Undergraduate students scouring internet for global warming articles

I’m teaching my Global Environmental Change this semester and the students have been busy reading and putting together response papers to the readings. This past week, I asked the students to find a news article published in 2013 about climate change. Not a hard search really, but I also asked them to evaluate or talk about how they evaluated the expertise of the author of the article. Many of the articles below give a glimpse into what students are thinking about with climate change. Here is the list:

Hurricanes striking coast could decrease with global warming
Cooling Pacific dampened global warming
Summary of IPCC AR5 panel findings
Pacific allies in fight against climate change
Climate change policies in Europe and adverse impacts on African agriculture
Is global warming slowing down?
An advocacy piece centered on Hardball interview with Professor Michael Mann and a Republican strategist
Climate sticker shock related to Arctic melt
Record temperature in Greenland
Germany’s energy outlook
Gulf Stream slowdown linked to faster rate of sea level rise on USA East Coast
Climate change impacts on the energy infrastructure
Global warming primer
MTV rocks the POTUS SOTU 2013 party
Carbon farms reversing global warming
Pause in global warming should not translate to pause in action

About Brian Magi

Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Earth Sciences
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