Author Archives: Brian Magi

About Brian Magi

Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Earth Sciences

Climate in the Southeast in January 2014

Scientists studying the Earth’s climate system are supported by an immense and rich array of data. Sometimes it seems like you only have to be comfortable working with all this information. Programming languages help (matlab, R, python, NCL, for example). … Continue reading

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Voting for action on global environmental change

As real as global warming (figure above from NOAA NCDC) is, and as much as we expect that the science has done enough, one US lawmaker recently said I am for global action on climate change. I am a proud … Continue reading

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Human and climate connections with fire activity

Last week, I got to revisit my research in an informal UNC Charlotte CAGIS Seminar amidst the teaching responsibilities that swarm in on me during the academic year. This forced me to set aside some time to think about research, … Continue reading

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Charlotte Citizens Hearing on EPA Proposal to Regulate Carbon Emissions

Real conversations about how we can act on climate change (#ActOnClimate) seem to be happening right now. Environment North Carolina published their tabulated emissions from state power plants, and even highlighted North Carolina’s role in this.To offer public support for … Continue reading

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Tracking and targetting emissions from power plants

As my students probably know by now, I think an important point when discussing or even thinking about how to deal with the combination of our hunger for energy and global warming is to remember the scales of the problem. … Continue reading

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Undergraduate students scouring internet for global warming articles

I’m teaching my Global Environmental Change this semester and the students have been busy reading and putting together response papers to the readings. This past week, I asked the students to find a news article published in 2013 about climate … Continue reading

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Ramping up for teaching with NOAA NCDC

Summer is a time of dedicated research for me. Finished one project, waiting for peer reviews on that manuscript, tinkering with twitter, planning out research conference travel in the next school year, and working on a grant proposal to NSF. … Continue reading

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Life expectancy reductions in the polluted air of China

Shockingly little has been published in the peer-reviewed literature about the air pollution in China, although there has been plenty of press coverage. I talked a little bit about the US Embassy twitter data and how fires polluted the air … Continue reading

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Earth observations gallery

I used to really like photography. A big chunk of my senior year in high school and freshman year in college were spent in a dark room experimenting with developing processes and photograph creation. Film cameras are a thing of … Continue reading

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Activity on twitter

I haven’t posted anything here for about a week – an eternity in the land of constant chatter (the internet). I’m working on a couple of publications, which take a lot of concentration, so that’s my main excuse. My secondary … Continue reading

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