1st Ph.D. in Nanoscale Science

Mike Forney successfully defended his dissertation on July 26th 2011.  Mike was in the inaugural class for this novel “Nanoscale Science”graduate program in 2007.  While at UNC Charlotte he has been presenting author for three poster presentations and 10 oral presentations, including 1st place awards in 2011 and 2010 at the Graduate Research Fair at UNC Charlotte.  Mike is a contributing author to a chapter in the CRC Press Handbook of NanoPhysics and he is 1st author on a JACS full article and a JPC-C article.  Mike is also 1st and corresponding author to a manuscript under review at JPC-C as well as three more journal articles in preparation.  Mike twice received an Honorable Mention for the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.

Dr. Forney just accepted a prestigious “Intelligence Community Postdoctoral Fellowship” at the Rochester Institute of Technology working with Brian Landi on developing anodes, based on hybrid carbon nanotube electrodes, for ultra high energy density Lithium ion batteries.

Congratulations Dr. Forney, the PRG will miss you!

About Jordan Poler

Faculty, Department of Chemistry
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