Specialty: Sociology of Work, Organizations, Economic Sociology, Public Policy, Work and Family
My research interests and activities centered around understanding the ways in which economic and workplace transformation alter society, workplace (and other) organizations and the behavior of individuals within those organizations. Speaking to the general issue of economic and workplace transformation, I have written about how employment insecurity affects commitment and other workplace outcomes. A related project tests hypotheses drawn from my work on the shifting social contract to analyze generational differences and similarities to in those workplace outcomes. Likewise, while considerable research has focused on issues of globalization as a master mechanism of the 21st century, a related shift is the transition from a 9-5/5 day-a-week, to a 24/7 economy. I also wrote about the micro consequences of these macro changes by investigating the changing temporal structures of organizations, time-pressures in the workplace and its impact on organizational and workplace commitment and work-family spillover among other things. My work has long focused on how industrial and workplace transformation affect stratification and inequality with a focus on intersections of gender, race, age and class.
2017. Izabela Szymanska and Beth A. Rubin “Gender and Relationship Differences in the Perceptions of Male and Female Leadership.” Gender and Management: An International Journal.
2017. Travis Jones, Michael Flaherty and Beth A. Rubin. “Crystal balls and calendars: a structural analysis of projected futures.” Time and Society. (First Published 6 Jul 2017).
2017. Beth A. Rubin, Sabrina Speights, Jianhua Ge, Tonya Frevert and Charles J. Brody. “The Gendered State: The effect of women’s political power on workers’ control.” In Gender (In)equality: Stalled Revolutions and Shifting Terrains in the 21st Century. Oakland CA: University of California Press.
2017. Speights, Sabrina, Grubbs, Samuel J. and Rubin, Beth A. “The relationship of jobs and time with children and self-evaluations of parents.” International Journal of Children, Family, and Youth, 8(1), 20-41.
2017. Beth A. Rubin, Sabrina Speights, Jianhua Ge, Tonya Frevert and Charles J. Brody. “The Gendered State: The effect of women’s political power on workers’ control.” In Gender (In)equality: Stalled Revolutions and Shifting Terrains in the 21st Century. Oakland CA: University of California Press.
2016. Davis, Daniel J., Rubin, Beth A. “Displacement in New Economy Labor Markets: Post-Displacement Wage Loss in High Tech versus Low Tech Cities.” Social Science Research 60: 29-44.
2015. Samuel J. Grubbs, Sabrina L. Speights and Beth A. Rubin. “Helping displaced workers: a case study of human capital and community factors.” Sociation Today 13(1). Available at: http://www.ncsociology.org/sociationtoday/v131/workers.html.
2014. Beth A. Rubin. “Employment insecurity and the frayed American Dream.” Sociological Compass 8/9:1083-1099.
2014. Charles J. Brody, Beth A. Rubin and David Maume. “”Gender structure and the effects of management citizenship behavior.” Social Forces Social Forces 92(4):1373-1404.
2014. David Maume, Beth A. Rubin and Charles. J. Brody. “Race, management citizenship behavior and employees’ commitment and well-being.” American Behavioral Scientist 58:309-330.
2013. Beth A. Rubin and Stephanie Moller. “Stratification and race in the service economy.” Pp. 37-58 in Carol Camp Yeakey, Vetta Sanders Thompson and Anjanette Wells (Eds.) Urban Ills: Post-Recession Complexities of Urban Living in Global Contexts. New York: Lexington Books.
2013. Yang Cao and Beth A. Rubin. “Market reform and the deinstitutionalization of the standard work day in post-Socialist China.” Industrial and Labor Relations Review 67:864-890.
2013 . Beth A. Rubin and Stephanie Moller. “Stratification and race in the service economy.” In Carol Camp Yeakey, Vetta Sanders Thompson and Anjanette Wells (Eds.) Urban Ills: Post-Recession Complexities of Urban Living in Global Contexts. New York: Lexington Books.
2012. Beth A. Rubin, “Shifting Social Contracts and the Sociological Imagination.” Social Forces.91:327-346.
2012. Brett Agypt, Beth A. Rubin and April Spivack. “Thinking outside the clocks: The effect of layered-task time on the creative climate of meetings.” Journal of Creative Behavior 46:77-98.
2012. Beth A. Rubin and April J. Spivack. “Thinking outside the office: The impact of virtual work on creative workers’ attitudes.” Pp: 59-77 in (Ed.) Shawn D. Long, M.P.A., Ph.D. 2012. Virtual Work and Human Interaction Research: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. PA: IGA-Global.
2012. Brett Agypt and Beth A. Rubin “Time in the new economy: considering the interaction of Individual and structural temporalities on job satisfaction.” Journal of Management Studies 49 (2): 403-428. Article first published online: 29 JUN 2011. Available at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-6486.2011.01021.x/pdf.
2012. Beth A. Rubin. “Work in a global economy.” Encyclopedia of Global Studies. 4 Pp. 1797-1802. Edited by Helmut Anheier and Mark Juergensmeyer. Thousand Oaks, CA.: SAGE.
2011. Rubin, B.A. and C.J. Brody. 2011. “Operationalizing Management Citizenship Behavior and Testing its Impact on Employee Commitment, Satisfaction and Mental Health.” Work and Occupations 38 (4):465- 499. Available on line at http://wox.sagepub.com/content/early/2011/06/21/0730888410397924
2011. Brody, Charles J. and Beth A. Rubin. “Generational Differences in the Effects of Insecurity, Restructured Workplace Temporalities and Technology on Organizational Loyalty.” Sociological Spectrum 31: 163-192.
2010. Rubin, Beth A. and Charles J. Brody. 2010. “Age Differences in the Consequences of Feeling Overworked.” Pp. 97-114 in J. B. Davis (ed.) Global Social Economy. London: Routledge.
2010. Scott Fitzgerald and Beth A. Rubin. Constructing risk: media coverage of nanotechnology.” Sociological Spectrum 30 (4):367-402.
2008. Stephanie Moller and Beth A. Rubin. “The contours of the stratification in a service economy.” Social Science Research, 38: 1039-1060.
2007. Beth A. Rubin, (Editor) Workplace Temporalities Research in the Sociology of Work Vol. 17: UK: Emerald.
2006. Denise Cobb and Beth A. Rubin “Contradictory interests, tangled power and disorganized organization.” Administration and Society 38(1): 79-112.
2005 Beth A. Rubin and Charles J. Brody, “Contradictions of commitment in the new economy: Insecurity, time and technology.” Social Science Research, 34:843-861.
2005. Sue Falter Mennino, Beth A. Rubin and April Brayfield. “Home-to job and job-to-home spillover: the impact of demanding jobs, company policies and workplace cultures.” The Sociological Quarterly. 46: 107-135.
2003. Lesley Williams-Reid and Beth A. Rubin, “Integrating economic dualism and labor market segmentation: the effects of race, gender, and employment status on work outcomes, 1972-1996. Sociological Quarterly 44:405-432.
2000. Bernice Pescosolido and Beth A. Rubin, “The web of group affiliations revisited: social life, postmodernism and sociology” Special Millennium Issue of the American Sociological Review, 65:52-76.
1998. James D. Wright, Beth A. Rubin and Joel A. Devine. Beside the Golden Door: Policy, Politics, and the Homeless. Aldine de Gruyter.
1997. Brian T. Smith and Beth A. Rubin. “From displacement to reemployment: job acquisition in the flexible economy.” Social Science Research 26 (3):292-308.
1996. Beth A. Rubin. Shifts in the Social Contract: Understanding Change in American Society. California: Pine Forge Press.
1995. Beth A. Rubin “Flexible accumulation, the decline of contract and social transformation.” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 14: 297-323.
1992 . Beth A. Rubin, James D. Wright and Joel A. Devine. “Unhousing the poor: the Reagan Legacy,” Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare 2(3):937-956.
1992. Beth A. Rubin. “Limits to institutionalization?: a sectoral analysis of strike settlement rates.” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 11: 177-202.
1991. James D. Wright and Beth A. Rubin. “Is homelessness a housing problem?” Housing Policy Debate 2(3): 321-340.
1991. Beth A. Rubin and Brian T. Smith, “Strike durations in the United States: selected comparisons from the public and private sectors.” The Sociological Quarterly 32 (5): 85-101.
1989. Michael Wallace, Larry Griffin and Beth Rubin, “The positional power of American labor, 1963-1977.” American Sociological Review, 54:197-214.
1988. Beth Rubin, “Inequality in the working class: the unanticipated consequences of union organization and strikes.” Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 41(4):553-566.
1988. Michael Wallace, Beth Rubin, and Brian T. Smith, “American labor law: its impact on working class militancy, 1901-1980.” Social Science History, 12(1): 1-29.
1986. Beth Rubin, “Class struggle American style: unions, strikes and wages.” American Sociological Review, 51:618-633.
1986. Larry Griffin, Michael Wallace and Beth Rubin, “Capitalist resistance to the organization of labor before the New Deal: why? how? success? American Sociological Review, 51:147-167.
1986. Beth A. Rubin, “Trade union organization, labor militancy and labor’s share of national income in the United States, 1949-1978.” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 5:223-242.
1983. Beth A. Rubin, Larry J. Griffin and Michael E. Wallace, “Provided only that their voice was strong: insurgency and organization of American labor from NRA to Taft Hartley.” Work and Occupations, 10(3):325-342.