Call for Papers

Call for Papers:

Latin American Environments: Approaches from the Sciences and the Humanities

April 5 and 6, 2019

UNC Charlotte


Deadline: February 25


The study of Latin American environments is both old and new. While few regions have had a richer bibliography on environmental studies than Amazonia, the Caribbean, or Patagonia, in the present biologists, geologists, geographers, or environmental historians and cultural critics continue to renew the questions and the topics leading environmental studies in the region. Thus, along with the rich studies on the biotas of different sub-regions, new conversations continue to interrogate the effects of glacier meltdown in the Andes, the impact of sugar cultivation on Cuban and other Caribbean environments, or the adaptation of Mexico City to the lakes that surrounded it in the pre-Hispanic era.

Organized by UNC Charlotte’s Latin American Studies Program and the UNC/Duke Consortium in Latin American and Caribbean Studies, the XIII Brown Conference in Latin American Studies at UNC Charlotte, to be held on April 5 and 6, 2019, will interrogate past and present conversations in Latin American Environmental Studies, including earth sciences, geography, history, anthropology, sociology, and cultural studies.

The keynote speaker will be Reinaldo Funes Monzote (University of Havana/Yale University), one of the main specialists in Latin American Environmental History with a special focus on Cuban and the Caribbean, the History of Science and geographical ideas, and geoengineering projects. Participating in the most recent collections of essays in Latin American environmental history, Professor Funes Monzote has also published From Rainforest to Cane Field in Cuba (UNC Press, 2009) and A Living Past: Environmental Histories of Modern Latin America (Berghahn, 2018).

Both established scholars and graduate students are welcome to propose a paper or a panel on the conference’s and other topics in Latin American Studies by sending an email to and before February 25. Please add to the subject line the words “Latin American Environments Conference”.