Tag Archives: USA

Robust features in the 2014 USA forecast

Building on a previous discussion about a seasonal forecast product from NOAA Climate Prediction Center (CPC), I am still really curious about how robust the features in the seasonal weather patterns in the USA are. “Weather” in this case is … Continue reading

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Forecasting the USA temperature and precipitation tendency for 2014

Where we are this calendar yearCurrently, the USA as a whole and the Southeastern USA are both cooler than normal this year and precipitation is slightly below average for the Eastern USA, above average for Colorado-Wyoming-Idaho, and well below average … Continue reading

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Climate in the Southeast in January 2014

Scientists studying the Earth’s climate system are supported by an immense and rich array of data. Sometimes it seems like you only have to be comfortable working with all this information. Programming languages help (matlab, R, python, NCL, for example). … Continue reading

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Charlotte Citizens Hearing on EPA Proposal to Regulate Carbon Emissions

Real conversations about how we can act on climate change (#ActOnClimate) seem to be happening right now. Environment North Carolina published their tabulated emissions from state power plants, and even highlighted North Carolina’s role in this.To offer public support for … Continue reading

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The Climate Change Speech transcript and video

Here’s an update from my post yesterday about the Climate Change Speech. Link to the video on Youtube via whitehouse.gov. The video is downloadable (mp4) so you can show students how a speech embodies leadership on an issue that will, … Continue reading

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President Obama takes the offensive on climate change

Wow. What a speech this afternoon by President Obama on the Georgetown University campus – and a beautiful follow up to his Inaugural Address in January and his State of the Union speech shortly thereafter – noting one satire piece … Continue reading

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Interactive USA wildfire map from Climate Central

Amazing what a team of scientists, techs, and a pile of data will bring you. I tried to embed a great map interface by the group at Climate Central here, but it didn’t work so here’s a screenshot of the … Continue reading

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May 2013 climate in North Carolina and the world

With global warming and all of the impacts, it’s very important to constantly consider the question of time and space scales. May 2013 is a good example for those of us living in the Southeastern USA or North Carolina. Namely, … Continue reading

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Global carbon emissions increased in 2012

Unlike the somewhat misleadingly rosy picture painted by President Obama about (USA) carbon emissions in his Inaugural Address and his State of the Union speech in 2013, the global carbon emissions are what matter. So if the USA continues to … Continue reading

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Cold spring and signs of summer

A great description of some of the unusual recent temperature swings in the north central part of the USA by Minnesota State Climatologist office with the original link here: A taste of summer air surged into Minnesota on May 14th, … Continue reading

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