Call for Abstracts for Pyrogeography session at AAG 2015

This is a post that I will link via twitter. If you are interested in presenting your Pyrogeography research at the Association of American Geographers 2015 annual meeting in Chicago in late April 2015, please submit an Abstract and send your AAG PIN to me or another session organizer. AAG Abstract deadline is November 5.

Our other Pyrogeography session co-organizers include Paul Laris (CSU Long Beach), Jenn Marlon (Yale Univ), Michael Coughlan (Univ of Georgia Athens), and Leif Brottem (Grinnell College).


Call for Abstracts AAG 2015

Title: Pyrogeography

Description: Pyrogeography seeks to understand the spatio-temporal patterns of fire as a function of the complex interplay of human and environmental factors. Over the past century, there have been enormous changes in human perceptions and uses of fire around the world. Moreover, climate and fuel conditions have been rapidly changing in recent decades, further altering interactions between fire and its various controls. Fire researchers are increasingly seeking ways to integrate multiple perspectives and sources of data and information to better understand the changing dimensions of fire regimes, whether expressed through shifts in extent of area burned, fire frequency, type, severity, or seasonality. All methodological approaches are welcome and we especially welcome mixed-method research approaches. Research approaches may span local to global scales, and include diverse approaches from geography and anthropology, based on paleoecological, dendrochronological, archaeological, historical, satellite, mixed-methods, and other modern approaches, as well as global and regional fire modeling research, and fusions of these methods.

Session co-organizers include: Paul Laris [Paul.Laris at], Brian Magi [brian.magi at], Jennifer Marlon [jennmarlon at], Michael Coughlan [coughlan at], and Leif Brottem [brotteml at]. Contact any of the co-organizers if you are interested in participating or have questions.


Fires in January 2014

Fires in January 2014 from NASA Rapid Response

Fires in September

Fires in September 2014 from NASA Rapid Response

Fire images are from NASA Rapid Response.

About Brian Magi

Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Earth Sciences
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