Strong-field Optical Physics of Two-dimensional Materials

Category: strong-field science, quantum electronics, light-matter interaction, nonlinear optics, ultrafast laser spectroscopy, Keldysh theory, low-dimensional material physics.
Application: Enabling new flexible optoelectronic devices, Improve performance limit of 2D devices, Deeper understanding of laser-matter interaction, Precise laser functional engineering of 2DMs, Enabling dielectric breakdown and clean optical pattering of 2DMs.
Two dimensional materials possess many fascinating properties (students, please google to find many review articles). In this project, we investigate the nonlinear interaction between high-intensity femtosecond laser pulses and 2D materials, spanning perturbative and non-perturbative regimes.
We conduct both experimental (lots of laser and optical engineering) and theoretical (analytical and numerical) work. Students interested in this research are encouraged to contact professor Her for opportunities.
Selected publication (see Publication for complete list)
- Joel M. Solomon, Sabeeh Irfan Ahmad, Arpit Dave, Li‑Syuan Lu, Fatemeh HadavandMirzaee, Shih‑Chu Lin, Sih‑Hua Chen, Chih‑Wei Luo, Wen‑Hao Chang & Tsing‑Hua Her, “Ultrafast laser ablation, intrinsic threshold, and nanopatterning of monolayer molybdenum disulfide”, Scientific Report, (2022) 12:6910.
- Joel M. Solomon, Sabeeh Irfan Ahmad, Arpit Dave, Li-Syuan Lu, Yu-Chen Wu, Wen-Hao Chang, Chih-Wei Luo, and Tsing-Hua Her, “Ultrafast multi-shot ablation and defect generation in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides”, AIP Advances 12, 015217 (2022); doi: 10.1063/5.0078054.
More publication
Tuning/Modulating Bound States in Continuum in Metasurfaces

Category: metasurface, sub-wavelength grating, Fano resonance, symmetry-protected bound states in continuum (SP-BICs), accidental bound states in continuum (SP-BICs), guided-mode resonance, multi-mode Fabry-Perot resonance, spectral singularity, angle-selective narrow-band filters or reflectors,
Application: dynamic applications in light modulation, tunable narrow-band optical filters, label-free biosensors , surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, nonlinear conversion, mode-selective filters for single-mode waveguides and lasers, spatial noise filters, optical limiter, ballistic photon imaging,
Metasurfaces have been shown to manipulate light properties in many unprecedented ways in terms of size, working distance, functionalities, and multiplexity (students, please google to find many review articles). In this project, we investigate the dynamic properties of high-contrast gratings (HCGs) — simple compact subwavelength dielectric gratings which exhibit very rich spectral characteristics due to their resonant leaky modes. Specifically, we study high-Q resonances associated with symmetry-protected bound states in continuum (SP-BICs), accidental bound states in continuum (SP-BICs) in HCGs. We have identified many exciting applications for such a simple metasurface.
We conduct both experimental (fabrication, optical spectroscopy) and theoretical (analytical and numerical) work. Students interested in this research are encouraged to contact professor Her for opportunities.
Selected publication (see Publication for complete list)
- Hsin-Yu Yao, Yi-Chen Wang, Fatemeh Hadavandmirzaee, Tsun-Hsu Chang, and Tsing-Hua Her, “Mechanism and tuning sensitivity of symmetry-protected resonances in high-contrast gratings”, submitted.
- Hsin-Yu Yao and Tsing-Hua Her, “Mechanism and sensitivity of Fano resonance tuning in high-contrast gratings”, Optics Letters 46(4), p.721- 724 (2021)