- Ph.D., Spanish Applied Linguistics, Pennsylvania State University (1992) and Universitat de Barcelona (2006)
- M.A., Spanish Literature and Linguistics, Pennsylvania State University (1988)
- BA (Licenciatura) in Spanish Literature and Linguistics, Universidad de Málaga, Spain (1984)
Selected Publications
2024. Implicit Agent Se-Constructions: Modeling the Language Style in Scientific Abstracts. Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada /Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics 37 (2): 628-655. (Co-authored with Monica Rodriguez).
2023. Potentialities of Applied Translation for Language Learning in the Era of Artificial Intelligence. Applied Translation in Spanish Language Teaching (SLT), special issue of Hispania 106 (2): 171-194. (Co-authored with Javier Muñoz-Basols, Craig Naville, and Barbara Lafford).
2021. Impact Analysis of Ten Years of Blended Learning. Blended Learning: Research Perspectives, Volume 3, eds. Anthony G. Picciano, Charles D. Dziuban, Charles R. Graham, and Patsy D. Moskal, 131-143. Routledge. (Co-authored with Jaesoon An).
2019. Translation-Project Management: A Case Study of an Online Graduate Course. Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Review 18: 149-177. (Co-authored with Monica Rodriguez).
2018. Translation, Globalization, and Translocation: The Classroom and Beyond. Palgrave Macmillan. (Edited Book)
2018. Agency of Translation in Globalization and Translocation Dynamics. Translation, Globalization, and Translocation: The Classroom and Beyond, ed. Concepción B. Godev, 1-14. Palgrave Macmillan.
2018. Understanding Cross-Cultural Pragmatics Through Translation of Political Speeches and Audiovisual Material. Translation, Globalization, and Translocation: The Classroom and Beyond, ed. Concepción B. Godev, 117-136. Palgrave Macmillan. (Co-authored with Matt Sykes).
2017. Designing L2 Reading Lab Courseware at the Intermediate Level. Dimension: 72-98.
2017. Spanish <–>English Translation Studies: An Adaptable Model. Dimension: 136-152. (Co-authored with Michael Doyle and Anton Pujol).
2014. First-Year Hybrid Spanish Courses: How Instructors Manage Their Time. Hispania 97 (1): 21-31.
2014. Más allá de las palabras. Intermediate Spanish, 3rd. John Wiley & Sons. (Co-authored with Olga Gallego, and Mary Jane Kelley).
2011. Predicting Vocabulary Comprehension: A Case Study. Sintagma 23: 7-21.
Selected Conference Papers
2024. “Ideologías sobre la neutralidad de género: El caso del español estadounidense.” XI Congreso de la Asociación de Humanidades Hispánicas/ Association of Hispanic Humanities (AHH). June 25-28, 2024, Rovira i Virgili University, Tarragona (Spain).
2023. “Spanish Nominal Neo-morphemes: Representations of Language as Inclusive Space.” Southeastern Association of Cultural Studies (SEACS). February 17-18, 2023, Charlotte, NC. (Co-presented with Olga Padilla-Falto).
2022. “Mitigating Gender Bias in the Spanish Classroom.” American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. November 18-20, 2022, Boston, MA. (Co-presented with Olga Padilla-Falto).
2021. “Discipline-Specific Writing in a Spanish-English Translation Course.” Innovation in Language Learning International Conference. 14th Edition. November 11-12, 2021, Hybrid Conference / Florence (Italy).
2020. “Gender Diversity: Spanish Instructors as Language Planners.” South Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA), November 13-15, 2020, Virtual Conference. (Co-presented with Olga Padilla-Falto).
2020. “Reading for Academic Purposes in Intermediate Foreign Language.” 5th International Symposium on Language for Specific Purposes (ISLSP) and Centers for International Business Education and Research (CIBER), March 5-7, 2020, Charlotte, NC.
2020. “Inclusive Language and Language Change: The Case of Teaching Spanish in the USA.” The Southeastern Association of Cultural Studies (SEACS), February 7-8, 2020, Charlotte, NC. (Co-presented with Olga Padilla-Falto).
2018. “Talk Show Simulations around Social Justice Theme.” American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), November 2018, New Orleans, LA. (Co-presented with Maria Elizabeth Mahaffey).
2018. “Fifth-Semester Spanish Students’ Contribution to the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History.” American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP), July 2018, Salamanca (Spain). (Co-presented with Maria Elizabeth Mahaffey).
2018. “Unpacking Pragmatics for Graduate Student-Translators.” American Translation and Interpreting Studies Association. IX Conference. University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, March 2018, Milwaukee, WI.
2017. “Translation-Project Management: A Case Study of an Online Graduate Course.” Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference, UNC Wilmington, October 2017, Wilmington, NC. (Co-presented with Monica Rodriguez-Castro).
2016. “Se-Constructions: Modeling the Language Style in Scientific Abstracts.” Third International Conference on Research into the Didactics of Translation (didTRAD), July 2016, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain). (Co-presented with Monica Rodriguez-Castro).
2016. “Designing a L2 Reading Lab at the Intermediate Level.” Southern Conference on Language Teaching (SCOLT), February 2016, Charlotte, NC.