- Estimation of population size in entropic perspective. Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, with Chen Chen and Jialin Zhang, 2018.
- Asymptotic normality for plug-in estimators of diversity indices on countable alphabets. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, with M. Grabchak, 30(3), 2018.
- Normal laws for two entropy estimators on infinite alphabets. Entropy, with C. Chen, M. Grabchak, A. Stewart, and J. Zhang, 20(5), 371, 2018.
- Entropic moments and domains of attraction on countable alphabets. Mathematical Methods of Statistics, with S. Molchanov and L. Zheng, 27(1), 60-70, 2018.
- Domains of attraction on countable alphabets. Bernoulli Journal, 24(2), 873-894, 2018.
- On normal law conditions for Turing’s formula. Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online, 2018.
- Asymptotic properties of Turing’s formula in relative error. Machine Learning, with M. Grabchak, 106, 1771-1785, 2017.
- Authorship attribution using diversity profiles. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics, with M. Grabchak and L. Cao, DOI: 10.1080/09296174.2017.1343268, 2017.
- The generalized Simpson’s entropy is a measure of biodiversity. PLOS ONE, with M. Grabchak, E. Marcon, G. Lang, 2017.
- Entropic representation and estimation of diversity indices. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, with M. Grabchak, 28(3), 563-575, 2016.
- A mutual information estimator with exponentially decaying bias. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology, with L. Zheng, 14(3), 243-252, 2015.
- Nonparametric estimation of Kullback-Leibler divergence. Neural Computation, with M. Grabchak, 26(11), 2570-2593, 2014.
- Authorship attribution using entropy. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics, with M. Grabchak and D.T. Zhang, , 20(4), 301-313, 2013.
- Bias adjustment for a nonparametric entropy estimator. Entropy, with M. Grabchak, 15 (6), 1999-2011, 2013.
- Asymptotic normality of an entropy estimator with exponentially decaying bias. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 59(1), 504-508, 2013.
- A multivariate normal law for Turing’s formulae. Sankhya, 75-A (1), pp. 51-73, 2013.
- Entropy estimation in Turing’s perspective. Neural Computation, 24(5), 1368-1389, 2012.
- A normal law for the plug-in estimator of entropy. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, with X. Zhang, 58(5), 2745-2747, 2012.
- Shakespearean sonnets versus Shakespearean Canon, with K.T. Zhang. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics, 17(2), 81-93, 2010.
- Re-parameterization of multinomial distribution and diversity indices. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, with J. Zhou, 140 (7), pp. 1731-1738, 2010.
- Asymptotic normality of a nonparametric estimator of sample coverage. Annals of Statistics, with C.-H. Zhang, 37(5A), 2582-2595, 2009.
- A nonlinear extrapolation of inflow and infiltration behavior under heavy storms. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE, 13(12), 1125-1132, 2008.
- A sufficient normality condition for Turing’s formula. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, with H. Huang, 20(5), 431-446, 2008.
- Turing’s Formula Revisited. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics, with H. Huang, 4(2), 222-241, 2007.
- Estimating rain derived inflow and infiltration for rainfalls of varying characteristics. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE}, 133(1), 89-105, 2007.
- Flow data, inflow/infiltration ratio and autoregressive error models. Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, 131(3), 343-349, 2005.
- A minimum distance estimation approach to the two-sample location-scale problem. Lifetime Data Analysis, with Q. Yu, 8(3), 289-305, 2002.
- On robust estimation of effect size under semi-parametric models. Psychometrika, with N. Schoeps, 62(2), 201-214, 1997.
- A simple quantile approach to the two-sample problem under a location-scale model with random right censorship. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, with G. Li, 6, 323-335, 1996.
- Weighted combination of Wilcoxon tests with interlaboratory lifetime data. Sankhya, 58-A (2), 311-327, 1996.
- Combining Wilcoxon tests with censored data: an application to well water contamination. Environmetrics, with L.R. Korn, E.A. Murphy, 5 (4), 463-472, 1994.
- On improving omnibus tests in Meta-analysis using vote-counts. Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation, 23(3), 803-812, 1994.
- A spectral form of dispersion model in block designs with arbitrarily unequal block sizes. Statistics and Probability Letters, 15(4), 313-319, 1992.
- Recovery tests in BIBDs with very small degrees of freedom for interblock errors. Statistics and Probability Letters, 15(3), 197-202, 1992.
- The robustness of ANOVA with respect to interactions in some orthogonal block designs. Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, 21(1), 233-240, 1992.
- Recovery of interblock information in BIBDs with interaction. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, with Arthur Cohen, 31(3), 373-386, 1992.