Professor Tsing-Hua Her is the associate professor in the Department of Physics and Optical Science at The University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He is also the faculty in the interdisciplinary graduate programs of Optical Science and engineering, and Nanoscale Sciences at UNC Charlotte. He received his Ph.D. in Applied Physics at Harvard University in 1998 and completed his postdoctoral research at UC Berkeley in 2000. He was a Member of Technical Staff at Bell Laboratories in Murray Hills, New Jersey until the end of 2002. He became a visiting Research scientist at Wellman Photomedicine Laboratories at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School before coming to UNC Charlotte. Professor Her received the DARPA Young Faculty Award in 2008, and is a senior member of the Optical Society of America (OSA). He has published over 30 papers and holds 3 patents. He is a naturalized US citizen.
Research Interests and Expertise
Light-matter interaction, laser material synthesis and modification, guided-wave physics, laser resonators and quantum electronics, microresonators, optical sensing and imaging, ultrafast and nonlinear optics.
Ph.D. Harvard University, Applied Physics, 1998.
B.S. National Tsing Hua University, Physics, Taiwan, 1990.
Awards and Honors
2015 Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship
2010 OSA Senior member
2008 DARPA Young Faculty Award
PHYS 4241&4242 Quantum Mechanics I, II
PHYS 3121&4222 Classical Mechanics I, II
PHYS 4231/5231&4232/5232 Electromagnetic Theory I, II
PHYS 3101 Topics and Methods of General Physics
PHYS 2101L&2102L Physics Laboratory I, II
PHYS 4181 Solid-State Physics
OPTI 8104 Electromagnetic Waves
OPTI 8103 Light Sources and Detectors
OPTI 8115 Optical Properties of Materials
NANO 8102/PHYS 6000: Nanoscale Phenomena
Optical Society of America (OSA)
American Physical Society (APS)
13. T. Her, G. Raybon, C. Headley, “Optimization of Pulse Regeneration at 40-Gbit/s based on Spectral Filtering of Self-Phase Modulation in Fibers,” Photonic Technology Letters 16(1), 200-2 (2004).
12. J. Jasapara, T. Her, R. Bise. R. Windeler, D. DiGiovanni, “Group velocity dispersion measurements in a photonic bandgap fiber,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 20(8) 1611-5 (2003).
11. G. Raybon, Y. Su, J. Leuthold, R -J. Essiambre, T. Her, C. Joergensen, P. Steinvurzel, K. Dreyer, K. Feder, “40 Gbit/s Pseudo-linear Transmission over One Million Kilometers,” postdeadline paper, OFC 2002.
10. P. S. Westbrook, T. Her, B. J. Eggleton, S. Hunsche, G. Raybon, “Measurement of pulse degradation using all-optical 2R regenerator,” Electronics Letters 38(20), 1193-4 (2002).
9. P. S. Westbrook, B. J. Eggleton, G. Raybon, S. Hunsche, T. Her, “Measurement of residual chromatic dispersion of a 40 Gbit/s RZ signal via spectral broadening,” Photon. Tech. Lett. 14(3), 346-8 (2002).
8. S. Wielandy, M. Fishteyn, T. Her, D. Kudelko, and C. Zhang, “Real-Time Measurement of Accumulated Chromatic Dispersion for Automatic Dispersion Compensation,” Electronics Letters 38(20), 1198-9 (2002).
7. T.-H. Her, R.J. Finlay, C. Wu and E. Mazur, “Ultrafast-laser-induced spike formation on silicon,” Appl. Phys. A 70, 383-385 (2000).
6. T.-H. Her, R.J. Finlay, C. Wu and E. Mazur, “Novel microstructuring of silicon with femtosecond laser pulses,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 73(12), 1673-5 (1998).
5. T.-H. Her, R.J. Finlay, C. Wu and E. Mazur, “Surface femtochemistry of CO/O2/Pt(111): The importance of nonthermalized substrate electrons,” J. Chem. Phys. 108(20), 8595-98 (1998).
4. R.J. Finlay, T.-H. Her, C. Wu and E. Mazur, “Reaction pathways in surface femtochemistry: routes to desorption and reaction in CO/O2/Pt(111),” Chem. Phys. Lett. 274, 499-504 (1997).
3. E. N. Glezer, M. Milosavljevic, L. Huang, R.J. Finlay, T.-H. Her, J.P. Callan and E. Mazur, “3-D optical storage inside transparent materials,” Optics Letters 21, 2023 (1996).
2. S. Deliwala, R.J. Finlay, J.R. Goldman, T.-H. Her, W.D. Mieher and E. Mazur, “Surface femtochemistry of O2 and CO on Pt(111),” Chem. Phys. Lett. 242, 617-22 (1995).
1. G.H. Hwang, T.-H. Her, C.Y. Lin and H.C. Ku, “Vortex lattice melting of the electron superconductor Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4-y,” Physica B 165 & 166, 1155 (1990).