Professor of Japanese
Office: COED 423
Fumie Kato is Professor of Japanese in the Department of Languages and Culture Studies. She was named a Bonnie E. Cone Early-Career Professorship for Teaching in 2014. Student motivation, learning strategies and international and global studies are among her teaching and research interests. Kato built and is directing one of the largest undergraduate Japanese programs in North Carolina. She has created a thriving Japanese major from scratch, sent a record numbers of student abroad to Japan, involved her students with the greater Japanese community of Charlotte, secured an unprecedented number of grants for the Japanese program, and published her pedagogical successes in scholarly venues so that other instructors can benefit from her expertise.
Professional Appointments
- UNC Charlotte since 2002
- The University of Melbourne, 1999-2001
- The University of Sydney, 1989-1997
Research Interests
- Student motivation
- Learning strategies
- Second language acquisition
- Applied Linguistics
Teaching Areas
- Japanese language acquisition
- Japanese research
- Japanese culture
Selected Courses
- JAPN 1201-3202: Japanese language courses (Elementary to Advanced)
- JAPN 3400: Teaching Practicum
- JAPN 4050: Inter Collaborative Project: Double Immersion
- JAPN 4205: Advanced Oral Communications
- JAPN 4100: JLPT Prep for N1, N2 & N3
- JAPN 4410: Japanese Internship
- LACS 4690: Senior Seminar
- JAPN 4900: Introductory Research Project
- JAPN 4900L: Research Activities in Japan
Honors & Awards
- 2021, Recipient: Japan-America Society of North Carolina Community Service Award
- 2015, Recipient: Japanese Foreign Minister’s Commendations in Honor of the 70th Anniversary of the End of the War with the United States of America
- 2014, Finalists of 47th Annual Bank of America Award for Teaching Excellence
- 2014, Recipient: Bonnie E. Cone Early-Career Professorship in Teaching
- 2014, Recipient: Faculty International Education Award
- 2014, Nominated: CLAS Teaching Award
Educational Background
- Ph.D. 2001 The University of Sydney
- M.Ed. Honors. 1995 The University of Sydney
- M.Ed. 1992 The University of Sydney
Research Grants Awarded
- 2021, PI: Consulate-General of Japan in Atlanta for “JBusiness Forum” 2021 ($1,600).
- 2020, PI: The Japan Foundation: Japanese Language Education Project Grant for “Japanese For Professions” ($1,600).
- 2020, PI: AAS NEAC (Northeast Asia Council) Japan Studies Grant ($800).
- 2019, PI: The Japan Foundation: Japanese Language Education Project Grant ($3,400).
- 2019, PI: UNC Charlotte Reassignment of Duties.
- 2017, PI: Diversity Mini Grant by UNC Charlotte ($404).
- 2014, PI: KAKEHASHI Project by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan: Invitation of 23 students and two staffs to Japan for 10 days ($251,580).
- 2014, PI: The Japan Foundation Japanese-Language Education Grant ($3,000).
- 2014, PI: Diversity mini grant by UNC Charlotte ($700).
- 2013, PI: Diversity mini grant by UNC Charlotte ($850).
- 2013, PI: AAS (Association for Asian Studies) grant ($4,000).
- 2013, PI: Diversity mini grant by UNC Charlotte ($1,000).
- 2013, PI: The Japan Foundation Grant Program for Assisting Salary Grant ($25,000).
- 2009: UNC Charlotte Reassignment of Duties, Spring.
- 2008, PI: The Japan Foundation Grant Program for Japanese-Language Courses Abroad ($34,000).
- 2007, PI: AAS (Association for Asian Studies) grant ($1,000).
- 2007, PI: FLANC (Foreign Language Association in North Carolina) mini grant ($500) jointly to Dr. McCollough.
- 2007, PI: CID (Curriculum and Instructional Development) grant ($5,100) jointly to Dr. McCollough at UNC Charlotte.
- 2005, PI: Japanese-language teaching materials grant ($800) by the Japan Foundation.
Selected Professional Affiliations
- Southern Eastern Association of Teachers of Japanese: SEATJ
- Association for Asian Studies: AAS
- Association of Teachers of Japanese: ATJ
- American Association of Applied Linguistics: AAAL
- The Japanese Society for Language Sciences: JSLS
- Foreign Language Association in North Carolina: FLANC
- North Carolina Japanese Language Teachers Association: NCJLT
- Japanese Teachers Association in Charlotte: JTAC
- Japanese Association in Charlotte: JAC
Public Service
- 2014-2015, Chair, Southern Eastern Association of Teachers of Japanese: SEATJ
- 2002- Member, Japanese Teachers Association in Charlotte: JTAC
Selected Publications
- Kato, F. (2020). Strategies for Growing and Enhancing University-Level Japanese Program. London: Routledge
- Kato, F. (2010). 日本語教育への指針 学習者のやる気を伸ばす!Improving Student Motivation toward Japanese Learning. Tokyo: Gakujutsu Shuppannsha
Selected Journal Articles:
- Kato, F. Spring, R. and Mori, C. (September, 2020). Incorporating project-based language learning into distance learning: Creating a homepage during computer-mediated learning sessions. Language Teaching Research, 1-21. DOI: 10.117/1362168820954454
- Spring, R., Kato, F. and Mori, C. (2019). スカイプ・パートナーとのプロジェクト型外国語学習:初挑戦における有効性と問題点. 東北大学高度教養教育・学生支援機構紀要第 5号 ISSN 2189-5945.
- Spring R., Kato, F. and Mori, C (Spring, 2019). Factors associated with improvement in oral fluency when using Video-Synchronous Mediated Communication with native speakers. Foreign Language Annals 52(1), 87-100. DOI:10.1111/flan.12381
- Kato, F. (December, 2018). Innovations in Integrating Language Assistants: Inter-Collaborative Learning. Journal of Language Education. 4(4), 54-62. DOI: (ISSN: 2411-7390).
- Kato, F. (April 2018). Integrating a Debate Activity into an Intermediate Japanese Class: A Practice Report Through Learner’s Report. Postscript, 34 (1), 1-22.
加藤冨美江、スプリング、ライアン、森千加香(2017)「ホームページ作成を目標としたプ ロジェクト型外国語学習:会話力向上をめざしたスカイプ交流」『第二言語習得研究会』 (JASLA))64-65,予稿集 印刷.
- スプリング・ライアン、加藤冨美江、森千加香 (2016) 「東北大学・ノースカロライナ大学間 のスカイプ・パートナー・プログラム:英語コミュニケーション能力向上ツール としての効果に関する調査」高度教養教育・学生支援機構紀要, Vol.2, pp. 261-268 印刷. (ISSN 2189-5945).
- Kato, F., Spring, R. & Mori, C. (Summer 2016). Mutually Beneficial Foreign Language Learning: Creating Meaningful Interactions Through Video-Synchronous Computer-Mediated Communication. Foreign Language Annals, 49.2, pp. 355-366. DOI: 10.1111/flan.12195.
- スプリング・ライアン、加藤冨美江、森千加香 (2016) 「東北大学・ノースカロライナ大学間 のスカイプ・パートナー・プログラム:英語コミュニケーション能力向上ツールとしての効 果に関する調査」『高度教養教育・学生支援機構紀要』(2) 261-268. (ISSN 2189-5945)
- Kato, F. (Feb 2016). Enhancing integrative motivation: The Japanese-American Collaborative Learning Project. Cogent Education, 3 (1) DOI: 10.1080/2331186X.2016.1142361
- 加藤冨美江、スプリング、ライアン、森千加香(2015)「会話能力向上のためのスカイプ利用の有効性」第二言語習得研究会(JASLA)予稿集 印刷.
- Kato, F. (February 2011). UNC Charlotte as One of the Exchange Partners of Oita University. Bulletin for IPOU Symposium.
- Kato, F. (April 2009). Student Preferences: Goal-Setting and Self-Assessment Activities in a Tertiary Education Environment. Language Teaching Research, 13-2, 177-200.
- Kato, F. (July 2007). A comparative study of motivation: Foreign language learners of Spanish, French, German and Japanese in tertiary education. Studies in Language Sciences, 6. 97-112.
- Kato, F., Yasumoto, S and Van Aacken, S. (April 2007). A comparative study: motivation of learners of Japanese among four universities across two countries. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 4, 1, 41-57.
- Kato, F. (January/February 2002). Efficacy of intervention strategies in learning success rates. Foreign Language Annals, 35, 61-72.
- Kato, F. (November 1999). Classroom activity: Learning strategies report. On JALT98: Focus on the Classroom: Interpretations, 110 – 118
- Kato, F. and Harvey, J. (January 1997). Learning strategies of successful language learners in the use of CALL program through the analysis using audit trail. The Proceedings of the First International Conference on Multimedia Language Education. 59 – 69
- Kato, F. (December 1995). Japanese learning within a computer-rich environment. Learning with Technology, 281-287
Invited Presentations
- Kato, F. (May 2019) JASNC (Japan-America Society of North Carolina): Annual Conference held in Raleigh, NC. Invited as one of four presenters. (Title: Japanese Program at UNC Charlotte).
- Kato, F. (February 2011). IPOU 10th Anniversary Symposium March 5 and 6 in 2010 in Oita, Japan (Title: UNC Charlotte as one of the exchange partners of Oita University) Bulletin for IPOU Symposium.
Recent Presentations
- 36th SEATJ (Southeastern Association of Teachers of Japanese): February 27, 2021 at the North Carolina State University (Title: Strategies of Growing and Enhancing University-Level Japanese Program).
- 35th SEATJ (Southeastern Association of Teachers of Japanese): February 22, 2020 at the University of Tennessee (Title: Double Immersion in the Higher Education).
- 34th SEATJ (Southeastern Association of Teachers of Japanese): March 2, 2019 at Wake Forest University. (Title: Advocacy of Japanese language education in 21st century: Collaboration with Japan-America Society of North Carolina [JASNC]).
- 33rd SEATJ (Southeastern Association of Teachers of Japanese): Feb. 10, 2018 at the University of South Florida. (Title: Language Assistant introduced into Japanese Language Class-Japanese Study Abroad Students & Returnees from Study Abroad in Japan).
- JASLA (Japanese Association of Second Language Acquisition): Dec.15 & 16, 2017 in Tokyo, Japan. (Title: Project-Based Foreign Language Learning with a Purpose of Creating a Homepage: Skype Exchange of Enhancing Oral Communication Abilities).
- PAC (The Philological Association of the Carolinas): April 7 & 8, 2017 at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (Title: Enhancing JFL Leaners’ Oral Communication Through Debate in Classroom Context).
- AAAL (American Association for Applied Linguistics): April 9-12, 2016 in Florida (Title: Skype as an Effective Tool for Increasing Oral and Aural Ability: An Investigation of Learners of Japanese and English).
- JASLA (Japanese Association of Second Language Acquisition): Dec. 19 & 20, 2015 in Tohoku, Japan. (Title: Effectiveness of the Skype Usage for Enhancing the Oral Abilities).
- FLANC (Foreign Language Association in North Carolina): October 23 & 24, 2015 in Durham (Title: Exploring the effectiveness of Skype to improve oral communication skills).
- 30th SEATJ (Southeastern Association of Teachers of Japanese) Annual Conference. March 7 & 8, 2015 at UNC Chapel Hill Campus (Title: Pilot Study: Investigation of the Effectiveness of Skype for Enhancing the Oral Abilities of Japanese and English Learners).
- FLANC (Foreign Language Association in North Carolina) October 3 & 4, 2014 in Winston-Salem (Title: “K-16 ‘Fureai Nihongo’ Vertical Articulation through Collaborative Presentation”).
- SEATJ (Southeastern Association of Teachers of Japanese) Annual Conference: Chair: February 22 & 23, 2014 at UNC Charlotte Center City Campus (Title: “Keeping Japanese alive: prospects and possibilities for strengthening Japanese programs in the southeastern United States”).
- FLANC (Foreign Language Association in North Carolina) October 11, 2013 in Winston- Salem (Title: “New Experiences with the Improved Sophia University and UNC Charlotte “Pen-Pal Project””).
- SEATJ (Southeastern Association of Teachers of Japanese) March 9 and 10 2013 at Charleston University (Title: Integrating Peer-tutor strategy into Japanese language courses at UNC Charlotte).
- FLANC (Foreign Language Association in North Carolina) October 13, 2012 in Winston- Salem (Title: “Investigation of the Effectiveness of Pen-Pal Project conducted by UNC Charlotte and Sophia University” ).
- AMPRA/ICUP Conference, October 19-21, 2012 in Charlotte (Title: “Teachability of Pragmatic Aspects of Japanese, Russian and Spanish”).
- SEATJ Feb 24-26 in 2012 in Clemson, SC (Title: Senior Seminar as a Capstone Course for Japanese BA Degree at UNC Charlotte).
- FLANC October 15-16 in 2011 in Winston-Salem, NC (Title: Correlation between Attendance and Final Grades in the Japanese Studies Classroom).
- SEATJ March 19-20 in 2011 in Raleigh, NC (Title: Intervention Study Improving Student Motivation).
- SEATJ May 8-9 in 2010 in Durham, NC (Title: Evaluating the effectiveness of tracking in third year Japanese language courses).
- FLANC September 24-26 in 2009 in Raleigh, NC (Title: Investigation of the effectiveness of the activities in a Japanese language class improving four skills).
- JALTCALL May 31 to June 1 in 2008 at Nagoya University of Commerce & Business in Nagoya, Japan (Title: Web-enhanced interactive multimedia Japanese program).
- UNC-TLT March 12-14 in 2008 in Raleigh, NC (Title: Mixing it up for increased student success: Blended learning in Japanese courses).
- SEATJ February 29 to March 2 in 2008 at University of Alabama, Alabama (Title: Introduction of tutor blog as a Japanese notice board and class blog in the culture class).
- FLANC October 4-6 in 2007 in Winston-Salem, NC (Title: Introducing various usages of class blog in the Japanese language and culture classes).
- JALTCALL June 1-3 in 2007 at Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan (Title: A class blog as a tool for Enhancing Japanese literacy skills in beginning university JFL students).
- UNC-TLT March 21-24 in 2007 in Raleigh (title: Interactive multimedia in elementary language classes).