Changes to Global Environmental Change webpage

just a few notes about the changes to my teaching webpage for my Global Environmental Change (ESCI 3000 this semester – Fall 2012, expected to be ESCI 3101 by Fall 2013) webpage. i updated just about everything there so the interface would be more useful for students, but there are many links to climate-related internet sources for discussion, books, visualizations, and of course DATA related to climate science. i will point out that the NCDC websites and the CMIP5 websites are especially useful. CMIP5 is family of model experiments that will support IPCC AR5 which is being written and revised this year and expected to be published sometime in 2013. CMIP3, I think, were the model experiments that supported IPCC AR4 publications in 2007.

About Brian Magi

Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Earth Sciences
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