Components: Dreamweaver CC, Photoshop CC, Premier Pro CC, Illustrator CC, InDesign CC, Animate CC, Bridge CC, Fuse CC (Preview), Gaming SDK, InCopy CC, Media Encoder CC, Muse CC, PhoneGap Build, Prelude Live Logger CC, Prelude CC, Scout CC, Spark CC, Story CC Plus
Comparable: Adobe Creative Suite
Adobe Creative Cloud is a collection of software for graphic design, photography, web development, video editing, and cloud services. Software is downloaded and installed on the local machine and can be used as long as the subscription remains valid. Software upgrades are available immediately and includes saving to the cloud.
A list of software included in the university license of Creative Cloud can be viewed here. Mobile apps are available from the App Store. The university has an agreement with Adobe that allows Adobe Creative Cloud to be installed on university owned computers and on faculty and staff personal computers.