Current Grants
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION: (2021-2024). (Award Number 2114406; Start date: September 2021; End date August 2025). Long-term agrarian responses to environmental stress across the Mediterranean, Levant to Sardinia. P.I. P.L. Fall, co-P.I.s S.E. Falconer, L. Lai, S. Pilaar Birch (University of Georgia), E. Ridder (California State University San Marcos); Senior Researchers M.C. Eppes, J. Scheff (UNCC), M. Soto-Berelov (RMIT), M. Metzger (VCC); Artist Gary James (Melbourne); Consultants Alfredo Carannante (International Research Institute for Archaeology and Ethnology, Naples, Italy), Ornella Fonzo (Museo Archeologico Villanovaforru, Sardinia, Italy), Stefano Masala (Sardinia, Italy), Vincenzo Picotti (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich), Nathan Steiger (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University), Mariano Ucchesu (San Pietro, Italy), Marco Zedda (Universita degli Studi di Sassari, Sardinia, Italy).
Harris Endowment Grant, American Society of Overseas Research (2021-2022) (co-P.I., P. L. Fall with P.I. S.E. Falconer): Zahrat adh-Dhra‘ 1: Life in a Liminal Community during the Rise of Levantine Middle Bronze Age Urbanism. Awarded May 2021.
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION: Bronze Age environmental dynamics and agrarian responses in the Southern Levant. P.I. S.E. Falconer, co P.Is. P.L. Fall, S. Pilaar Birch (University of Georgia), E. Ridder (California State University San Marcos); (2019-2022).
Faculty Research Grant, University of North Carolina Charlotte; awarded December 2020; (period July 1, 2021 to December 31, 2022); P.I. S.E. Falconer, co-P.I. P.L. Fall; Bronze Age environmental dynamics and agrarian responses in the Mediterranean Basin.
IGNITE Planning Grant Proposal, University of North Carolina Charlotte, Long-term Societal Responses to Climatic and Environmental Dynamics, (awarded April 2020). PI (Fall, Department of Geography and Earth Sciences); Senior Personnel UNCC (Eppes, Magi, Scheff, Department of Geography and Earth Sciences; Falconer and Lai, Department of Anthropology); Senior Personnel at other Institutions (Pilaar Birch, University of Georgia; Ridder California State University San Marcos). Total amount funded: $99,630. Duration of the project: 2 years (March 2020-2022).
Previous Grants
Faculty Research Grant, University of North Carolina Charlotte: Investigating Climate Change and Urban Abandonment through Stable Isotope Analysis; (2019-2020).
JOE D. SEGER GRANT; AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF ORIENTAL RESEARCH: Stable Isotope Analysis of Prehistoric Deer Feasting on Cyprus; (2018).
Faculty Research Grant, University of North Carolina Charlotte: Social Landscapes of Early Civilization on Cyprus; (2017-2018).
Small Grants Program, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences: Re-dating early civilization in the Southern Levant (2016).
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION: Bronze Age Village Life and Landscape Dynamics at Politiko-Troullia, Cyprus; (2010-2015).
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION: Collaborative Proposal: Long-Term Dynamics and Resilience of Terrestrial Plant and Animal Communities in the Bahamas; (2011-2016).