Author Archives: Brian Magi

About Brian Magi

Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Earth Sciences

AGU session to explore drivers of fire

I’m excited to be hosting an American Geophysical Union (AGU) session in December 2017 and excited about only having to fly to New Orleans instead of San Francisco. This is the first time in many many years that AGU has … Continue reading

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Unusually Bad Air Quality in North Carolina

Many communities in western North Carolina and in the Queen City of Charlotte have been and continue to be impacted by smoke pollution from fires on the eastern side of the Appalachian Mountains near Lake Lure and South Mountain State … Continue reading

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Pyrogeography at the AAG Conference

Another major conference is on the horizon – the Association of American Geographers (AAG) meeting which is in Chicago this year. Check #AAG15. Conferences are absolutely critical for multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary research, and I think for just about all research. Science, like … Continue reading

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Climate change and debate

An interesting article about the amazing climate change humans are causing was published by the UNC Charlotte campus newspaper back in Spring 2014, but it’s worth re-visiting as our atmosphere once again reached 400 ppm CO2 concentration. The piece was … Continue reading

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Climate change and 400 ppm carbon dioxide

In the great carbon cycle that is at work on our planet, carbon dioxide (CO2) gas concentration in our atmosphere, as measured in the most famous observation site in the world (Mauna Loa, Hawaii, home of the Keeling Curve), has … Continue reading

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Attending AMS 2015 in Phoenix

MESAS students Warren Pettee and Thomas Winesett and I will be attending AMS 2015 (#AMS2015), along with many others from UNC Charlotte. I heard the count was about 8 undergraduate students from the Meteorology Program. Professor Casey Davenport and I … Continue reading

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Funded graduate research assistant for fire modeling project

This is an advertisement I am circulating around to listserves and colleagues to recruit a graduate student (Masters or PhD) into my recently-funded NSF research project. The grant title is “Collaborative Research: Testing Hypotheses About Fire Using Data Syntheses and … Continue reading

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Call for Abstracts for Pyrogeography session at AAG 2015

This is a post that I will link via twitter. If you are interested in presenting your Pyrogeography research at the Association of American Geographers 2015 annual meeting in Chicago in late April 2015, please submit an Abstract and send … Continue reading

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Robust features in the 2014 USA forecast

Building on a previous discussion about a seasonal forecast product from NOAA Climate Prediction Center (CPC), I am still really curious about how robust the features in the seasonal weather patterns in the USA are. “Weather” in this case is … Continue reading

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Forecasting the USA temperature and precipitation tendency for 2014

Where we are this calendar yearCurrently, the USA as a whole and the Southeastern USA are both cooler than normal this year and precipitation is slightly below average for the Eastern USA, above average for Colorado-Wyoming-Idaho, and well below average … Continue reading

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