
A partial list of both formal and informal presentations are below (bold are in MESAS research group).  Email Brian Magi for more information about any presentation below. As a scientist, many of my presentations lean towards the technical work I do to studying aspects of Earth system science. As a teacher, I spend a lot of time working on ideas related to atmospheric sciences and climate change in the classroom with students. Another part of my role as an academic scientist is public outreach, so you’ll see topics and audiences ranging from, for example, global warming, climate change solution strategies, atmospheric sciences, weather, lightning, to air quality. Easiest is to email me and it’s over on the right side of this webpage –>


1. March 2022 – Eric Webb (former UNC Charlotte Masters student) and Brian Magi, Southern Appalachian Weather and Climate Workshop, Asheville SAWC Workshop Webpage
2. March 2022 – Allison Van Ormer (UNC Charlotte Masters student) and Brian Magi, Southern Appalachian Weather and Climate Workshop, Asheville SAWC Workshop Webpage
3. March 2022 – Andrew Robinson (UNC Charlotte Masters student) and Brian Magi, Southern Appalachian Weather and Climate Workshop, Asheville SAWC Workshop Webpage


1. April 2021 – Invited presentation: “Grappling with Climate Change”, Lake Norman UU Church
2. May 2021 – Invited presentation: Land-Cover Dependent Relationships between Fire and Soil Moisture, B. Magi and A. Schaefer, (I presented work that A. Schaefer led), “Using Soil Moisture Information to Better Understand and Predict Wildfire Danger: A Symposium for Researchers and Fire Managers” (Link to archived symposium)
3. May 2021 – “Low-Cost Air Quality Monitoring in North Carolina: Exploring partnerships in air quality monitoring and outreach”, B. Magi (UNC Charlotte), M. Sharova (CleanAIRE NC), Yoo-Min Park (Eastern Carolina University), Carolinas Climate Resilience Conference, participated virtually for the Durham, NC conference
4. May 2021 – “Climate Change in North Carolina”, A. Robinson (UNC Charlotte Masters student) and B. Magi, Carolinas Climate Resilience Conference, participated virtually for the Durham, NC conference
5. September 2021 – Invited panelist and presenter: “Partnerships in low-cost air quality monitoring and outreach in North Carolina”, B. Magi (UNC Charlotte) and M. Sharova (CleanAIRE NC), Organized by: Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL), Citizen Science Association (CSA), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Webinar Title: Make Your Citizen Science Project Count: Strategies to Produce Quality Data (Link to archived webinar on Youtube) and guided by the EPA Quality Assurance Handbook, the APHL CitSci Handbook, and the CSA Data Quality Resource Compendium
6. October 2021 – Invited presentation: The Melting Arctic, Senior Scholars, Charlotte NC
7. October 2021 – Invited presentation: Updates on Co-location of Low-Cost Sensors with Regulatory Monitors, Mecklenburg County Air Quality, Charlotte, NC
8. November 2021 – Invited presentation: Updates on Co-location of Low-Cost Sensors with Regulatory Monitors, Forsyth County Air Quality, Charlotte, NC


Postponed due to COVID-19: ASIC, URC, BREATHE, Lake Norman UU, Cornelius Library
1. AGU 2020 presentation It’s more than stress – field evidence for climate’s influence on rates of rock fracture, or just read our GRL paper Warmer, Wetter Climates Accelerate Mechanical Weathering in Field Data, Independent of Stress-Loading (PDF)
2. Clean Air Carolina – State of the Climate, invited panel moderator
3. Guest Lecture for Environmental Planning (Angel Hjarding, instructor)
4. NxN Fire in Boreal Alaska (invited by Anchorage Art Museum, via Marek Ranis)
5. Guest Lecture INES “Pyrogeography: Fire Research”
6. E. Webb and B. Magi, Reanalysis of the Extended Multivariate ENSO Index, American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Boston, January 2020, [Abstract]


B. Magi, Charlotte Teachers Institute 2019 seminar leader, “Climate Science and Solution Strategies”, January to December 2019 [Abstract]
B. Magi, Low-Cost Air Quality Measurements, UNC Charlotte Continuing Education course (PDS405), November 2019, Description

B. Magi and C. Cupini, Comparison of PM2.5 measured in urban North Carolina settings using a low-cost optical particle counter and Federal Equivalent Methods, Community Modeling and Analysis System (CMAS) Annual Conference, October 2019, Abstract

M.C. Eppes, B. Magi, J. Scheff, Warmer and Wetter Climates Accelerate Mechanical Weathering, Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual Meeting, Phoenix, September 2019, Abstract

B. Magi, Climate strikes discussion with Pioneer Springs Community School’s 8th Grade class, September 2019.

B. Magi, Comments to the Environmental Stewardship Committee of the Mecklenburg Board of County Commissioners in support of Mecklenburg County Air Quality “Breathing Room”, September 2019.

B. Magi, C. Cupini, J. Francis, M. Green, C. Hauser, and G. Perrotte, In the Trenches with Purple Air Data, Invited Presentation about Low-cost sensor analysis, EPA Research Triangle Park, May 2019.

B. Magi, Charlotte Board of County Commissioners, public science presentation about air quality by Calvin Cupini, May 2019.

A. Schaefer and B. Magi, George Mason University, Earth System modeling workshop, April 2019.

Martha-Cary Eppes, Gregory S. Hancock, Xiaofeng Chen, Brian Magi, and Jack Scheff, Testing the role of climate-dependent subcritical cracking in rock weathering and erosion, European Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, April 2019,

B. Magi, NC CROWN Wildlife, Panel Discussion about wildlife, ecology, and climate change, March 2019.

B. Magi, UNC Charlotte WeatherFest, “Lightning!”, March 2019.

B. Magi, UNC Charlotte, INES PhD Seminar Guest Lecture about Air Quality Science, March 2019.

C. Fite and B. Magi, Aerosol and Cloud Interactions over South America During the Next Century, Phoenix, January 2019, Abstract


B. Magi, M. Coughlan, K. Derr, “A global analysis of hunter-gatherers, documented fire use, and lightning-fire-prone landscapes”, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington DC, Oral Presentation GC43D-02, December 2018 [Abstract]

B. Magi, Celebrating Community Science with Thriving Earth Exchange at AGU Fall Meeting and the Community Science Story Slam, December 2018.

B. Magi, UNC Charlotte Salon Lecture at Aldersgate Retirement Community in Charlotte, NC, “Understanding Climate Change in North Carolina and the USA”, November 2018.

B. Magi, Guest Lecture “Climate Change: Science and Solution Strategies”, University City Mecklenburg County Library, October 2018.

B. Magi, Air Quality Science and Technology, UNC Charlotte Continuing Education course, Description: Air quality continues to be a prominent concern in the urban environment. This course will cover major air pollutants, the science related to air quality and human health, and some of the technological measurement and visualization strategies that are used to better understand the problem and set up a foundation for solving air quality problems, October 2018 [Link]

B. Magi, C. Cupini, J. Francis, M. Green, F. Ramadan, C. Hauser, B. Reiss, Comparison and evaluation of PM2.5 measured in an urban setting using a low-cost optical particle counter and a Federal Equivalent Method Beta Attenuation Monitor, [Abstract]

B. Magi, Guest Lecture at Pioneer Springs Community School’s 5th grade class, “Seeing how the atmosphere moves using satellites”, September 2018.

T. Grace and B. Magi, Charlotte Research Scholars summer research symposium, “Air Quality Variability in Response to Mesoscale Convection in Mecklenburg County”, July 2018.

B. Magi, Panel to discuss Climate Stories in North Carolina, Charlotte Sustainability Summit organized by INSS and Sustain Charlotte, June 2018.

B. Magi, “Earth Day: Pollution in our Atmosphere”, Clean Air Carolina’s Northwest Corridor Earth Day celebration, J.C. Smith University, Charlotte, NC, April 2018.

Jennifer Marlon*, Brian Magi, Florent Mouillot, Anne-Laure Daniau, Alex Schaefer, Reconstructions of Fire Activity in North America and Europe over the Past 250 Years: a comparison of the Global Charcoal Database with Historical Records [Abstract]

B. Magi, “Global Environmental Change and Public Health”, Atrium Health CMC Main, Charlotte, NC, March 2018.

B. Magi, Guest Lecture “Climate Change: Science and Solution Strategies”, ESCI 1101 Introduction to Physical Geography (Instructor: Professor Sandra Clinton), March 2018.

B. Magi, “Science and Communication”, NC Junior Science and Humanities Symposium, March 2018.

B. Magi, “Lightning!”, UNC Charlotte Weather Fest 2018, March 2018

B. Magi, Guest Lecture “School of the Wild: Understanding Climate Change”, Mecklenburg County School of the Wild, Reedy Creek Nature Preserve, Charlotte, NC, February 2018.

B. Magi, Guest Lecture “Climate Change: Science and Solution Strategies”, LBST 2101 Urban Sustainability, (Instructor: Professor Robert Boyer), January 2018.

S.P. Edwards and B.I. Magi, Analyzing the Use of Satellite Microwave Remote Sensing Data for Lightning Estimations in the Southeastern United States, American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting in Austin, Texas, January 2018. Link to AMS Abstract page for Full Conference (22nd Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography) and Student Conference.


B. Magi, S. Rabin, F. Li, G. Van Der Werf, Running a poster/oral session at AGU called Quantifying Drivers of Global and Regional Fire Patterns Using Data and Models (B21I is the Oral Session, B13D is the Poster Session). Invited talks included Randerson et al. and Grieman et al.. Link to Oral Session Page and Poster Session Page.

B. Magi, J. Marlon, F. Mouillot, A. Daniau, A. Schaefer, P. Bartlein, B13D-1795: Reconstructions of Fire Activity in North America and Europe over the Past 250 Years: A comparison of the Global Charcoal Database with Historical Records, Poster presentation at AGU 2017 in New Orleans. Link to AGU abstract page.

A. Schaefer, B. Magi, J. Marlon, P. Bartlein, B13D-1797: Comparing the Global Charcoal Database with Burned Area Trends from an Offline Fire Model Driven by the NCAR Last Millennium Ensemble, Poster presentation at AGU in New Orleans, Link to AGU abstract page.

B. Magi, Lightning!, UNC Charlotte Weather Fest 2017, March 2017

B. Magi, R. Young (Western Carolina U), and D. Boraks (WFAE), Charlotte Talks, Science Meets Politics: Environmental Research, Regulation And Protections In North Carolina, 22 March 2017, WFAE Webpage and Archived Program

B. Magi, B. Panovich (WCNC Charlotte), G. Fishel (WRAL Raleigh), Charlotte Talks, Meteorologists Taking A Prominent Role In Climate Change Discussion, 1 February 2017, WFAE Webpage and Archived Program


B. Magi, J.R. Marlon, P. Bartlein, A-L. Daniau, Evaluation of Fire Model Output from 1900-2010 Against Historical Reconstructions and Charcoal RecordsData-Model Comparisons in Fire Research, 3rd Fire Model Intercomparison (FireMIP) Workshop, Hamburg, Germany, September 2016

Magi, B., Engaging University Students as Stakeholders in Climate Change, Carolinas Climate Resilience Conference, Charlotte, NC, September 2016 [Meeting Webpage]

Cammaroto C., B. Magi, T. Lansdell, Citizen Science in Action, Invited oral presentation and panel representative, Integrated Network for Social Sustainability 2016 Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC, June 2016 [Meeting Webpage]

Magi, B., “Air Quality Science”, Charlotte Area Science Café, Charlotte, NC, April 2016 [Link to CASC]

Magi, B., Citizen Science in Action, Invited oral presentation and panel representative, NC Breathe Conference, Charlotte, NC, April 2016 [Presentation PDF]

Magi, B., “Climate Change: Science and Solution Strategies”, Science Café at the Schiele Museum of Natural History, Gastonia, NC, January 2016 [Museum Link]


Marlon, J.*, B. Magi, P. Bartlein, and R. Kelly, Multi-decadal to Millennial-scale Reconstructions of Global Biomass Burning and its Responses to Changes in Climate, Vegetation and Anthropogenic Forcings, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, GC43H-01, Oral Presentation, December 2015. [Abstract]

Eppes, M.* and B. Magi, Real-time Observations of Rock Cracking and Weather Provide Insights into Thermal Stress-Related Processes of Mechanical Weathering, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, EP41C-0942, Poster Presentation, December 2015. [Abstract]

Magi, B., Data-Model Comparisons in Fire Research, Fire Model Intercomparison Workshop 2015, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, October 2015

Magi, B., “Climate Change: Science and Solution Strategies”, salon presentation at the Church of the Holy Comforter, Charlotte, NC, October 2015

Magi, B., Other Fire Data Sources, Paleofire Data-Model Comparisons for the Past Millennium, Harvard Forest, MA, USA, September 2015 [Workshop Webpage]

Magi, B.I., Climate Change: Science and Solution Strategies, Guest lecture for Professor Robert Boyer’s Urban Sustainability course at UNC Charlotte, September 2015.

Magi, B.I., Out of Balance: Humans and Climate, Salon Discussion about modern-day climate change, Aldersgate Retirement Community, August 2015.

Ruble, W.* and Magi, B.I., Lightning in the Southeast USA, Poster presentation, UNC Charlotte Charlotte Research Scholars Symposium, Charlotte, NC, July 2015

Pettee, W., B. Magi, M. Eastin, C. Davenport, T. Shirley, Unidata Users Workshop, June 2015.

Laris, P., L. Brottem, M. Coughlan, B. Magi, J. Marlon, Co-organizers for AAG 2015 Session “Pyrogeography”, April 2015. [link, link]

Pettee, W.*, B.I. Magi, M. Eastin, C. Davenport, T. Shirley, Testing a WRF-ARW Modeling System for Southeastern US Winter Weather, Poster Presentation, 2015 Unidata Users Workshop, June 2015.

Magi, B.I. and S.S. Rabin, Untangling Pyrogeographies Using Global Fire Modeling, Oral Presentation, Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, April 2015.

S.S. Rabin*, B.I. Magi, E. Shevliakova, S. Pacala, Estimation Of Cropland And Pasture Burning Practices At Large Scales, Oral Presentation, Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, April 2015.

Magi, B.I., Observing Lightning from Space, Invited presentation, North Carolina Museum of Natural History Science Saturday presentation, Invited to talk about my NC Space Grant funded research, 4 April 2015.

Magi, B.I., Connecting global fire activity to climate, humans and lightning, Invited seminar presentation, University of South Carolina, Department of Geography, Colloquium Series, 23 Jan 2015.

Magi, B.I., Global Lightning Derived from Satellite-Based Lightning Climatology and CMIP5 Climate Model Output, Poster presentation, American Meteorological Society, 20th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography, January 2015,

Winesett, T*., B.I. Magi, and D.J. Cecil, Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Estimates Derived From SSMI Microwave Remote Sensing and NLDN, Poster presentation, American Meteorological Society, 7th Annual Conference on Lightning, January 2015,

Winesett, T*., B.I. Magi, and D.J. Cecil, Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Estimates Derived From SSMI Microwave Remote Sensing and NLDN, Poster presentation, American Meteorological Society, 14th Annual Student Conference, January 2015,

Pettee, W*., B.I. Magi, and M.D. Eastin, Simulating the February 2014 North Carolina Snow Event, Poster presentation, American Meteorological Society, 14th Annual Student Conference, January 2015,


Magi, B.I., J.R. Marlon, P.J. Bartlein, Disentangling the Influence of Climate and Humans on Fire Using Paleorecords and a Global Fire Model, Oral presentation, South Eastern Division of the Association of American Geographers, November 2014, Link to talks

Magi, B.I.: Introduced the scientific context for the Clean Power Plan for federal restrictions on carbon emissions from existing power plants, Myers Park Baptist Church, citizens hearing coordinated by the Sierra Club and other advocacy groups.

Magi, B.I.: Introduced the scientific context for calls to cut carbon emissions at Duke Energy, event coordinated around a dirty power plants press release by Environment North Carolina advocacy group.

Magi, B.I., Global Environmental Change in the University Classroom, Oral presentation, Carolinas Climate Resilience Conference, April 2014, Abstract/Presentation at

Magi, B.I., J.R. Marlon, P.J. Bartlein, Disentangling the Influence of Climate and Humans on Fire Using Paleorecords and a Global Fire Model, Oral presentation, Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, April 2014, Abstract


Rabin, S.*, S. Pacala, B.I. Magi, and E. Shevliakova, Regional patterns of cropland and pasture burning: Statistical separation of signals from remote sensing products, Submitted by S. Rabin for American Geophysical Union conference in San Francisco, Abstract B53E-06

Magi, B.I.: Introduced the scientific context for calls to cut carbon emissions from new power plants, event coordinated for a press release of a document by Environment North Carolina (link, other links)

Magi, B.I., The Role of Lightning in the Spatiotemporal Simulation of Global Fire, Oral presentation, American Meteorological Society, 6th Annual Conference on Lightning, January 2013,

Cunningham, D. and B.I. Magi, Extending the Timeseries of Satellite-Based Lightning Data, Poster presentation, American Meteorological Society Student Conference, January 2013,


Magi, B.I., The Science of Global Warming, UNC Charlotte Center for STEM Education/GLOBE Presentation to K-12 STEM Educators, Charlotte, NC, October 2012.

Cunningham, D. and Magi, B.I., Opportunities for Research Scholars, Oral presentation, UNC Charlotte China Initiative, August 2012.

Cunningham, D. and Magi, B.I., Lightning and Fire, Poster presentation, UNC Charlotte Charlotte Research Scholars Symposium, July 2012.

Magi, B.I., S. Rabin, E. Shevliakova, and S. Pacala, A data-based method to determine the regional impact of agriculture on fire seasonality, Poster presentation, European Geophysical Union General Assembly, April 2012,

Magi, B.I., Modeling the Earth System, UNC Charlotte ITIS 1350 “Escience” Guest Lecture, March 2012.

Magi, B.I., The Science of Global Warming, UNC Charlotte Center for STEM Education/GLOBE Presentation to K-12 STEM Educators, Charlotte, NC, January 2012.


Magi, B.I., Using Data to Improve a Global Fire Model for Use in Climate Models and ESMs, Oral presentation, NOAA ESRL Global Modeling Division Meeting, May 2011.

Magi, B.I., Modeling Anthropogenic Drivers of Fires, Oral presentation, European Geophysical Union General Meeting, April 2011.


Magi, B.I., The Reality of Simulating Aerosol Properties, Seminar presentation, NASA Langley Research Center, March 2010.

Magi, B.I., The Reality of Simulating Aerosol Properties, Seminar presentation, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, February 2010.


Magi, B.I. and P. Ginoux, A Burning Question That Needs to Be Answered, Poster presentation, 8th AeroCom (Aerosol Intercomparison Project) Workshop, October 2009. [PDF]

Magi, B.I. and V. Naik, Historical Aerosol Emissions, Oral presentation, 8th AeroCom (Aerosol Intercomparison Project) Workshop, October 2009.