In an era marked by rapid technological advancements in education, the ancient Greek concept of τέχνη (techne) emerges as a guiding light. This concept, translating to ‘art,’ ‘craft,’ or ‘skill,’ offers profound insights into how we approach technologies in teaching, learning, and research today. This blog post explores the relationship between τέχνη and modern educational technologies, highlighting how this age-old concept can enhance our understanding and use of these tools.
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Alex Chapin
The Art of τέχνη: Enriching Teaching, Learning, and Research Through Ancient Wisdom
Categories: Uncategorized
Tableau is tool for data analysis and visualization, allowing users to represent data in many different ways including: Cross Tab, Geographic Map, Page Trails, Heat Map, Density Chart, Scatter Plots, Pie Chart and Bar Charts, Small Multiples, Dual Axis and Combo Charts with different mark types and options for drill down and drill across.
SurveyShare is a web-based tool designed for:
- assessment of teaching and learning
- survey research
- evaluations
- … and more.
It is available to all UNC Charlotte faculty for your courses and research. You can create and compile your own questions, or you can use or modify any of the 100 available templates. For more documentation, see: Center for Teaching and Learning > Academic Technologies > SurveyShare