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Inateraction! FREN 2201 INTERMEDIATE FRENCH I Spring 2018
FREN 2201,001 & 002 MW 2:00-3:15, 3:30-4:45 COED 168
Katherine Stephenson COED 458 No office phone ksstephe@uncc.edu
Office Hours: 1:30-1:50 TWR, 4:50-5:20 MW, 3:20-3:50 TR & by appt.
Syllabus last revised Jan. 8, 2018
- Jan. 8: Orientation, Interaction Chapitre 1
- Jan. 10: Chapitre 1: Petites et grandes surfaces (pp. 2-3); Vocabulaire actif (pp. 4-5); Structures 1 (pp. 6-8). In Canvas: print out “Les verbes au présent” and consult “Verbes fréquents au présent de l’indicatif”: http://www.lepointdufle.net/ressources_fle/conjugaison_present.htm.
Open your iLrn account [iLrn/eSAMRegInstr] and in eSAM (iLrn electronic Student Activities Manual) login, click on book title on right under “Package,” then at the top of the Assignment Calendar (eSAM homepage), make sure that “View assigned activities only” is not checked, then see Canvas for specific exercises assigned in eSAM. - Jan. 15: Martin Luther King Holiday
- Jan. 16: Last day to add, drop, and change grade type to P/F or Audit
- Jan. 17: Chapitre 1: Structures 1
- Jan. 22: Chapitre 1: Structures 2
- Jan. 24: Chapitre 1: Structures 3
- Jan. 29: Chapitre 1: Révision
- Jan. 31: Chapitre 1: Examen
- Feb. 5: Chapitre 2: Vocabulaire; Deadline to apply for May 2017 graduation
- Feb. 7: Chapitre 2: Structures 1
- Feb. 12: Chapitre 2: Structures 2
- Feb. 14: Chapitre 2: Structures 3
- Feb. 19: Chapitre 2: Examen
- Feb. 21: Chapitre 3: Vocabulaire
- Feb. 26: Chapitre 3: Structures 1
- Feb. 28: Chapitre 3: Structures 2
- Mar. 5-10: Spring Break
- Mar. 12: Chapitre 3: Structures 3
- Mar.14: Chapitre 3: Examen
- Mar. 19: Chapitre 4: Vocabulaire; Last day to withdraw from course(s)
- Mar. 21: Chapitre 4: Structures 1
- Mar. 26: Chapitre 4: Structures 2
- Mar. 28: Chapitre 4: Structures 3
- Apr. 1: Chapitre 4: Révision
- Apr. 3: Chapitre 4: Examen
- Apr. 9: Chapitre 5: Vocabulaire
- Apr. 11: Chapitre 5: Structures 1
- Apr. 16: Chapitre 5: Structures 2
- Apr. 18: Chapitre 5: Structures 3
- Apr. 23: Chapitre 5: Révision
- Apr. 25: Chapitre 5: Examen
- Apr. 30: Révision Leçons 1-5. Révision pour l’examen final
- May 2: Reading Day
- Mon. May 7: Section 001 Final Exam, 2:00-4:30
- Wed. May 9: Section 002 Final Exam, 2:00-4:30