Duan Chen
Associate Professor in Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
Affiliate Professor in School of Data Sciences,
University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, North Carolina, 28223
- Office: Fretwell 340M
- Tel: 704-687-0629
- Email: dchen10 AT uncc DOT edu
Professional Experiences
- Associate Professor, 2019-present, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
- Assistant Professor, 2013-2019, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
- Postdoctoral Fellow, 2011-2013, Mathematical Biosciences Institute
- Visiting Instructor, 2010-2011, Department of Mathematics, Michigan State University.
- Ph.D. in Applied Math, Michigan State University, 2010;
- M.S. Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, 2005;
- B.S. Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, 2002;
- NIH R01GM148971, 2022-2025
- NSF DMS 1619713, 2016-2019
- UNCC Junior Faculty early development Award, 2015-2016
- UNCC Faculty Research Grant, 2014-2015, 2015-2017
Research Interests
- Randomized numerical linear algebra, numerical analysis and its applications in machine learning algorithms;
- Numerical methods for solving Partial Differential Equations;
- Modeling and computation of problems in biology: molecular biosciences and cancers;
- Modeling and computation of electromagnetic field.