Selected publications from our Lab’s Work (Reprints Available Upon Request)
Blanchard, A. L., McBride, A.* & Allen, J. A. (in press) Perceiving meetings as groups: Entitativity as a theoretical explanation of meeting effectiveness, Psychology of Leaders and Leadership
Blanchard, A. L. & Allen, J. A. (2022). The Entitativity Underlying Meetings: Meeting Entitativity as Key in the Lifecycle of Effective Workgroups, Organizational Psychology Review. (Google Scholar)
Smith, E., Keegan, B., Tan, C., Alam, A., & Blanchard, A. L. (2022). The Impact of Governance Bots on Sense of Virtual Community: Development and Validation of the GOV-BOTs Scale, Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Online.
Blanchard, A. L. (2021) The effects of COVID-19 on virtual working within online groups, Group processes & Intergroup Relations, 24 (2), (Google Scholar)
Blanchard, A. L. & McBride, A.* (2020) Putting the “Group” in Group Meetings: Entitativity in Face-to-Face and Online Meetings, In Meinecke, A. L., Allen, J. A., & Lehmann-Willnebrock, N. Managing meetings in organizations, Emerald Publishing. (Google Scholar)
Blanchard, A. L., Caudill, L. E.* & Walker, L. S. (2020). Developing an entitiativity measure and distinguishing it from antecedents and outcomes within online and face-to-face groups, Group Processes & Intergroup Relations (Google Scholar) Here is a blog post about this study
Szymanska, I.*, Blanchard, A. L., & Kuhns, K.. (2019). Paradoxical influence of family ownership on innovation-focused organizational change: Evidence from a large family business retail firm, Journal of family business management.
Blanchard, A. L., Stewart, O. J.*, & Medaugh, M.* (2018) The Paradox of Challenge: How Nurses use Professional Virtual Communities to Navigate their Career, Research in Careers, Volume 4.
Gur, S.*, Blanchard, A. L, & Walker, L. S. (2016) Impacts on Society: Informational and Socio-Emotional Support in Virtual Communities and Online Groups, in (B. Baggio, ed) Analyzing Digital Discourse and Human Behavior in Modern Virtual Environments, IGI Global
Wadsworth, M. D.* & Blanchard, A. L. (2015) Influence in Virtual Teams, Computers in Human Behavior.
Blanchard, A. L., Stewart, O. J.*, Cann, A. & Follman, L.* (2014). Making Sense of Humor at work, The Psychologist-Manager, 17 (1), 49-70.
Askay, D.A.*, Blanchard, A. L., Stewart, O.J.* (2013). Managing Entitativity through Social Media. In T. Bondarouk and M.R. Olivas- Luján (Eds.), Social Media and Management, in the Advanced Series in Management. Emerald.
Walker, L. S., Blanchard, A. L., & Burnett, H. (2012). The Role of Experiments in the Study of Virtual Groups. In Shawn Long (Ed) Virtual Work and Human Interaction Research. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Welbourn, J. L., Blanchard, A. L., & Boughton, M. D. (2012) Motivations in Virtual Health Communities and Their Relationship to Community, Connectedness and Stress. Computers in Human Behavior.
Blanchard, A. L., Welbourne, J. A. & Boughton, M. A. (2011) A Model of Online Trust: The Mediating Role of Norms and Sense of Virtual CommunityPub. Information, Communication, and Society, 14(1), 76-106. (Google Scholar)
Blanchard, A., Askay, D. A., & Frear, K. A. (2010) Sense of Community in Professional Virtual Communities. In Shawn Long (Ed) Communication, relationships, and practices in virtual work. (Google Scholar)
Blanchard, A. L., & Rashotte, L. S. (2010). The Role of Technology in the Development of Group Trust. In D. Latusek & A. Gerbasi (Eds). Trust and Technology. (Google Scholar)
Welbourne, J., Blanchard, A. L., & Boughton, M. D.* (2009). Supportive Communication, Sense of Virtual Community and Health Outcomes in Online Infertility Groups. In Communities and Technology 2007: Proceedings of the Fourth Communities and Technologies Conference, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. (Google Scholar)
Blanchard, A. L. (2008). Testing a model of sense of virtual community, Computers in Human Behavior, 24, 2107-2123. (Google Scholar)