GEOG 4215/5215 Urban Ecology (3 credit-hours)
An introduction to the emerging field of urban ecology. Explores the biological, physical, and social components of the urban ecosystem at local, regional, and global scales. Emphasis on the interplay among components and the sustainability of cities during lectures, field trips, and group discussions.
ESCI 6226/8226 Landscape Ecology (3 credit-hours)
An introduction to landscape ecology, the study of the interplay between spatial pattern and ecological process. Lectures and in-depth group discussions focus on the fundamental and applied aspects of topics such as habitat fragmentation, animal movement in humandominated landscapes, landscape legacies, road ecology, and landscape planning.
GEOG 2000 Biodiversity of the NC Piedmont (3 credit-hours)
A survey of the biodiversity and ecosystems of the North Carolina Piedmont, with special emphasis on the species that occur where people live. Students will gain an understanding of what biodiversity is, how it is measured, how it varies across space and time, and why it matters. The course will culminate with a discussion of how biodiversity can be maintained in human-dominated landscapes in the Piedmont.
ESCI 2210 Field Methods in the Earth and Environmental Sciences (3 credit-hours)
Field techniques used in studies of earth and environmental sciences. Skills related to the collection and presentation of scientific data emphasized.