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Teresa Scheid
Specializations: Sociological Theory, Medical Sociology, Complex Organizations, Ideology and Health Care
Teresa Scheid earned her Ph.D. at North Carolina State University. Dr. Scheid’s Research examines the organization and delivery of health care services, with a particular focus on the work of mental health care providers. She is currently conducting research on the mental health consequences of HIV disease, and on the integration of mental health, substance abuse, and primary care for HIV positive individuals.
Recent Publications:
TL Scheid and TN Brown (editors) 2010. Handbook for the Sociology of Mental Health 2nd Edition. Cambridge.
TL Scheid (Editor) 2008. Mental Health: Major Themes in Health and Social Welfare. 4 Volume Series.
TL Scheid. 2008. “competing Institutional Demands: A Framework for Understanding Mental Health Policy.” Social Theory and Health 6:291-308.