I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography and Earth Sciences and a faculty in the Public Policy Ph.D. program at UNC Charlotte. My research interests are focused on housing and transportation. In particular I am interested in the effects of public and private investments on household location behavior and how these micro-level behaviors shape intra-urban sorting patterns.
Some of my recent research projects include explorations into the interconnected role that neighborhood amenities, residential preferences, mortgage lending practices, and real estate advertisements play in neighborhood change processes over the past couple of decades. Past projects include an investigation into the effects of rail transit investments on residential mobility and neighborhood change. Results from this multi-year study can be found on the project website.
Click here for CV.
Ph.D. (2015) Spatially Integrated Social Science (Geography/Economics), University of Toledo
M.A. (2011) Economics, University of Toledo
M.Sc. (2009) Economics, Luleå University of Technology (Sweden)
Regional Economic Development
Applied Regional Analysis
Retail Location
Transportation Analysis Methods
Applied Research in Geography
Spatial Statistics
Environmental Policy Analysis
Spatial Modeling for Social and Economic Applications
Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems
PhD Professional Development Seminar in Geography
(* indicates student co-author)
Nilsson, I., E. C. Delmelle, and M.-P. James. When the Train Never Comes: Property Value Impacts from the Announcement and Cancellation of a Light Rail Project. The Professional Geographer, forthcoming.
Nilsson, I. and E. C. Delmelle. How the Marketing of Properties Explains Mortgage Applicants by Race and Income. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, forthcoming.
Lee, Y.-J.* and I. Nilsson, 2025. An Examination of the Effect of External Factors on Zero-Emission Vehicle Adoption in the United States. Travel Behavior and Society, 38:100904.
Hammelman, C., N. Anderson, M. L. Carr, T. Farrow, C. Cox, R. Hall, C. Joy, R. Kilmer, I. Nilsson, E. Racine, D. Terrell, and B. White. Building Impactful Community-University Partnerships through a Shared Power Approach. Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship, forthcoming.