Check out the Actuarial Science Club (ASC) (Video) and (Photos)
To Join the club: go to and click on Organizations. The list will be to the right. Click on the “Actuarial Science Club” and JOIN.
If you have any questions, email the ASC advisor at or the ASC president Jaden Ramsey at
Fall 2024:
- Monday September 9: Information session by Brighthouse Financial at 10am, in Fretwell 306.
- Monday September 9: Virtual webinar by Elevance Health at 6pm.
- Tuesday September 17: Virtual information session by Aetna/CVS at 6:30pm.
- Friday September 20: Actuarial Talk at 2:00 pm by Professor Nii-Armah Okine, ASA, from Appalachian State University.
- Thursday September 26: Information session and an excel case study at 2:30 in Smith 328 by Rachel Mitchener, ASA, from UNUM.
- Friday October 4: 9th Actuarial Science Day and Career Fair. 10am – 4pm, in Lucas room, Cone Center. Hosted by the Actuarial Science Program and the Actuarial Science Club. Open to any major and students from nearby colleges and high schools. Principal Financial Scholarships announced. Door prizes by ACTEX and ASM.
- Friday October 11: “Business Etiquette and Interview Prep Workshop” by Brighthouse Financial, 1:00pm-2:30pm in CHHS 281.
- Saturday October 19: ASC participating in the Walk to End Alzheimer’s Disease, in Charlotte.
- Friday October 25: ASC participating in a playhouse build for Habitat for Humanity!
- Monday December 2: End of Semester Graduation Potluck at 5:30pm in Fretwell 114.
Spring 2024:
- Thursday March 14: Annual Math/Pi Day celebration and Career Fair.
- Saturday March 23: Annual Alumni Luncheon at 11:00 am in the Math Department.
- Wednesday April 24: Actuarial Science Club End-of-semester and Graduation Potluck at 2:30pm in Fretwell 116.
- Thursday April 25: An information session and Case Study by Lucy Ankenbauer, FSA at Principal Financial Group at 2:30 pm in Fretwell 206.
- Thursday, June 13: An Actuarial Talk by Kenneth Morgan, FCAS and MAAA, Head of Pricing and Analytics at Zurich. at 1:00pm. Place to be announced.
Fall 2023:
- Wednesday September 13: First Actuarial Science Club meeting at 10:45 am. Room to be announced.
- Thursday September 21: Information session by Rachel Mitchener from Unum in Denny 216 between 12:00 – 12:45 pm and in Thoughtful Cup afterward for informal discussions with students.
- Friday September 22: 8th Annual Actuarial Science Day and Career Fair, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm, in the Lucas Room in Cone. Open to any major and students from nearby colleges and high schools. Guest speakers and presentations 10 am – 1 pm, followed by lunch 1 pm – 2 pm, and career fair 2 pm – 4 pm. Door prizes by ACTEX and ASM.
- Tuesday October 31: ASC members held an information table in Fretwell to promote the Actuarial field while passing Halloween candy
- Monday November 20: Information session by Alla Shved, FSA CERA, Fortitude RE, 12:00 pm – 12:45 pm, in Fretwell 128
- End of Semester Graduation Potluck: Time and Place to be announced.
Spring 2023:
- Wednesday January 25: An information session on CAS and Reinsurance by Neb Bojer, FCAS, MAAA, at Guy Carpenter at 10:00 am in Fretwell 106.
- Friday February 24: An information session/case study by Lucy Ankenbauer, FSA at Principal Financial Group at 10:00 am in Fretwell 106.
- Tuesday March 14: Annual Math/Pi Day celebration and Math Career Fair.
- Saturday March 25: Annual Alumni Luncheon at 11:00 am in the Math Department.
- Thursday April 27: An information session by TIAA at 11:30 am in Denny 109.
- End of Semester Graduation Potluck: Time and Place to be announced.
Fall 2022:
- Mondays: ASC bi-weekly meetings at 2:30pm in Fretwell 306. Email for more information.
- Friday September 23: 7th Annual Actuarial Science Day and Career Fair, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm, in the Student Union room 340. Hosted by the Actuarial Science Program and the Actuarial Science Club. Open to any major and students from nearby colleges and high schools. Guest speakers and presentations 10 am – 1 pm, followed by lunch 1 pm – 2 pm, and career fair 2 pm – 4 pm.
- Monday September 26: STEM Pre-College program information session on volunteering at 2:30pm in Fretwell 306
- Thursday October 6: A virtual information session by Cigna at 1:30 pm. You can join us in-person in McEniry 127 at 1:00pm.
- Saturday October 15: ASC members volunteering at the STEM Pre-College program Saturday Academy.
- Sunday October 16: ASC members volunteering at the TIAA 5k Race Against Isms at 7:00 am at UNC Charlotte.
- Monday October 17: A virtual information session by Aetna at 3:00 pm. You can join in-person in Denny 215.
- Saturday November 4: Two MATH 2228 students participated in the ARCH MI Data Dive Competition and won first prize.
- ASC End of Semester Fall Graduation Potluck (TBA)
Spring 2022:
- Thursday January 27: An Information Session by Centene at 12:00 pm in Denny 109
- Thursday February 3: A discussion/visit by Kenneth Morgan, FCAS, Zurich NA, at 12:00 pm in Denny 109
- Monday March 14: Annual Math Day/Pi Day and Career Fair – Fretwell 3rd floor
- Saturday April 2: Annual Actuarial and Math for Business Alumni Luncheon at 11:00 am, Fretwell 3rd floor
- ASC End of Semester Spring Graduation Potluck (TBA)
Fall 2021:
- Sunday 8/22 at 2:30 pm: ASC participated in the Annual Students Organizations Showcase on campus across the Student Union
- Friday 9/17 at 10:00 am: 6th Annual Actuarial Science Day and Career fair at UNC Charlotte at the Student Union 3rd floor . Open to all college/high school students, parents and teachers. Actuarial Presentations: 10:00 am – 1:00 pm, Lunch, Career Fair: 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm. Participating Employers: Aetna/CVS(virtual), AFLAC, Cigna(virtual), Equitable, Lincoln Financial Group, Oliver Wyman, Principal Financial Group(virtual), Willis Towers Watson. Participating Organizations: SOA (Society of Actuaries), IABA (International Association of Black Actuaries), OLA (Organization of Latino Actuaries). (flyer) (Agenda)
- Tuesday 9/28 at 1:30 pm: Cigna information session by Grant Hall, FSA, in Denny 220
- Wednesday 10/6 at 9:00 am: Aetna/CVS information session by Charles Newfeld, ASA, in Denny 120
- Friday 10/15 at 6:00 pm: In-Person Alumni Panel discussion on MATH degrees and Industry Outreach during the October Math Day Symposium in Fretwell 100
- Saturday 10/16 at 3:45 pm: Virtual Alumni Panel discussion on MATH degrees and Careers during the October Math Day Symposium
- Tuesday 10/19 at 4:30 pm: Financial Services Career Fair in Cone Center, Lucas Room
- Tuesday 10/19 at 5:30 pm: Principal Financial Group information session by Trent Stastney-Perez and Jaye Nauman
- The Actuarial Science Club crowdfunding project to endow the “Women in Math and Statistics Scholarship” is complete.
- ASC End of Semester Fall Graduation Potluck (TBA)
Spring 2021:
- Tuesdays at 4:00pm: ASC weekly Study Sessions for Math 3228
- Fridays at 12:00pm: Weekly Review sessions for Actuarial Exam FM
- February 15 at 4:00 pm: ASC interest meeting
- February 26 at 3:00 pm: Resume workshop by Joshua Rierson FSA, Brighthouse Financial
- March 9 at 4:30pm: Financial Services Virtual Career Fair
- March 20 at 11:00 am: 9th Annual Actuarial Alumni Luncheon on Zoom
- March 25 at 6:00 pm: Information session by Sierra Goodwell, Oliver Wyman
- April 22 at 11:30 am: Information Session by Nathan Maxwell, Brighthouse Financial
- April 27 at 11:30 am: Information session by Renn Brown, The Standard Insurance Company
- ASC End of Semester Spring Graduation Potluck (TBA)
Fall 2020:
- Actuarial tutoring sessions via zoom for students enrolled in Math 2228/3228
- The Actuarial Science Club launched a crowdfunding project to endow the “Women in Math and Statistics Scholarship” at $25,000.
- Wednesday 9/16, 12:00 pm: Centene virtual information session and recruiting by alumna Whitney Blackenburg via WebEx
- Wednesday 9/23, 9:00 am: Lincoln Financial Group virtual information session and recruiting via WebEx
- Thursday 10/1, 5:00 pm – Cigna virtual information session on Actuarial Applications to Healthcare and jobs/internships
- Thursday 10/ 15, 5:00 pm: Resume workshop offered by the Actuarial Science Club
- Friday 10/16, 4:00 pm: Mock Interviews offered by the Actuarial Science Club
- Tuesday 10/20, 5:00 pm : Virtual Actuarial Career Fair combined with the Financial Services Career Fair. More info on the career center site.
- Tuesday 10/27, 4:00 pm: Actuarial Science Club Meet & Greet, Q&A
- Saturday 10/24, 9:00 am: October Math Day Symposium at UNC Charlotte with meetings/lectures focusing on graduate and undergraduate math research and education (including Actuarial)
- Thursday 11/12, 5:00 pm: Jack Allweil discussing strategies and Journal to prepare for the Actuarial Exams
- Wednesday 11/18, 9:00am: An overview presentation on the actuarial profession and the SOA’s educational pathways by Andrew Samuels, ASA at EY-Charlotte
Spring 2020:
- Study Hall in Fretwell 319: Wednesday 10:00 – 1:30
- Wednesday February 12, 3:00 pm in Fretwell 315: ASC interest meeting
- Thursday February 27, 3:00 – 5:00 pm, in Fretwell 379: ASC meeting and CAS Student Central Webinar: The Travelers Predictive Modeling Cooking Show!
- Friday March 13 – Pi Day celebration by ASC, time and place TBA
- Saturday March 21, 11:00 am – 9th Annual Actuarial Alumni Luncheon at the Math Dept UNC Charlotte (Cancelled)
- Tips and Advice session by ASC for students sitting for the Actuarial Exams (Cancelled)
- ASC End of Semester Spring Graduation Potluck in Fretwell 315 (Cancelled)
Fall 2019:
- Study Hall in Fretwell 319: MW 8:00 – 8:45, T 1:00 – 3:00, W 10:00 – 1:00, and R 8:00 – 9:30
- Thursday 8/29, 2:30 pm – ASC interest meeting in Fretwell 315
- Wednesday 9/11, 3:30 pm – ASC Resume Workshop in the Career Center
- Wednesday 9/18, 11:15 am – Actuarial talk by Dorothy Andrews, ASA, during the Math Awareness Seminar course in Colvard 3120
- Friday 9/20, 10:00 am – 5th Annual Actuarial Science Day and Career fair at UNC Charlotte (Flyer)
- Monday 9/23, 9:00 am – Information session by Cigna in Fretwell 106
- Wednesday 9/25, 9:00 am – 13th annual Information session and interviews by Lincoln Financial Group (Greensboro) in Fretwell 106
- Saturday 10/5, 11:00 am – ASC volunteering at the Kid’s Festival at UNC Charlotte
- Friday 11/8, 9:00 am – Students attending Colonial Life Actuarial Profession Overview in Columbia, SC
- Saturday 11/9, 4:00 pm – ASC volunteering at the Light the Night Walk in uptown Charlotte for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
- Wednesday 11/13, 7:00 pm – ASC volunteering at the “Calculus The Musical” at UNC Charlotte
- Friday 11/15, 9:00 am – Students attending Actuarial Day at BCBS at Durham, NC
- Thursday 12/5, 2:00 pm – ASC End of Semester Spring Graduation Potluck in Fretwell 315
Spring 2019:
- Weekly Tutoring Sessions in Fretwell 319: M 1:30 – 2:30, T 9:30 – 11:00, and R 11:00 – 12:30
- Friday January 25, 9:30 am – ASC members volunteering at the Admitted Students Day Event at the Halton Arena, UNC Charlotte
- Friday January 25, 11:15 am – Information Session by Alumnae Zaira Pabon, Prudential Financial, in Friday 107. Followed by an informal networking meeting in the Math Faculty Lounge
- Tuesday Feb 19, 9:00 – ASC members participating at the LFG College Experience Day, Greensboro
- Thursday March 14 – Pi Day celebration by ASC, time and place TBA
- Friday March 15, 1:30 pm – A presentation by Arthur Schwartz, FCAS, MAAA, North Carolina Department of Insurance on Actuarial Calculations and Excel in Fretwell 420
- Saturday March 23, 11:00 am – 8th Annual Actuarial Alumni Luncheon at the Math Dept UNC Charlotte
- Thursday March 28, 12:00 pm – Tips and Advice session by ASC for students sitting for Exams, in Fretwell 340E
- Friday April 12, 1:30 pm – R Programming Workshop by Davis Vaughan in CHHS 342
- Tuesday April 23, 1:00 pm – Alumni Panel Discussion on Non-Actuarial but Related Jobs in Denny 103. Followed by an informal networking meeting in the Math Faculty Lounge: James Carr – Bank of America, Janaan McEntire – Bank of America, Jordan Micu – DUAL Commercial, Sheena Littlejohn – USI Insurance, Sridhar Prasad – Capgemini Financial
- Monday April 29, 10:00 am – Panel discussion on tips and advice to prepare for FM by current exams passers in Fretwell 107: Joseph Olivas, Emily Jones, Sierra Laine, Chris Gould, Riley Jones
- Wednesday May 1, 1:30 – ASC End of Semester Spring Graduation Potluck in Fretwell 315
Fall 2018:
- Thursday August 30, 4:00 pm – ASC Interest meeting in Friday 130
- Monday September 17 – ASC members attending the CASE regional meeting in Atlanta, Ga
- Saturday September 22, 11:00 am – ASC volunteering at the Kid’s Festival at UNC Charlotte
- Moday September 24, 9:00 am – 12th annual Lincoln Financial Group Info session & interviews by Brian Flowers and Sarah Richardson
- Wednesday September 26 – ASC holding a fundraiser at the Pelican’s Snoballs truck on campus
- Thursday September 27 – ASC members attending an Actuarial Job Shadow Day at BCBS NC, Raleigh
- Friday October 5, 10:00 am – 4th Annual Actuarial Science Day and Career fair at UNC Charlotte. Companies Participating: LFG, Cheiron, TIAA, BCBS-NC, Aon, SCOR, AXA, Arch MI, Aflac, BCBS-SC, Brighthouse Financial, Willis Towers watson, … Organizations: SOA, CAS, IABA, Actuarial Science Club, GIS
- Friday October 12, 1:30 pm – A presentation by Arthur Schwartz, FCAS, MAAA, North Carolina Department of Insurance on Actuarial Calculations and Excel.
- Monday October 15 – ASC members attending the SOA Candidate Connect in Nashville, TN
- Monday October 22, 9:00 am – An Aon information session by Greg Wright and Irene Walker (Interviews on Friday)
- Friday Nov 9 – ASC members attending Colonial Life annual Actuarial Profession Overview in Columbia, SC
- Saturday November 10 – ASC volunteering at the Light the Night Walk in uptown Charlotte for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
- Thursday November 29, 1:00 pm – A presentation by Dorothy Andrews, ASA, CSPA, on Predictive Analytics.
- Thursday December 7, 2:00 pm in Fretwell 107– ASC End of Semester Fall Graduation Potluck
Spring 2018:
- Friday January 19, 6:00 pm – North Carolina Actuarial Club (NCAC) meeting and a Panel Discussion on Catastrophes and Pandemics in the Student Union room 265
- Wednesday January 24, 9:30 am – A presentation by Mr. Larry Stern FSA about the actuarial exams and the actuarial field in McEniry 123.
- Monday January 29, 5:00 pm – ASC interest meeting in Fretwell 124.
- February through April – ASC members working on the 2018 SOA Student Research Case Study Challenge.
- Monday March 12, 9:00 – 3:00 pm – Casualty Actuaries of the South East (CASE) spring meeting in the Student Union rooms 340
- Wednesday March 14, 4:00 pm – Joint Pi Day celebration by ASC, Math club and Math Graduate Students organization.
- Thursday March 15, 12:30 – 1:45 – Scottish Re Information Session – Internships
- Friday March 23, 2:00 pm – Actuarial Pricing and Reserving in Excel by Arthur Schwartz, ACAS at NCDI in Fretwell 319
- Saturday March 24, 11:00-1:00 – 7th Annual Actuarial Alumni Luncheon at the Math Dept UNC Charlotte
- Thursday April 12, 9:30 – 10:45 – Resume workshop by Irene Walker from Aon and ASC past president in Fretwell 315
- Tuesday April 17, 5:00 – 8:00 pm – ASC holding a fundraiser at the Pelican’s Snoballs
- Saturday April 21 – ASC volunteering at the 5K Junior Achievement Walk in Uptown-Charlotte
- Wednesday April 25, 6:00 – 8:00 – ASC members volunteering at the Integration Bee organized by PME
- Thursday April 26, 12:30 – 1:45 – Alumni Panel Discussion on Non-Actuarial but Related Jobs in Colvard 3066
- Sunday April 29, 12:00 – 4:00 pm – ASC participating in the Science Expo at UNC Charlotte
- Tuesday May 1 – ASC End of Semester Spring Graduation
- Tuesday June 12 – Hosted a training session for high school Math teachers for the “Modeling the Future Challenge” by the Actuarial Foundation being a University Partner
- Wednesday June 20 – ASC attending the InsurTech Symposium in Charlotte
Fall 2017:
- Tuesday August 29, 4:30 – ASC Interest meeting in Fretwell 118
- Wednesday September 13, 5:00 – Resume Workshop by ASC and Career Center in Fretwell 306
- Monday September 18 – ASC members attending the CASE regional meeting in Atlanta, Ga
- Friday September 22 – ASC members attending an Actuarial Profession Overview at Colonial Life, Columbia SC
- Friday September 29, 12:00 – 3rd Actuarial Science Day plus Career Fair in Lucas Room, Cone Center.Participating Companies: TIAA, LFG, Brighthouse Financial / Metlife, Willis Towers Watson, BCBS-NC, SCOR, AXA, Aon, FTI Consulting, Aflac, Arch MI, Arrowpoint Capital. Raffle books and study manuals provided by ACTEX
- Wednesday October 11, 9:30 – 11th annual Lincoln Financial Group Info session & interviews in COED 065
- Tuesday October 17, 12:30 – Aon Info session & interviews in FRIDAY 112
- Saturday November 4, 4:30 – ASC members volunteering at the “Light the Night Walk” for Leukemia and Lymphoma
- Tuesday Nov 14, 9:00 – ASC members attending LFG Immersion Day, Greensboro
- Wednesday Nov 14, 6:00 – ASC members attending the NCAC meeting at TIAA-Betsill, Charlotte
- Nov 15-17 – ASC members attending the Southeastern Actuaries Conference, Ballantyne Hotel Charlotte
- December – ASC End of Semester Fall Graduation
Spring 2017:
- Wednesday Jan 11 – ASC participated in the spring students organizations showcase in the students union
- Wednesday Jan 18, 12:30-1:00 – AXA Info session in McEniry 116 and meeting with faculty
- Friday January 20: ASC meeting to discuss actuarial exams and to plan events for the semester
- Wednesday February 15: An Info Session by Lori Blasdell, FSA and Consulting Actuary, from Willis Towers Watson in McEniry 118, 9:30-10:45
- Thursday February 16th, 5:00 – ASC Game Day in the Math with pizza and snacks.
- Friday February 24: A resume building workshop offered by the ASC in Fretwell 207, 11:00-12:15
- Friday March 17, 11:00 – 12:00: Excel skills workshop offered by alumni: Stephanie Mims and Irene Walker.
- Saturday March 25, 11:00-1:00 – 6th Annual Actuarial Alumni Luncheon at the Math Dept UNC Charlotte
- Thursday March 30: ASC volunteering at the Annual Integration- Bee contest at 6:00 pm in Fretwell 100
- Friday March 31, 11:00 – 12:00: ASC Informal Basketball Game in Belk Gym at 2:30 pm
- Monday April 24: ASC volunteering at “Calculus the Musical” and “Tesla Ex Machina”
- Friday April 28: Members inducted into the Pi Mu Epsilon Math Honors Society
- Wednesday May 3, 2:00-4:00 – ASC End of Semester Spring Graduation Potluck in Fretwell 315
- Friday May 5, 12:30-3:30 – An Info session by Mr. Arthur Schwartz, FCAS, MAAA, ASA, North Carolina Department of Insurance on CAS education, casualty careers, and P&C Excel skills.
- June:The “North Carolina Actuarial Club” social event, uptown Charlotte
Fall 2016:
- Friday August 26 – Actuarial Science Club General meeting
- Friday September 9, 2:00-4:00 – ASC hosting a resume workshop offered by Paresh Gopaldas FSA MAAA, Aon Hewitt in Fretwell 379
- Wednesday September 21, 9:30-11:00 – Lincoln Financial Group Info session & interviews in Fretwell 128
- Friday September 30, 9:30-11:00 – An Info session By Mr. Kenneth Morgan FCAS MAAA, Zurich Na, in Fretwell 128
Tuesday October 4, 11:00-12:15- A presentation during the MLC course in Friday 144 and a second informal meeting with students 1:00-2:00 in Fretwell room 315. Both My Mr. Craig DeAlmeida – a volunteer for the SOA’s new University Support Actuary pilot program.
- Saturday October 22, 10:00-2:00 – 2nd annual Actuarial Science Day at UNC Charlotte for College and High school students and teachers, in Fretwell 100
- Wednesday October 26, 9:30-11:00 – TIAA-CREF Info session in Fretwell 128
- Friday November 4 – Actuarial students participated at BCBS Job Shadow Day, Durham NC
- Saturday November 5, 4:30 pm – ASC members volunteered at the Light the Night Walk in uptown Charlotte
- Tuesday November 15, 2:00-3:15 – Info session by Aon and CMS tutoring and volunteering
- Wednesday November 16, 9:30-11:00 – SCOR Info session in Fretwell 128
- Thursday November 17, 11:00-12:15 – Case Study by Mr. DeAlmeida in the MLC course
- Monday December 5: attended with several Actuarial students and alumni the “North Carolina Actuarial Club” social evening, uptown Charlotte.
- Thursday December 8, 2:00-4:00 – ASC End of Semester Fall Graduation Potluck in Fretwell 315
Spring 2016:
- Thursday January 28, 8:30-1:00 – ASC members attended the Actuarial Profession Overview at Unum- Colonial Life, Columbia SC
- Saturday February 13, All day – ASC members volunteering at the MaPP High school Challenge at UNC Charlotte
- Friday February 19, 9:30-10:30 – An information session by Colonial Life at UNC Charlotte
- Tuesday February 23, 4:00-5:00 – Mutual of Omaha Information Session
- Tuesday March 1, 6:00-8:00 – ASC members attended the NCAC meeting at SCOR , uptown Charlotte
- Monday March 14, 2:00-3:00 – ASC attended a Pi Day event hosted by the Math Club
- Friday March 18, 2:30-3:30 – ASC general meeting, pizza provided, and canned food collected as a donation to the Niner Food Pantry
- Saturday March 19, 11:00-1:00 – 5th Annual Actuarial Alumni Luncheon at the Math Dept UNC Charlotte
- Monday April 18: Presentation by Kenneth Morgan, FCAS, VP at Zurich Na
- Wednesday April 20: “Calculus: The Musical!”
- Thursday April 21: Integration Bee
- Friday April 29: PME Induction ceremony of new members
- Wednesday May 4: Graduation Potluck Ceremony for the graduating Actuarial students. The invited speaker is Mr. Dan Reppert, FCAS, Principal and Consulting Actuary, our liaison with the Casualty Actuarial Society.
Fall 2015:
- Wednesday September 9, 12:30-1:30 – Resume Workshop by ASC and Career Center in Fret 410
- Saturday September 19, 9:30 am – Charlotte American Heart Association Walk (volunteering)
- Wednesday September 23 – Aon Hewitt Call Center career fair
- Friday September 25 all day – “Leading the Future” at Colonial Life, Columbia SC
- Friday October 2, 11:00-12:15 – LFG Info session & full time jobs and internships interviews in CHHS 380
- Friday October 6 all day – CASE regional conference, Atlanta Ga
- Friday October 16, 11:00-12:15 – TIAA CREF on campus information sessionin CHHS 380
- Wednesday October 21, 11:00-12:15 – Aon Hewitt on campus presentation in CHHS 380
- Friday October 23, 11:00-12:15 – Towers Watson on campus presentation in CHHS 380
- Saturday November 7, 4:30 pm – ASC members volunteered at the Light the Night Walk in uptown Charlotte
- Friday November 13, 11:00-12:15 – Met Life on campus Information Session in CHHS 380
- Saturday November 14, 10:00-3:00 – Inaugural Actuarial Science Day at UNC Charlotte for College and High school students and teachers, in Fretwell 100
- Thursday December 10, 2:00-4:00 – ASC End of Semester Fall Graduation Potluck in Fretwell 315
Spring 2015:
- ASC participated in the spring students organizations showcase in the students union 1/14/2015
- Aon Hewitt jobs/internships information session for Actuarial Students on 1/22/2015
- ASC volunteering at “Calculus: The Musical!” at UNCC 2/20/215
- ASC participating in a tour to Aon Hewitt Innovation Park 3/13/2015
- Actuarial Science Annual Alumni Luncheon in the Math Department 3/14/2015
- ASC attending the North Carolina Actuarial Club in Hillsborough, NC 3/20/2015
- ASC attending an actuarial profession event for Future Actuarial students at Colonial Life, Colombia SC 3/26/2015
Fall 2014:
- ASC general meeting 9/2/2014
- ASC invited Mr. Shane Chalke FSA for an actuarial talk 9/19/2014
- ASC in a recruitment/leadership event at Colonial Life in Columbia, SC on 9/20/2014
- ASC volunteering at the Charlotte Heart walk uptown Charlotte 9/20/2014
- ASC attending the CASE Regional meeting in Atlanta Georgia on 9/22/2014
- Lincoln Financial Group Information Session and Interships/Jobs Interviews 9/23/2014
- ASC participating in a fund raising activity for Habitat for Humanity at CHHS/COED Plaza on 9/26/2014
- MetLife jobs/internships information session for Actuarial and Math Students on 10/14/2014
- ASC volunteering at the Fall Open House UNCC recruitment event on 10/18/2014
- Towers Watson Information Session for Actuarial and Math classes 10/28/2014
- ASC attending the NC actuarial club meeting – Charlotte Chapter at MetLife 11/6/2014
- DW Simpson Presentation and Resume workshop 11/19/2014 for ASC
- ASC Business Soft Skills meeting 11/25/2015
- ASC End of Semester Fall Graduation Banquet 12/12/2013 in the Students Union. Guest speaker: Mr. Kenneth Morgan FCAS at Zurich NA, Charlotte
Spring 2014:
- ASC participated in the spring students organizations showcase in the students union 1/29/2014
- MetLife jobs/internships information session for Actuarial and Math Students 1/30/2014
- TIAA-CREF summer internships info session 2/4/2014
- ASC attending the Triangle and Triad Actuarial Club 2/7/2014 in Burlington NC
- ASC volunteering at “Calculus: The Musical!” at UNCC 2/17/214
- Actuarial Science Alumni Luncheon in the Math Department 3/22/2014
- ASC hosting the CASE Regional meeting at UNCC 3/25/2014 in the students Union
- ASC attending a talk at UNCC by Dr. Edward Qian from PanAgora Asset Management on 4/9/2014
- ASC volunteering at “The Integration Bee” contest in the Math department 4/17/2014
- ASC holding an End of Semester Fall Graduation Banquet 4/25/2014 in the Students Union. Guest Speaker: Mrs.Tonya Manning FSA – past SOA president
- ASC attending a talk by Mr. Kenneth Morgan FCAS from Zurich NA 4/28/2014
- ASC participating in a tour to Oliver Wyman uptown Charlotte 5/9/2014
- ASC attending “Harnessing the Power of Big Data” Conference uptown Charlotte 5/13/2014
- ASC partipating in the MS Charlotte Walk 5/17/2014
- Amber Schaefer won the DW Simpson $1000 actuarial scholarship
- Keith Finch won Dr. Robert Anderson $500 annual scholarship
- ASC attending”Charlotte Chapter of the NC Actuarial Club” Inaugural dinner 7/25/2014 at TIAA-CREF
Fall 2013:
- ASC at the Student Organization Showcase 8/21/2013 at the CHHS & CoEd Plaza
- Venture High Rise activity at UNCC Friday 2:00-5:00pm with the ASC
- ASC at the Student Union Takeover 8/24/2013 in the Students Union
- First ASC Meeting 8/27/2013 in the Math conference room Fretwell 379
- ASC and the Career Center holding a resume review session in Atkins Library 9/11/2013
- ASC in a recruitment/leadership event at Colonial Life in Columbia, SC on 9/13/2013
- ASC volunteering at Greater Charlotte Heart Walk on 9/21/2013 in Uptown Charlotte
- Lincoln Financial Group Information Session and Interships/Jobs Interviews 9/24/2013
- ASC meeting 9/25/2013, 5:00-6:00pm, in Fretwell 116
- SCOR Information Session for Actuarial and Math students 10/22/2013
- TIAA-CREF information session 10/23/2013 for the ASC in the Cone Center, UNCC
- DW Simpson Presentation 10/25/2013 for ASC
- ASC visiting the campus of TIAA-CREF Campus 11/1/2013
- ASC volunteering at the Light the Night Walk for Leukemia & Lymphoma diseases 11/2/2013
- Actuarial presentation by Mr. Dan Reppert FCAS, from Davidson on 11/5/2013
- Lincoln Financial Group job shadowing day in Greensboro 11/8/2013
- Towers Watson Information Session for Actuarial and Math classes 11/12/2013
- Actuarial talk by Dr. Sufang Cui-alumna, FSA and Vice President of the Corporate Risk Management Department at MetLife, on 11/26/2013.
- ASC End of Semester Fall Graduation Banquet 12/6/2013 in the Students Union
School Year 2012-2013:
- The Actuarial Science Club meeting Wed August 29th, at 4:00 in FRDY 144
- Resume builder workshop Wed September 19th, at 3:30 in FRDY 123
- Lincoln Financial Group Information Session Tue September 25th, 11:00-12:30 in CHHS 145
- Putt Putt trip Wed September 26th, at 6:00pm
- Venture Low Ropes Course at UNCC Friday October 19th, 9:00am-12:00pm
- Halloween Treats for needy kids Monday 22, 5:00pm in Fri 144
- SCOR Information Session Tue October 30th, 11:00-12:30 in CHHS 14
- Mallard Creek High school presentations by the ASC on Friday Nov 2nd
- LFG Job Shadow day Friday November 9th, 10:00-4:00 in LFG-Greensboro
- Towers Watson Information Session Tue, November 13, 11:00-12:30pm, in CHHS 145
- ASC Volunteering at “Calculus: the Musical!” held on campus on Friday, December 7 at 7:30 pm
- Second yearly Actuarial Alumni Luncheon in the Math Dept in the Cloyd Goodrum Lounge,Saturday, March 23, 2013, 11:00-1:00 pm
- ASC volunteering at the Julia Robinson Math Festival at UNCC on March 30th
- North Meck High school presentations by ASC on Wed May 1, 9:00 – 2:00pm
- Spring Semester Graduation Banquet on Thursday May 9, 7:00pm, in the Student Union Room 200.
School Year 2011-2012:
- Resume builder workshop Wed September 14, 2011, at 3:30 in FRDY 123, organized by ASC.
- Lincoln Financial Group Information Session Tue September 27, 2011, 11:00-12:30 in CHHS 281.
- Towers Watson Information Session Tue October 25, 2011, 11:00-12:30pm, in CHHS 281.
- LFG Job Shadow day Friday November 18, 2011, 10:00-4:00 in LFG-Greensboro
- Blue Cross Blue Shield Information Session Thur December 1, 2011, 11:00-12:30pm, in McKnight Hall in Cone Center.
- BCBS Job Shadow day on Friday February 24, 2012 in Durham, NC, organized by ASC.
- First Alumni Luncheon on Saturday, March 31, 2012 at 11:00am in the Math Department lounge.
- Venture Low Ropes Course at UNCC Sunday, April 15, 2012 from 1:00pm to 4:00pm
- Mallard Creek High School Actuarial Presentation Wed, May 30, 2012.
School Year 2010-2011:
- Resume builder workshop Wed September 14, 2011, at 3:30 in FRDY 123, organized by ASC.
- Lincoln Financial Group Information Session Thur September 23, 2010, 11:00-12:30 in McEniry 117.
- Transamerica Reinsurance Information Session Thur November 4, 2010, 11:00-12:30 in McEniry 117.
- Towers Watson Information Session Thur November 11, 2010, 11:00-12:30 in McEniry 117.
- Coca-Cola Consolidated Information Session Thur March 31, 2011, at 2:00pm in Macy 205.
School Year 2009-2010:
- Transamerica Reinsurance Information Session Tue October 20, 2009, 11:00-12:30 in CHHS 380.
- Lincoln Financial Group Information Session Tue November 10, 2009, 11:00-12:30 in CHHS 380.
- Towers Perrin Information Session Friday November 13, 2009, 12:30-1:45 in Friday 016.
School Year 2008-2009:
- Actuarial Science Club General meeting Mon September 29, 2008, at 5:00 in Fretwell 406
- Transamerica Reinsurance Information Session Tue November 25, 2008, 11:00-12:30 in Rowe 161.
- Lincoln Financial Group Information Session Tue December 2, 2008, 11:00-12:30 in CHHS 380.
School Year 2007-2008:
- Transamerica Reinsurance Information Session Tue September 11, 2007, 11:00-12:30 in Fretwell 128.
- Lincoln Financial Group Information Session Tue November 13, 2007, 11:00-12:30 in Fretwell 128.
- Aon-Charlotte Information Session Tue December 4, 2007, 11:00-12:15 in Fretwell 128.
ASC Presidents:
2008 – Lindey Loftin
2009 – Jeremy Dunbar
2010 – Kenneth Groom
2011 – Gregory Newberry
2012 – Clair Hilliard
2013 – Jeremy Feltman
2014 – Tommy Rollek
2015 – Seth Edwards
2016 – Irene Walker
2017 – Margaret Hill & Zaira Pabon
2018 – Diego Caceres & Riley Jones
2019 – Christina Carbonell
2020-2021 – Russell Mejia
2022 – John Cernava
2023 – Caroline Lloyd
2024 – Jaden Ramsey