Song Lab Research Interest
Ecological, Phytochemical, and Agricultural Genomics (EPAG): Research in the Song lab focuses on understanding molecular basis and evolution of complex trait variation significant in agriculture, human health, and climate adaptation. We use crop wild relatives as our study systems and integrate multiple disciplines such as omics, molecular genetics, biochemistry, and evolution.
Postdoctoral Position Available
Lab Technician Position Available
- North Carolina Biotechnology Center
- North Carolina Research Campus
- Charlotte Research Institute
- Monsanto Company
- North Carolina Soybean Producers Association
- University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Interdisciplinary Plant Science Consortium. 2023. Inclusive collaboration across plant physiology and genomics: Now is the time!. Plant Direct, 7( 5), e493. https://doi.org/10.1002/pld3.493
- Goettel W, Zhang H, Li Y, ZQiao Z, Jiang H, Hou D, Song Q, Pantalone VR, Song B-H, Yu D, An Y-Q. 2022. POWR1, a Key Domestication Gene Pleiotropically Regulating Seed Quality and Yield in Soybean. Nature Communication. 13, 3051. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-30314-7 (Selected for Editors’ Highlights by the editors at Nature Communications, shown at https://www.nature.com/ncomms/editorshighlights)
- Yates PS#, Roberson J, Ramsue, L and Song, B-H*. 2021: Bridging the gaps between plant and human health- A systematic review of Soyasaponins. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 69(48):14387-14401. doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.1c04819. PMID: 34843230 (#Graduate Student)
- Anderson J* and Song B-H*., Plant Climate Change Adaptation-where are we? Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 2020. 58: 533-545. doi:10.1111/jse.12649 (Selected as one of two outstanding papers of the year)
- Zhang H, Yasmin F#, Song B-H*. Neglected treasure in the wild – Legume wild relatives in food security and human health. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 2019. 49: 17-26 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pbi.2019.04.004. (#Graduate Student)
- Kofsky J#, Zhang H, Song B-H*. The untapped genetic reservoir: The past, current, and future applications of the wild soybean (Glycine soja). Frontiers in Plant Science. 2018. 9, 949. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2018.00949 (#Graduate Student)
- Zhang H, Kjemtrup-Lovelace S, Li C, Chen LP#, and Song B-H*. Comparative RNA-Seq Analysis Uncovers a Complex Regulatory Network for Soybean Cyst Nematode Resistance in Wild Soybean. Scientific reports. Aug 29;7(1):9699. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-09945-0. PubMed PMID: 28852059; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5575055. . (# REU Student)
- Leamy LJ, Zhang H, Li C, Chen CY, Song B-H*. A genome-wide association study of seed composition traits in wild soybean (Glycine soja). BMC Genomics. 2017 Jan 5;18(1):18. doi: 10.1186/s12864-016-3397-4. PubMed PMID: 28056769; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5217241.
- Zhang H, Mittal N#, Leamy JL, Barazani O, and Song B-H*. Back into the Wild – Apply untapped genetic diversity of wild relatives for crop improvement. 2016 Evolutionary Applications. 1752-4571. DOI: 10.1111/eva.12434 (# Graduate student).
- Zhang H, Li C, Davis EL, Wang J, Griffin JD. kofsky J#, and Song B-H*. Genome-Wide Association Analysis of Resistance to Soybean Cyst Nematode (Heterodera glycines) HG Type 2.5.7 in Wild Soybean (Glycine soja). 2016 Frontiers in Plant Science. 7: 1214.doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01214 (#Graduate Student)
- Leamy JL, Lee C-R, Song Q, Mujacic I#, Luo Y, Chen CY, Li C, Kjemtrup S, and Song B-H*. Environmental versus geographical effects on genomic variation in wild soybean (Glycine soja) across its native range in Northeast Asia. 2016. Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.2351. (# undergraduate student).
- Prasad, KVS& , Song B-H& , Olson-Manning C&, Anderson JT, LeeC-R, Schranz ME, Windsor AJ, Clauss MJ, Manzaneda AJ, Naqvi I, Reichelt M, Gershenzon J, Rupasinghe SG, Schuler V, Mitchell-Olds T, A novel gain-of-function polymorphism controlling complex traits and fitness in nature. Science (& Co-first Author). 2012, 337-1081-1084
- Gossmann TI, Song B-H, Windsor AJ, Mitchell-Olds T and Eyre-Walker, Genome wide analyses reveal little evidence for adaptive evolution in plants. Molecular Biology and Evolution 2010, 27: 1822-1832
- Song B-H, Windsor A, Ramos-Onsins S, Schmid KJ, Schranz ME, Heidel A, Mitchell-Olds T, Multilocus nucleotide diversity, population structure and linkage disequilibrium of a wild Arabidopsis relative − Boechera stricta. Genetics 2009, 181: 1021–1033
- Song B-H and Mitchell-Olds T, High genetic diversity and population differentiation in Boechera fecunda, a rare relative of Arabidopsis. Molecular Ecology 2007, 16: 4079-4088
- Schranz ME, Song B-H, Winsor AJ and Mitchell-Olds T, Comparative genomics in the Brassicaceae: the need for family- a family-wide perspective. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2007, 10: 168-175
- Song B-H, Clauss M, Pepper A, Mitchell-Olds T, Spatial patterns of microsatellite variation in Boechera stricta, a close relative of Arabidopsis. Molecular Ecology 2006, 15:357–369
- Song B-H, Wang X-Q, Wang X-R, Ding K-Y, Hong D-Y, Cytoplasmic composition of Pinus densata and population establishment of the diploid hybrid pine. Molecular Ecology 2003, 12: 2995-3001
- Song B-H, Wang X-Q, Wang X-R, Sun L-J, Hong D-Y, Peng P-H, Maternal Lineage of Pinus densata, a diploid hybrid. Molecular Ecology 2002, 11: 1057-1063