Congratulations Dr. Alston

Jeff Alston successfully defended his dissertation on November 30 2011.  Jeff was in the inaugural class for this novel “Nanoscale Science” graduate program in 2007.  While at UNC Charlotte he has been presenting or contributing author for 21 conference presentations. Jeff is a contributing author to a chapter in the CRC Press Handbook of NanoPhysics and he is 1st author on a Langmuir article and a Polyhedron article as well as an MRS conference proceeding paper.  Jeff is also the 1st or contributing author on two journal articles in preparation.

Dr. Alston has taken a position as Senior Research Scientist in the Materials Division at Goodyear’s international research center in Akron Ohio.

Congratulations Dr. Alston, the PRG will miss you!

About Jordan Poler

Faculty, Department of Chemistry
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