The UNC Charlotte NanoSURE REU Site is designed to advance chemistry and nanoscale science research at the undergraduate level and contribute to the education and training of the nanotechnology workforce of the future.
Nanoscale science research faculty from the Departments of Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Optical Science, and Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science will mentor undergraduate researchers on well-defined research projects related to nanoscale science.
* The 2025 program will last from May 27th – August 1st.
Workshop for Summer 2025! – NanoSURE REU participants can participate in a free computational chemistry workshop in partnership with the Molecular Sciences Software Institute (MolSSI) and the Center for Many-body Methods and Spectroscopies for Polariton Chemistry (MAPOL) – (July 11-14). Visit this site (molssi-mapol-workshop) for more information and to apply to participate in the workshop.
NanoSURE participants will spend 10 weeks engaged in various nanoscale science related projects. The intellectual focus or theme of the NanoSURE REU site is interdisciplinary nanoscale science and engineering research. Students chosen to participate in the program will be assigned to ongoing interdisciplinary nanoscale science research projects.
Students can gain experience in:
- Nanoscale synthesis
- Nanoparticle manipulation and assembly
- Quantum dots, carbon nanotubes, and metallic nanoparticles
- Nanomedicine and drug delivery
- Hybrid materials
- Spectroscopy
- SEM, TEM, and AFM
- X-ray crystallography