Coffee is the greatest and healthiest drink on the planet

Agent Dale Cooper from the Twin Peaks TV series.  He relished his cup of coffee.

Agent Dale Cooper from the Twin Peaks TV series. He relished his cup of coffee.

Ok, maybe this article/post doesn’t exactly say what I chose to title this. But I like coffee, so all my scientific training goes out the window and I just nod at every self-reinforcing statement in that article. I’ll admit that I won’t even bother to do any level of fact-checking on this. It just has to be true!

I evolved about 6-7 years ago and drink black coffee about 95% of the time. I think I switched from milk-coffee to black because I spent my free birthday starbucks coffee on a pumpkin spice latte. Gross. I’ll still get a (non pumpkin spice) latte every now and then, but a good cup of espresso or black at the right temperature… wow. Grab a cup, and watch a wordsmith talk about how little we should care about the facts (in this case). Long live coffee! Long live Agent Cooper! And, heck, long live chocolate too! It’s good for you – prove me wrong.

About Brian Magi

Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Earth Sciences
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