I will not return phone calls. You may also contact me by email, which I can usually respond to within 24 hours. Please include a subject heading in all email you send to me. Remember that if you are absent, contact a classmate to find out the assignment.
Honor Code
The Department of Languages and Culture Studies complies with the UNC Charlotte Code of Student Academic Integrity and Code of Student Responsibility. The Code is available from the Dean of Students Office or online at See also UNC Charlotte Catalog. It is your responsibility to know and observe the requirements of these codes and all other University regulations. Academic evaluations in this course include a judgment that your work is free from academic dishonesty of any type. Penalty for violation of the code ranges from zero credit on the work involving dishonesty to expulsion from UNC Charlotte. You are expected to report cases of academic dishonesty.
Incidents of Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Relationship Violence, and Stalking
UNC Charlotte is committed to providing an environment free of all forms of discrimination and sexual harassment, including sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. If you (or someone you know) has experienced or experiences any of these incidents, know that you are not alone. UNC Charlotte has staff members trained to support you in navigating campus life, accessing health and counseling services, providing academic and housing accommodations, helping with legal protective orders, and more.
Please be aware that many UNC Charlotte employees, including all faculty members, are required reporters. This means that if you tell me about a situation involving sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking, I must report the information to the Title IX Coordinator. Although I have to report the situation, you will still have options about how your case will be handled, including whether or not you wish to pursue a formal complaint. Our goal is to make sure you are aware of the range of options available to you and have access to the resources you need.
If you wish to speak to someone confidentially, you can contact any of the following on-campus resources, who are not required to report the incident: (1) University Counseling Center (, 7-0311); (2) Student Health Center (, 7-7400); or (3) Center for Wellness Promotion (, 7-7407). Additional information about your options is also available at under the “Students” tab.
Students with learning disabilities
Students with documented disabilities who require accommodations in this class should access services as soon as possible through the UNC Charlotte Office of Disability Services in Fretwell Building, Room 230.